Samsung S3650 Corby
- m
- maruska
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
i wanted to know can i go to the main menu during a call...?
- l
- laleh
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
where can i download samsung widgets for my s3653, the official site provided only standard widgets.
- a
- alehandra
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
no wifi?!?corby should have wifi....:( except that i think the design is cool; first phone wid annimation- cartoon- UI!Craapy phone!
- a
- alper
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
i am "Corbian" Great phone!- for 3 weeks i am fanatic! Corby rulz!
- i
- ingrid
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
hey can't we use themes ??it's quite boring black n white....from wre we can download the themes ??
i downloaded around 5 themes but...need more!
- a
- alina U
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
corby phn jst rocks man...m happy wid ma new corby
- u
- umesh
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
best cell yarr i just love it!
- E
- Eagleseye
- uNV
- 14 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2009can u please tell me wat is dnse enablingDNSe means Digital Natural Sound Engine. Its a audio chip which lets this phone produce original sound from a audio file more accurately, so music play become more realistic. Nokia music xpress or Sony Ericsson W series also has similar kind of audio chips to make music play more enjoyeable.
- E
- Eagleseye
- uNV
- 14 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2009can u please tell me wat is dnse enablingDNSe means Digital Natural Sound Engine. Its a audio chip which lets this phone produce original sound from a audio file more accurately, so music play become more realistic. Nokia music xpress or Sony Ericsson W series also has similar kind of audio chips to make music play more enjoyeable.
- s
- scarlet
- vj1
- 14 Nov 2009
I bought this phone this morning and I'm in love with it! Best deal for a touchscreen phone. The widgets are so cool! ^o^
- j
- jana
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
i luv my new cupid pink; my mom has star with black cover and she envies me for my colored Corby! Good move Samsung!
- h
- hanna
- 33G
- 14 Nov 2009
maria, 14 Nov 2009Does anybody knows if you can apply themes on this phone?i tried u can apply themes on the phone and also you can add other wallpaper
- j
- jingflick
- uEy
- 14 Nov 2009
okai.. we have hear da review.. but what about the game ??? ther's many game for this phone?? do u all know where to download it ???
- A
- vGD
- 14 Nov 2009
my friend have this phone I used this phone I think it drawback is dont have styler to this phone and also dont have handriting recognisation option is not there in this mobile we cant write sms in that that is a big drawback in this phone I dont want to puschase this phone
- m
- maria
- Sjt
- 14 Nov 2009
Does anybody knows if you can apply themes on this phone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- uti
- 14 Nov 2009
J K, 13 Nov 2009Dear ALL, I confirmed WTH Mr,PAUL(Reg.Servce Head) thts t... morecan u please tell me wat is dnse enabling
- d
- dnat
- PAq
- 13 Nov 2009
123, 13 Nov 2009Hi everyone i got the answer that i cant play avi files in ... moreas i know ".avi" file format can be opened on the phone which used a windows mobile operating system only.
but if u still insist to opened on the phone with OS Symbian or should converted first on PC, with video audio converter application before stored on Memory Card
- J
- J K
- t}a
- 13 Nov 2009
Dear ALL,
I confirmed WTH Mr,PAUL(Reg.Servce Head)
thts tht Device is DNSe enabled...oh ho Enjoy MUzikz
HA HA HA Nokia fans plz go to Bed...
- d
- dnat
- PAq
- 13 Nov 2009
what operating system on it? is it used OS Symbian or Java MiDP?
i think this's cool and may i want to get it one...
it's remind me with Dopod 838pro a similiar one but dopod already with Windows Mobile of course...
- L
- Luke
- 36F
- 13 Nov 2009
123, 13 Nov 2009Hi everyone i got the answer that i cant play avi files in ... moreWhy don't you convert your video file ?
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