Samsung S3500
- s
- sami
- wdJ
- 05 Sep 2009
plz tell me what is the Inbox message storage capacity of S3500. Can i transfer messages from inbox to memory card?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PGk
- 05 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 05 Sep 2009dear krp
-first of all bro its NOT symbol of speaker...its... moreSir,
Thankx for your reply...
When you try to map the Softkey menu,the list of of menu's gets listed in the top level menus in that category Like Messages ,But what I was looking for is on the signle key press directly landing on the "Inbox".
Currently what happens is The "Messages" gets popped up ,then I have to scroll down to the second one to see the messages.
More than key press ,the keys's like Left arrow,down arrow and the middle button sequence to be followed and while driving it becomes bit tedious.Yes,You can't have every good things together !!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG6
- 05 Sep 2009
BMP, 05 Sep 2009Hi All,
Can you pl answer the following queries.
1.why do... moredear krp
-first of all bro its NOT symbol of speaker...its ur profile indicator which tells u bout ur profile(normal, silent, outdoor, meeting etc)
there are diffrent signs for diffrent profile.
-bro jus press a button... u can see the clock on the screen...u dont have to unlock ur phone to see it.....yeah but u hav to press a key
-YES offcourse bro...its a full customisable phone yaar u can assign anything u want.
follow this:
MENU - settings - phone settings - shortcuts
here u can customise shortcuts according to ur need.
u can do one thing also...
press left soft key(custom) u can customise the whole MENU according to ur taste u can put inbox or watever u want...u can create ur own menu.
hope it help....
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG6
- 05 Sep 2009
rocky, 05 Sep 2009Hi... i wanna buy this phone. do i hav any better phone in ... moredear rocky & syed
im keepin an eye on other releases also but honestly i dont find any phone better than s3500 in the same price range or even if u r ready to shell out Rs 2000 to 3000 more.
pls read earlier comments u'll know why i m saying this....
n one more thing read the specs of phones....u cant find any phone even having the same specs if not better.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vG6
- 05 Sep 2009
naveen, 05 Sep 2009hi all ,
going by looks,should i go for s3500 or w205?how ... moredear naveen (pls read the specs of both)
there is no comparision at all between s3500 n w205
ofcourse s3500 is much much supirior than the other....
- screen of w205 is very very small only 1.8 inch whereas the screen of s3500 is 2.2 inch (no other phone has 2.2 inch screen in the same price range)
- w205 comes with very poor 128*160 resolution with 65 thousand colour whereas s3500 has excellent 240*320 resolution + 1 crore 60 lakh colours (imagine 246 times more colours...its a way BIG diffrence)
- internal memory:
w205: 5mb
s3500: 45mb
memory extended upto:
w205: 2GB
s3500: 16GB
- camera: this is the biggest diffrence buddy u'll get only 1.3 mp camera with 1280*1024 pixel in w205 whereas in s3500 camera is 2mp with 1600*1200 pixel. moreover thereis "QVGA" video recording in s3500 which u dont find in w205.
w205 video recording resolution is too low compare to s3500.
- s3500 slide is really smooth (samsung is known for their smooth slides) whereas w205 slide is MANUAL. that means there is no spring in the slide mechanism of w205 u have to open n close it manually.
- read earlier comments n u'll get to know bout an ENDLESS list of unique n awesome featires of s3500 which u cant find in any other phones even if u shall out rs 3000 to 4000 more....
naveen there are hell lot of other reasons also but i think its enough for now.....coz i dont find this phone comparable to s3500.
in terms of looks also s3500 is far more good looking coz it has a premium brushed stainless steel look. to tell u simply s3500 looks more costly than its price..:)
hope it help.....
s3500 price is around Rs. 5400
w205 price is Rs 5000
choice is yours cr.
- B
- PGk
- 05 Sep 2009
Hi All,
Can you pl answer the following queries.
1.why does always the symbol of speaker is shown next to the battery ?
2.In the Idle mode ,if I want to see the clock (like SE phone, in the power save mode also clock will be on the screen) ,is there any option?
3.In the Soft key's mapping is it possible to get to the granularity of sub menu?
Like currently he left key is mapped to "Messages" for me.But what I want is the "Inbox".Any possibility?
Thankx in advance.
- B
- PGk
- 05 Sep 2009
Hi All,
Can you pl answer the following queries.
1.why does always the symbol of speaker is shown next to the battery ?
2.In the Idle mode ,if I want to see the clock (line SE phone in the power save mode also close will be on the screen) ,is there any option?
3.In the Soft key's mapping is it possible to get to the granularity of sub menu?
Like currently he left key is mapped to "Messages" for me.But what I want is the "Inbox".ANy possibility.
