Samsung I9100G Galaxy S II
- D
- Dev
- Tbj
- 30 Apr 2012
savo, 25 Apr 2012I was thinking the same thing until I got a non G version i... moreSame case is with me also.....i bought it 1 week ago.Luckily i got the non g version.I thought dis model is completely out of stock.
- D
- Dev
- Tbj
- 30 Apr 2012
maddy, 27 Apr 2012anyone know which phone is best GT-9100 or GT-9100G?GT-9100......definitely
- D
- Dev
- Tbj
- 30 Apr 2012
Hi everyone,
Luckily i bought a new galaxy S II i9100 model. I thought this model is completely out of stock in india. I thank Samsung for continued production of this model. My device's manufacturing date is march 2012.Its working awesome.So please search various shops may be u will find this model.Dont loose hope.I also thought that i have to buy the G version but no, i got the perfect one n m enjoyin it.
- f
- fizi
- teC
- 30 Apr 2012
AnonD-51077, 19 Apr 2012Dear All, Please tell me a website which we can download... morejuz download from google store or best app
- a
- amiS2
- tu6
- 30 Apr 2012
my phone turn to overheating when i charge the battery...anyone got the same problem?
- h
- humtum
- g8q
- 29 Apr 2012
voice not working computer not saying my anser help
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibc
- 29 Apr 2012
AnonD-50824, 29 Apr 2012ICS for i9100g has been released.. has anyone who has alrea... moreics already released?
- D
- AnonD-50824
- K1E
- 29 Apr 2012
ICS for i9100g has been released.. has anyone who has already updated their phone?
- s
- savo
- v$C
- 29 Apr 2012
maddy, 27 Apr 2012anyone know which phone is best GT-9100 or GT-9100G?do NOT buy i9100G or you will regret for the rest of your natural born life. it is plagued by a lot of problems. i9100 maybe difficult for you to find if you are in India, Singapore, Malaysia but i suggest you try and find the NON G version only
- d
- dean jones
- Hkq
- 29 Apr 2012
salman, 20 Apr 2012Hey....GT -I9100 iz 1st launched...after 2-4 months samsung... moreSorry to disppont you but the non G model is far better than the G model because
Advantages of non G model
CPU speeds can go up to 1.2ghz(go only upto 1008mhz in 9100G)
Large variety of ROMS and updates available.
Better GPU than 9100G
Advantages of G model
Overheating issue occuring in 9100 solved
So please decide for yoursrlf!!
- S
- SaDy
- 3Qx
- 29 Apr 2012
hi all
can anyone tell me that which one is good? s2 or s2g
coz i heard that s2 while playing games or answering to a call it gets extremely hot. but in s2g it doesn't get hot but some games or programs r not working properly or the format is not supported kind of that error.
can anyone help me with this.
- D
- Dhanraj
- 9G$
- 29 Apr 2012
gen2, 27 Apr 2012Thanks for the info so realible buT im facing a hang proble... moreHang while listning to music or using normally??
i never faced hang problem while using normal functions...ya sometime the phn lags while playing heavy games but never hangs..
the only prblm m facing nw is my phone restarts autmatically once or twice daily...if its solved then this phone is almost perfect...
- C
- Chew
- veK
- 29 Apr 2012
ICS update for i9100g will be available on Mid May. Confirmed by Samsung customer service.
- e
- explorer
- PS6
- 27 Apr 2012
arpitnan, 26 Apr 2012Install ZdBox from Google Market and Enable Battery saver ... moreoh really? thanx for the advice..
- m
- maddy
- vGA
- 27 Apr 2012
anyone know which phone is best GT-9100 or GT-9100G?
- g
- gen2
- ib6
- 27 Apr 2012
Dhanraj, 18 Apr 2012hey guys... if u r facing music player hang problem then d... moreThanks for the info so realible buT im facing a hang problem how to get rid of this
- r
- rcade2005
- U{L
- 26 Apr 2012
Ppl there is an ics leak from china for our model(i9100g). So don worry guys, the official update ll b released soon.
Link for ics:
(source: xda forum)
- e
- explorer
- PS6
- 26 Apr 2012
Anonymous, 26 Apr 2012Hi ALL, Not sure when it is getting ICS but there is an ... morethanx for the answer.. :)
- a
- arpitnan
- 7w5
- 26 Apr 2012
explorer, 23 Apr 2012Hey guys. I just bought this model which is galaxy s 2 g ve... moreInstall ZdBox from Google Market
and Enable Battery saver mode in that...
It makes a good Difference...
- ?
- Anonymous
- yWm
- 26 Apr 2012
explorer, 25 Apr 2012Hey guys, does anyone knows when ICS update gonna be availa... moreHi ALL,
Not sure when it is getting ICS but there is an article saying that probably in a week or two we can expect the ICS upgrade for G and non G version in india.....:)