Samsung S3650 Corby
- A
- Ankita
- ijf
- 12 Dec 2009
Does any body know where I can find a Call Filter Software for Samsung Corby S3653 ?
Thank You.
- g
- gieromaru
- t7F
- 12 Dec 2009
Alexander, 11 Dec 2009Where i found game's for this phone ?find games at ;)
for any model..oks?
- k
- kel
- uCn
- 12 Dec 2009
is tis fon good 2 use
- A
- Alexander
- 3cH
- 11 Dec 2009
Where i found game's for this phone ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0nY
- 11 Dec 2009
berend, 11 Dec 2009for triple wallpapers visit
Oops! This link appears to be broken.
- b
- berend
- LBx
- 11 Dec 2009
for triple wallpapers visit
- c
- chinnu
- uti
- 11 Dec 2009
hope the below given tips are useful to all the samsung corby users
- c
- chinnu
- uti
- 11 Dec 2009
TIP--Use volumes wen u r inside a msg to reduce r increase t font size..
- c
- chinnu
- uti
- 11 Dec 2009
TIP--go to setting > security and go to privacy lock option > there u can lock only ur messages,gallery, logs, phonebook etc...
- c
- chinnu
- uti
- 11 Dec 2009
tip--Just Press & Hold the Down Volume key to activate the Fake Call..
Wait 4 10sec and a call from an unknown no. wil occur....
Its helpful to get out of tricky situations.
U can also record a voice to d Fake call from the settings menu to make it feel real.
- c
- chinnu
- uti
- 11 Dec 2009
here r some uf d unfamiliar n hidden features of rockin samsung CoRbY..
tip--How to change your photo album in 3D view while using camera ?
When you click photo and review the same pressin play button on screen. pics appear in normal format. then jst press upper vol. key to change the view in 3D or grid mode..
- c
- chinnu
- uti
- 11 Dec 2009
HELLO guys....
i just discovered in my corby that.....
when i zoom....IN into the pics clicked from the camera....through the quick view section(in camera)...
the quite good...
whereas as when i try to zoom into the same pics from the images section in the My files category i find the zoom.....inappropriate(i.e the pic gets on pix elating)
so guys jus check it out
- K
- Katz
- nDE
- 11 Dec 2009
Technolaziness, thanks for the game. Works fine
got anything else for corby? or touchscreen games
- S
- Shakib Bangladesh
- Pxx
- 11 Dec 2009
i like corby but in bangladesh market samsung used to short this product so that the price is high generally
- l
- laks
- 9xm
- 11 Dec 2009
samsung corby 3650/3653 with wifi model avaiable in chennai, tamilnadu, India? where? what is cost?
- s
- shantanu
- 2@r
- 11 Dec 2009
CORBY, no.2 topseller from samsung.
No. 1 is Samsung STAR
Both of them are rocking the world!!
- W
- Win
- utP
- 11 Dec 2009
on my corby wen the messages in phone memory is 200 it shows memory full........delete some it a problem or can i move d messages to d xternal memory...........
- M
- Michael
- t7y
- 10 Dec 2009
Etchuserang FROG, 09 Dec 2009Yes, the handset package contains a pre-installed english d... morethanks!, then i might as well have to wait for the WiFi version for added phone functionality! thanks a lot dude!
- A
- A fan
- 10 Dec 2009
Could someone please tell me how do I get the AcuWeather feature to work that comes on the Widget.
thank you
- A
- A fan
- 10 Dec 2009
Could someone please tell me how do I get the AcuWeather feature to work that comes on the Widget.
thank you