Thankx in advance.
- s
- syed
- wdJ
- 05 Sep 2009
S3500 or S3310. iam in dilemma which to buy plz anybody suggest me n justify plz!
N wht is the price of these mobiles...
- r
- rocky
- wdJ
- 05 Sep 2009
Hi... i wanna buy this phone. do i hav any better phone in this range recently launched by samsung.
n plz tel me the cost of this mobile.
- n
- naveen
- IaH
- 05 Sep 2009
hi all ,
going by looks,should i go for s3500 or w205?how much price difference in the two..
- S
- Sumeet
- iwq
- 05 Sep 2009
WHy this cell gives error when I try to play a youtube video?
Do I nee a plug in, from where?
Pls help...
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGe
- 04 Sep 2009
Raj, 03 Sep 2009Is there facility of software installation in d phone.dear raj
yes ofcourse u can install softwares n games....
i have installed 40 games n softwares in mine s3500 :)
s3500 is the best phone in its price range.
hope it help.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGe
- 04 Sep 2009
Sumeet, 04 Sep 2009Boss..another quesiton....sorry.
When I play songs from ... moredear sumeet
this is happining coz u are not playing ur songs on music player.....
why are u playing ur song from memory card...
bro u got a awesome music player in ur phone.
- menu - music player
go into ur music player n play ur songs stored on ur phone or ur mem card... u can also create ur own playlist n u'll find other diffrent options also to sort ur "most played", "recently played", "artists", "genres", "albums" etc.
u can change preset equalizer by jus pressing a button (keypad: 2 )...n to forward n rewind ur songs press n hold navigation keys.
hope it help.....
- B
- utv
- 04 Sep 2009
Sumeet, 04 Sep 2009Boss..another quesiton....sorry.
When I play songs from ... moreIn my mobile, the song is playing continuously!!!!
My configurations is REPEAT MODE - OFF
Now your songs will play continuously..
Do this configuration and see the result....
THe song will play continously...
- s
- sayantan
- utg
- 04 Sep 2009
everytime i check my balance or send any msg a weird tune starts playing. any way 2 stop the music.
- S
- Sumeet
- iwq
- 04 Sep 2009
Boss..another quesiton....sorry.
When I play songs from memory card, they dont play in sequence. Rather the son plays and stops, until I press BACK and play the next song
What to do?
- s
- sumeet
- iwq
- 04 Sep 2009
Dear BOSS,
My JAD convertor is now working after I installed the dot net framework.
One impportant question, I am able to visit, but when I click on video...I get message "Network unavaaible"
Any solutions for this?
Thanks in advance!
- C
- Chandar
- 2SN
- 04 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 03 Sep 2009yes fake call is a awesome feature which u can use practica... moreThank u buddys!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGe
- 03 Sep 2009
Chandar, 03 Sep 2009Hi dudes. . .
I jus Bought ma Samsung mob. . This feels ... moreyes fake call is a awesome feature which u can use practically ....
"Fake Call function" :this feature enables you to activate a bogus incoming call, so you can free yourself from awkward conversations or dodgy situations by pretending to take a call.
to use it jus press n hold the down navigation key for 2 sec(even less than that) n u'll get a fake call n its not only that u get a ringtone of a call but it looks exactly like a real call n when u take the call...the call will connect exactly the same way like ur real call connect...if anyone have doubt show them ur phone screen even the call duration timer is running on the screen....
to add more authenticity you can record your own or ur friends fake voice "call" that plays back when you answer ur fake call.
wen i was showing this feturre to my of em ask a very intelligent question....suppose inbetween this fake call if someone really calls me than wat happens n that time i really thought wtf if it rings between fake call than everyone will know that its just a fake call n i'll get caught, so we tried n the results really impress me.....if there's a fake call in progress n anyone really calls u his call will be displayed as normal waiting call...u'll hear the beeps of this waiting call....n u can attend this call as u do in real calls :)
s3500 really got a long list of awesome features...
s3500 is simply "THE BEST"
- B
- utv
- 03 Sep 2009
Chandar, 03 Sep 2009Hi dudes. . .
I jus Bought ma Samsung mob. . This feels ... moreSamsung S3500 gives you the great opportunity to pretend an unexpected phone call. One of the shortcuts is designated for Fake Call(Press down navigation key once and press ok) – press it a couple of times and you can get an incoming call alert, you can answer.
You can even chat to a self-made recording, so you can pretend you’re taking a call. The idea is that it may get you out of tricky conversations, boring meetings or dates, family dinners, and so on.
Like this features, s3500 is fully-fledged with lots more features of this price.....
Samsung s3500 rockssssssss man!!!!!!!!