Samsung P300
- T
- TheOneDazz
- MF{
- 06 Jan 2006
@ Spotter, y ask a q like dat? a can say dat i iz nt, r u?
- s
- steven
- PVg
- 06 Jan 2006
Slim and light....
- l
- lj
- DE{
- 05 Jan 2006
Hmm...does anyone else think there could be a possibility of nanoitis with this phone? (i.e. it breaking at every opportunity like the Apple Nano does?)
- n
- natiq ali
- 05 Jan 2006
this seems more like a calculator in design with display of a GPS. bad design indeed, hope it performs good.
- T
- TheOneDazz
- MF{
- 04 Jan 2006
oh btw i agree pity it aint 3g but like a said lets c wot da future holds
- T
- TheOneDazz
- MF{
- 04 Jan 2006
@ Liz a wun say dis fone ad evry tin, a get ur point dat samsung r tryin sum tin diferent top marks 4 tryin but it does luk like an old skool calculater especialy coz ov da colour lay out (grey an black) plus it is on da bloky side howevr it is a positive step in d rite direction wil b interestin 2 c how far samsung wil take dis ultra slim fone range
- L
- Liz
- mFK
- 04 Jan 2006
Hey, I agree with the last person that posted! It looks like a calculator (not that much...) but its the slimest phone I ever saw! I also went to the website posted by the last poster and hell, it seams to be quite a good phone! I think I can even but it in my wallet as a credit card! I would buy this phone, but I need a 3G phone now... :( pitty it isn't a 3G!
wow, I got to admit that this phone looks like a calculator, but hell that!! Its small!!! wow!!! The phone is as small as a credit card guys and very slim! And it has everything!!
Hey, the phone is great!!!!
Check out more at:
- j
- justwondering
- P@1
- 01 Jan 2006
yes I agree with Jani,
Motorola have not designed the slimmest bar type phone with megapixel cam and a lot features.
Sonyericsson is stuck up with bar type and odd clam shell phone which are big and heavy.
Nokia is the most odd of them all, always designing the biggest and the heaviest phone, from 3G, 2.5G and 2G phones. Posting long list of features which might include the frost free features of the double door refrigerator and the cable ready features of the conventional television. For sure we might see an AM/SW radio as time goes by.
- J
- Jani
- mhW
- 31 Dec 2005
In the recent years Samsung has always been the first major manufacturer to catch up with ideas, that has (and will) make it seem almost as a future teller.
With this phone they're going to make it again, what ever you all say now... And it is also a very good thing fore the company to launch something so different from the other phones as this - yes, it's "retro", and there will be millions of us, "individualistic" people who want to feel like walking their own way, and say no to the masses with their "trendy" phones. (a certain and very seeming irony in this)
And as phones like this will set the norm, then it shall be that another kind of model shall appear to satisfy our desire "to walk our own way" and so on and on and on...
Yes, I'm one of the sheep seeing the irony, yet acting as I do. I shall buy this phone as soon as it comes out. It's superb.
- m
- matand
- mHp
- 31 Dec 2005
i thought samsung makes fones not CALCULATORS
- z
- zaza ivoirian
- N7B
- 27 Dec 2005
maaan this foni is awwwwful ! it looks like a texas instrument ! what a shame samsung is going down
- g
- george
- Tm%
- 26 Dec 2005
bye bye RAZR!!! great work!!!
- N
- N
- N7D
- 26 Dec 2005
this fone is very ugly, get it out of the samsung page and display it together with the other plastic calculators sold in the streets.....
- M
- MaLaKuLmAuT
- mpc
- 24 Dec 2005
Oh you guys, samsung makes a phone small as a pocket calculator and you complain, people are never happy these days... tut tut tut!
- H
- HoNeY
- PI2
- 24 Dec 2005
It's a best and he uniquest phone i have ever seen. HoNeY
- m
- manuel
- Pcy
- 21 Dec 2005
thats a phone or a calculator? oou come on this the ugliest phone can i see
- D
- Dmitry
- MV2
- 21 Dec 2005
I like it!
- h
- haxor
- 19 Dec 2005
Even my sharp scienctific calculator looks fancier than this phone ;)
- D
- DO Ha
- U2u
- 19 Dec 2005
Anyone know the price? I guess US200$.
- r
- r_1882
- mrE
- 18 Dec 2005
For godsake, this one looks like a calculator. What's up with that? Samsung makes pretty phones but this one is a giant step back.