Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (2020)
- V
- Vysair
- ibf
- 14 Apr 2021
Guys, please be careful because this tablet display can get a burn-in temporarily. My advice is to use amoled theme and if the burn-in goes very slowly, don't use the screen for maybe 48 hours.
Also, the speaker is superb! Please turn on Dolby Atmos Movie for speaker, it made it like you are inside the same room as that sound, hard to describe and turn on Dolby Atmos music for earphone and it will made your music sound very good, you can feel the music and the 'air shake' .
- A
- Aadrian
- S3%
- 14 Apr 2021
[deleted post]I doubted between an iPad with Apple pencil and the Tab S6 lite last year when I got my tablet, but the price of the iPad including the stylus was higher than the S6 lite with stylus in box. I use the stylus often so I wanted to have it anyways, just like on my phone. Also the 4:3 ratio compared with the 5:3 on the S6 lite was a disadvantage since I mostly use my tablet for watching videos and series. But that was for me the reasons to get the Tab S6 lite over the iPad.
- A
- Aadrian
- S3%
- 14 Apr 2021
Anonymous, 10 Apr 2021Just got my s6 lite yesterday, ordered online. And I notice... moreIt should be smooth. My Tab S6 lite does have a hiccup now and then but not often. Have you checked your settings to optimize performance?
- A
- Aki
- uwX
- 12 Apr 2021
How to use Samsung Dex Wirelessly on this tab to cast on TV or Windows. Anybody knows? Please Explain...
- A
- Archan
- gmb
- 11 Apr 2021
Anonymous, 10 Apr 2021Just got my s6 lite yesterday, ordered online. And I notice... moreIt's not normal in typical devices, but since the chipset is weaker in this tab the performance gets a hit.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TK9
- 10 Apr 2021
Just got my s6 lite yesterday, ordered online. And I noticed the screen animations (switching to next page, scrolling on the browser, swiping down the notification bar, etc.) Is not smooth. Is this normal?
- B
- Binko
- 4$I
- 08 Apr 2021
I own an s6 Lite. I also own a base iPad of the latest generation. The two devices cost roughly the same.
The S6 Lite has incredibly weak graphics performance while the iPad happily powers through anything I want to play. This means I've stopped using the S6 Lite at all because I want to be able to switch between various apps and games at will and I can do it on the iPad but can't do it on the S6 Lite.
I've never much cared for Apple products and would prefer to say within the Samsung ecosystem. But in order to do so I would have to trade my poor performing S6 Lite in for an S7 which I can't afford to do right now.
- Y
- YXsurf
- srr
- 03 Apr 2021
Anonymous , 24 Mar 2021Received the ui 3 update yesterday on my tab 6 lite. Now ... moreHi. Usually, a factory reset followed by a full software update will resolve many software issues. Anyway, an updated application could have some new bugs etc, so all we have to do is either to remove the updates for that particular application, or to wait for the next update, patch etc
- A
- Afi
- IV@
- 29 Mar 2021
ANONYMOUS-, 22 Mar 2021Which country?? Malaysia. Soon after the updates, my tab recognized the otg drive as "usb storage added". It does not detect as "usb transfering device" as it used to. I notice this since I also own another samsung phone and the otg works different from my tab. Any idea why?
- A
- Aadrian
- S3%
- 27 Mar 2021
ANONYMOUS-, 26 Mar 2021Which country?The Netherlands, so I think it should be available across Europe now.
- A
- Trk
- 26 Mar 2021
Aadrian, 26 Mar 2021Now I also got the update to UI 3.1 with Android 11. It... moreWhich country?
- A
- Aadrian
- S3%
- 26 Mar 2021
Now I also got the update to UI 3.1 with Android 11. It's a big update of 1776MB in size. Hopefully it will be a stable update but we'll see.
- L
- Lol.ivan
- y$d
- 26 Mar 2021
Runowen , 24 Mar 2021I purchased the S6 Lite for work purposes. The goal was to ... more1. Well the button isn't really annoying tbh, i find the one in the apple pencil 2 to be WAY anoyying than that
2. Turn off adaptive brightness, it literally messes up brightness most of the time, and its anoyying
3. Use gestures instead, i use the ones that has 3 lines and functions the same as a press but you have to swipe with the on screen buttons
4. The buttons are small? I mean all tablets have small power buttons right?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Yb
- 25 Mar 2021
Aadrian, 15 Mar 2021No you're not alone, I am also stuck on the December s... moreYeah I'm also on december security patch, and no android 11 yet
- A
- Trk
- 24 Mar 2021
Anonymous , 24 Mar 2021Received the ui 3 update yesterday on my tab 6 lite. Now ... moreWhich country?
- R
- Runowen
- Qg{
- 24 Mar 2021
I purchased the S6 Lite for work purposes. The goal was to make electronic notes during meetings in OneNote or any other app. My experience is not good.
1) The SPen is a nightmare. Why would you place a button at the pen where the fingers hold the pen. This button erases the text when pressed during writing? Makes NO sense.
This button drives me nuts and I cannot turn off the erase function.
2) The tablet screen flickers sometimes. It looks like it has a stroke, it automatically scrolls left and right, the screen goes on and off or becomes brighter and then darker. Happen about once a week.
3) Some apps turn off the three onscreen buttons on the tablet, which means I am searching for a way to get back to the main screen. Often I have to do it with the side button, which brings me to the next point.
4) The side On/Off button is tiny and placed in a horribly bad spot. The button is too small and too difficult to find when I need to find it but also too easy to hit when I hold the tablet
- A
- Anonymous
- Ydn
- 24 Mar 2021
Received the ui 3 update yesterday on my tab 6 lite. Now I am unable to open some apps (Gmail, news feeds, weather, etc). They start to open then minimize in the background. Tried chat with Samsung tech support but not resolution/fix.
- ?
- Anonymous
- yAK
- 24 Mar 2021
MSR, 22 Mar 2021what about DEX experience
- M
- 25L
- 22 Mar 2021
what about DEX experience
- A
- Trk
- 22 Mar 2021
Afi, 22 Mar 2021I don't know if it just me, but after the update(Andro... moreWhich country??