Samsung P300
- A
- AmA
- 28q
- 06 Dec 2005
It Looks like calculator...zzz
- D
- Dony
- 05 Dec 2005
is this the slimest phone in the world? is it will be expensive? i love a slim phone like this but i don't like its shape such a calculator. if i use this phone, people will think that i'm using a calculator. but above all, i really love this phone.
- M
- Marty_McSly
- S9a
- 04 Dec 2005
This phone looks incredible. I for one will definately get one. I think the retro styling is fantastic and literally the only downside to the phone is the non-expandable memory. Everything else about it screams sophistication, functionality and elegance. You people have no class. Run on home to mommy and ask for some cheap nokia rubbish! Peh!
- M
- Manz
- nEV
- 03 Dec 2005
Samsung? What da hell happened 2 u guyz??!
- J
- Jay Z
- mKw
- 03 Dec 2005
WOW, i think samsung will conquer the markets now. Absolutely very elegant phone,
I have always liked calculators.. not :P
- R
- Rob
- nE$
- 02 Dec 2005
Looks like a calculator!
- l
- lj
- DE{
- 02 Dec 2005
I love the retro look of this phone as well...if they get it out soon enough, I'll totally be getting this instead of Moto's L7... only question to Samsung: When exactly?
It's December already...they've got 29 days now...
- P
- Paniikki
- mh%
- 02 Dec 2005
That's my phone!!
- d
- dave
- mCS
- 02 Dec 2005
RETRO is the way to go. This phone looks fantastic and, by the looks of it, will not bulge out your suit jacket.
Well done Samsung
- C
- 02 Dec 2005
the ugliest phone in the world!!!!!
how dare they!!!! samsung has got alot of nerves to ever make this m****f******g phone!!!!
- A
- Angela
- 2If
- 01 Dec 2005
actually i think it's just the pic that is really tainting its image.. jus like to bring up an earlier comment made by "david"...
look at this site:
it aint so bad after all... however.. i still wudn't get it XD.. mainly cuz of the $$
- I
- Iscariot
- 01 Dec 2005
This phone simply look like a calculator
- b
- boogie
- Mbt
- 01 Dec 2005
this phone is just ugly...not so samsung-like. and the features is like so retro...back to the old days???it's pure mistake. good thing they have lined up other models worth looking forward to though.
- A
- Andreas Vassiliades
- 01 Dec 2005
does it have an unlimited video recorder with sound ?
is it a 3gp video format ?
i hope they will make it with a memory card slot .
- h
- hedgeboy
- Skr
- 30 Nov 2005
retro design will be big in mobiles in the future and this phone will be the on to set a trend
- B
- Brad
- UL{
- 25 Nov 2005
THe phone isn't even out yet, if anyone doesn't like the phone please enlighten the rest of us as to why., objectively. I think it looks like a card, not a calculator..i can tell some of you haven't been in school for a while
- f
- fddtf
- 4vL
- 25 Nov 2005
pure is good but this???trash.just buy a calculator.
- p
- pd0ddsy
- Skr
- 24 Nov 2005
this is the worst phone i have ever seen,i work for o2 selling phones and i would never try and give this to a customer.anyone would be mad to buy this unless you want an expensive calculator of course
- s
- stevie d
- Skr
- 24 Nov 2005
what do you all meen.the fone is pure ugly.why not just buy a calculator for a pound
- B
- Brad
- PZ6
- 24 Nov 2005
Pro 1) Samsung
Pro 2) small size & light weight
Pro 3) has a Carrying Case
Con 1) Too many surpurflous wizbangs
crammed into a phone make for an
overall "par" unit.
Overall I'm impressed. Between this phone and the VK2000 I'd pick this phone. If I wanted an extremely tough phone impervious to physical damage, I'd buy the Nokia 8800.