Samsung I9100G Galaxy S II
- D
- AnonD-483523
- teq
- 04 Jan 2016
Used this for 2 years
Great phone, served me well
- M
- Meenu
- 2@x
- 22 Dec 2015
I am using Samsung Galaxy SII GT-I9100G from the last one year. The ph is pretty good. Camera is superb but my bluetooth is not working. can some suggest what to do.
- r
- rakesh
- 25 Nov 2015
guys my charging port is not working anyone help me where can i find suitable port
- 2
- 2kul
- mcu
- 20 Nov 2015
My samsung GT-19100G failed to on even after i have changed the battery
- e
- eazy
- 7FD
- 16 Nov 2015
Lisseth , 03 Oct 2015I have a Samsung Galaxy SII SA -191 I can not download any ... moreI had the same problem so i just rooted my phone and then i upgraded to the lollipop and now i have everything that i want.. hope this helps
- R
- Ranjuna
- ter
- 10 Oct 2015
Lisseth , 03 Oct 2015I have a Samsung Galaxy SII SA -191 I can not download any ... morehow can it be
- R
- Ranjuna
- ter
- 10 Oct 2015
Lisseth , 03 Oct 2015I have a Samsung Galaxy SII SA -191 I can not download any ... morehow can it be
- L
- Lisseth
- LKj
- 03 Oct 2015
I have a Samsung Galaxy SII SA -191 I can not download any application from google play because it says that my phone compatible noes someone can help me please .
- D
- AnonD-439311
- nmM
- 10 Sep 2015
Which camera not work?
This phone is very simple to fix.
Here it manual how to disablement and assemble
Here is Front camera unit
Here is back
- k
- kabir
- vTQ
- 31 Aug 2015
AnonD-409228, 24 Jun 2015Using this phone since 3 years. I am a happy user, except t... morefarme change this phone
- j
- jorgeborn
- gu6
- 27 Aug 2015
AnonD-98430, 01 Feb 2015Using this phone since 2011.its amazing!!!currently on 5.0.... moreI have I9100 and I can't find CM12 ROM for this device.. If you're using it please please share the link to me.
- s
- sungsam 2
- x%D
- 17 Aug 2015
Bought this Galaxy S II second hand. The camera is not working. Don't know how old mobile is. Much of it is pretty still working. Would love to get the camera working again. Any advice??
- ?
- Anonymous
- tue
- 04 Aug 2015
Amazing. This phone really does look like Galaxy Grand Prime like they said.
- f
- forgotten angel...
- vTQ
- 12 Jul 2015
This phone had all da tricks...well pretty much...but idk y devs of cyanogen forum delays da launch of cm12.1 official build 4 this device...while i9100 got cm12.1 update already...hmm well if any1 got any info of cm12.1 release date 4 this device replay plz...tired checking out all unofficial builds...n cyanogen devs plz try to make da build stable...not so much disappointed n buggy like last snapshot build...thank u devs..
- f
- forgotten angel...
- vTQ
- 12 Jul 2015
kc, 06 Apr 2015Try mokee open source/ Omni unofficial 5.1 roms.Ya tried it...never been so much disappointed...well mk44 seems pretty much stable...running it now...also it got lotta features...pplz looking 4 stable build should try it..
- f
- forgotten angel...
- vTQ
- 12 Jul 2015
Rayhan Ahmed, 27 Sep 2014i can't reading bangla language in my phone. so i want to k... moreDid u tried to flash ur phone with indian firmware??...pretty sure it'll work...
- D
- AnonD-409228
- MS3
- 24 Jun 2015
Using this phone since 3 years. I am a happy user, except the power button. I had to disassemble my phone 2 times to fix the button, first to pour some alcohol, then after 3 months when the defect repeated spray wd-40. Now it works fine.
I carry the phone in my trousers' pocket, and Istanbul is a very humid metropole, annual average is 75% relative humidity. I had a similar button issue with my previous Samsung (Wave), the shutter button stopped working after a year, even worse stock camera application didn't allow shooting photos by tapping the screen :(
So my next choice will be an IPxx certified Samsung phone to keep dust and humid away from it, the two main factors that kill those mini switches.
There comes the problem for me. My next phone can't be a Samsung anymore, because IPxx certified Samsung's don't have FM radio. Though the new Galaxy A series have FM radio, but they are not IP dust-water certified and their battery is not removable.
After 3 years I just replaced my phone's battery last week and continue using it. During the next 12 months I shall either wait for an IPxx certified Galaxy with FM radio and removable battery, or go for a Sony Zx series .
So this is how Samsung start to loose their market share to Sony.
- s
- shezi
- 27 May 2015
pelase advise samsung i9100G S 11 price.
- j
- jamil
- 6Qs
- 25 May 2015
3G and 4G avelebal
- G
- Gramos
- T4x
- 20 May 2015
N8Fury, 27 Mar 2015from where did you get the CM12 rom?
I'm searching everywh... more