Samsung L310
- i
- its
- DWj
- 28 Sep 2008
closed or opened it doesn't matter its beautiful both ways. good looking phone, even with all the floral and female oriented ornaments it still would like it. black and gold always looks great! i also really like that it is angular. nice job designers!
- T
- TT
- E0n
- 17 Sep 2008
Please, can anyone tell me if this phone has the feature to block all calls and sms? Some samsung have this great feature, I wonder if this model can also do this?
- D
- Dreonz25
- TfX
- 25 Aug 2008
this phone looks like it came from a fairy tale story..
- L
- mQt
- 23 Aug 2008
Anyone to have problems with the display? Bought two months ago and now when working after closing it the LCD goes white. And this repeats randomly. When the screen is blank you can make calls but don't see nothing. Sometimes even the restart does not help. Will a firmware update help? And how can I make that update?
- ?
- Anonymous
- nEC
- 10 Aug 2008
Does anyone know what version of the Opera browser this phone takes?
- ?
- Anonymous
- nFN
- 08 Aug 2008
Dpoes anyone know what version of the Opera browser this phone takes?
- ?
- Anonymous
- nF6
- 03 Aug 2008
This looks like a great little phone to take the place of my SGH e530 but 176x220 screen? Come on Samsung 320x240 please!
- b
- bubalanak
- 0nn
- 22 Jul 2008
Even thought i am fan of samsung girl's models i wonther wether to buy this one or another with better features for the same money? I already use E 530 and the diferncies are not much !Why is it only with 2 megapixel camera when this company has already produced mobiles with 5 megapixel ones and xenon flash?
And yet i am 90 persent sure that i will buy it in a few days.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuD
- 20 Jun 2008
lamour is a nokia phonw that i am about to get there are three types 7373 7390 7360
all of them very stylish 7390 is best
- m
- mery
- G2I
- 10 Jun 2008
yes, this very well
phone. samsung. is copani
what pone, have slot memory espandible
- c
- cath
- n%n
- 29 May 2008
by the way?? what is nokia l'amour?? can anyone give a type of nokia?? now i'm curious!!
- c
- cath
- n%n
- 29 May 2008
in holland, you can already get it with a vodafone subscription... why does it say that it's nog out already?? it is a nice phone!!
- l
- lela
- DWj
- 21 May 2008
i absolutely agree: we (girls) don't need that shopping list and some other absolutely useless features , and even more we don't need to take a picture of product that we are going to buy.. we are not so dumb, we know how tee looks!!
uh.. i think it could be a little smaller, and although that shiny black corpus is very attractive - its also very unpractical (finger prints)
another bad thing- it doesn't show missed calls when closed, but at least it shows messages.
so summary:
nice design, but too much drawbacks, but overall i would like to have this phone
- b
- boogja
- RbH
- 15 May 2008
i like this phone
i whant to put a memory card in it
but how mutch can it take??? 2gb 4 gb ?????
- :
- :D
- 09 May 2008
the phone looks great but i think the screen is too small , and i feel like buying this phone but why so many ppl say that the feature is bad ? it got camera , video , bluetooth and it looks great . when will this phone come out ? feel like buying it so much !
- s
- shelb
- YeE
- 19 Apr 2008
i want this phone! its very stylish and sexy, ah i wonder when it will come out
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0uR
- 11 Apr 2008
omg i like this phonezz it's sexy lol and it look good
- k
- kate
- miE
- 27 Mar 2008
looks like one of the nokia model,boooooooo :(
- K
- K850 0wner
- pJ2
- 18 Mar 2008
I read about this phone in What Mobile, and I think it's very sexist. Yes, we (girls) like fashion phones, and we do love pink phones and other things like that. But we do not need a Calorie Counter, a Perfume Chooser OR a Shopping List. I think these phones are completely sexist, and I also feel it's bad, as they shoule dive them some good features.
Because of this Sexism, I am now angry at Samsung, even though I have always liked there phones. I will now stick to Sony Erricson Phones (They are the best !)
- T
- TyTN
- M3W
- 19 Feb 2008
My wife's opinion:
'Looks like a coffin, it's awful'
Well, I guess she loves her F210 too much... LOL