Samsung S3650 Corby
- h
- happy
- t7A
- 16 Feb 2010
is this phone practical?
i think it's nice, but i want to make sure
that if i buy this. i won't waste my money.
answer please.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vwr
- 16 Feb 2010
gud phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7C
- 16 Feb 2010
samsung jet still best phone!
- C
- Carl D.
- qSP
- 15 Feb 2010
Where is the samsung corby sold and if it is sold in America which mobile service has it?
- A
- Arun
- utW
- 15 Feb 2010
S regarding the battery life, its really nice. Mine is moving upto 3-4 days atleast.
- f
- francis of barangay
- wc7
- 15 Feb 2010
the samsung corby is having problems erasing messages from its inbox, especially if its too many, it says its erasing the messages but the truth is its not, you need to turn off and turn on your phone in order for you to erase the messages,
when you also use the bluetooth feature, specially if you are receiving many videos or songs via bluetooth, the phone shuts off itself, it cant handle large amounts of memory,
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2SN
- 15 Feb 2010
Jomz03, 14 Feb 2010How to play music via bluetooth headset? cant find it!!Samsung Corby is very nice to use.......
- A
- Aamy
- Pxm
- 15 Feb 2010
ketan, 15 Feb 2010same here mr.rohan same peoblem i am facing. can u give me ... moreSame Problem here brother....somtimes my touch wrks on its own,some folders i dnt evn touch it, nd it opens automatically,well its been only 3 days since i brought this phone...though its a vry gud phone but somtimes small nd minors things cannot be ignored...well in my opnion i'm goin to samsungs office tom to show them wat problems i'm havin,hope fully they r the only 1 who can truelly help,as if it gets cleared..wil let you knw.
- k
- ketan
- utt
- 15 Feb 2010
Rohan, 11 Feb 2010I m using samsung corby frm about 4 mnths.... i m nt satisf... moresame here mr.rohan same peoblem i am facing. can u give me any solution on it.
- k
- ketan
- utt
- 15 Feb 2010
I used corby from 3 months its good. nice texure, sound also but touch screen censor quality is very low. msg typing is very hard, sometimes touch screen not working properly. hard to use. its problem in emergency. dnt buy, try txt corby. can anyone facing same problem?? if yes then pls tel me solution. thx
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}M
- 15 Feb 2010
Ishwarya, 14 Feb 2010can u pls advise me on its battery life??Its battery life is very good.
- D
- Deepali
- 2Z1
- 15 Feb 2010
Whn i do Click the Image where does the images get's saved..
- A
- Abid
- P%%
- 14 Feb 2010
Nice phone this is... this is my first samsung...the experience is great...i had no intention of buying this set, but got it in a hurry, even without knowing the model number....
But guys...the phone is super awesome..just the wi-fi is not there....otherwise everything is perfect...battary, touch sensor, keypads, dragging, gesture unlock...super cool....!!
- J
- Jomz03
- vj1
- 14 Feb 2010
How to play music via bluetooth headset? cant find it!!
- I
- Ishwarya
- 2TH
- 14 Feb 2010
can u pls advise me on its battery life??
- k
- kAwAsA
- Qu8
- 13 Feb 2010
One of the coolest and funkiest phone nowadays. Gonna get this unit soon, yeah!!!! Better get one yourself. Peace out ^___^
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2T9
- 13 Feb 2010
hey can any1 plz tel..hw 2 expand d inbox msg memory...???
- l
- liza
- wYy
- 13 Feb 2010
Please help me change date. I already choose automatic update and the right tiime zone. yet my phone is still set up at january 1, 2009 and with wrong time also... please help me... liza
- s
- samita
- utp
- 13 Feb 2010
Most useful phone in the woerld. I have never seen such a phone in my entire life . I am going to get it on my 11 th birthday.Or maybe 5 months earlier
- R
- Rajesh
- vGT
- 13 Feb 2010
archana, 12 Feb 2010i jus bought this phone!! looks are good.. the themes and t... moreYou dont know how to use is not shaky..ur hand is shaky