Samsung S3650 Corby
- D
- Dhirajj
- wdN
- 10 Nov 2009
can i run stock trading software or see live index on this phone
- j
- jumbo
- utc
- 10 Nov 2009
nisha, 09 Nov 2009this phone not worth buying!!!its a piece of toy!!mr mrs this is look like a toy but features are in this price very great and i like this one verygood.
- k
- kinadyot
- PxA
- 10 Nov 2009
joy, 10 Nov 2009i am a new user of samsung s3650 corby,i love the phone its... moreheadset shares the same port with the charger. With your phone facing you, it should be on the left side. on the main menu page, slide it to the left & you would see the other icons including the calculator.
- p
- plzz rply.....
- 10 Nov 2009
hey a nokia user n now thinkin 2 buy coby???i luv texting bt im nt sure of da touch screen...plzz tell me if itz worth buying??
- s
- simmi
- ttv
- 10 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970its just a Rs15400 only
- u
- uttamkumar
- 2@0
- 10 Nov 2009
i am not like samsung corby but samsung star
is am much bettar
- j
- joy
- pVR
- 10 Nov 2009
i am a new user of samsung s3650 corby,i love the phone its a great phone for me but i have a problem,i dont know where to slot in my earphone and where can i fine my calculator and converter,please some one should help tell me,its ugert!!!please help.
thanks joy
- G
- GG
- upX
- 10 Nov 2009
i never understand,
why fellow fans dropping like each other ... whether they are jealous of the success of a brand makes a good product at least worth...
- j
- joy
- pVR
- 09 Nov 2009
i got this phone newly and its amazing phone, i luv all funtions but am having problem with my headset, i dont know where to put it please i need help ,
thanks joy
- F
- Farah
- 2AY
- 09 Nov 2009
Hey, this phone looks great and I'm thinking of getting it as soon as possible. The only thing I'm worrying about are the headphone. I crave music and I have my own pair which I've used with my Nokia 5310 up till now. Can someone tell me, if the headphones are in-ear headies, or are they standard.. and does this have a headphone converter? or is that only in some cases.
Please reply as soon as possible, thank you (:
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGe
- 09 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 09 Nov 2009why are u saying that its just a toy is der any prob with t... morenope bro its a great phone. a best buy at its price. these comments are jus given by nokia fakers. check urself u'll find many fake comments here n many fakers are even proved guilty here. so jus BEWARE n read comments carefully. the very reason of nokia fakers jeleousy is that thses nokia guyz jus cant beleive samsung is providing capicitive touch phone @ 7.5k wheras there's(nokia) cheapest capicitive touch screen cost u whooping 33thousand
- ?
- Anonymous
- vGe
- 09 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970it will cost u around Rs 7500 n YES it support pdf n doc files.
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdS
- 09 Nov 2009
nisha, 09 Nov 2009this phone not worth buying!!!its a piece of toy!!why are u saying that its just a toy is der any prob with this pls tel me cause i thinking to buy it
- S
- Sam
- up1
- 09 Nov 2009
JRD, 07 Nov 2009pls suggest where i can get games and applications for corby.For free applications,,free wallpapers,games,go to,,
- n
- nisha
- t7w
- 09 Nov 2009
this phone not worth buying!!!its a piece of toy!!
- T
- Tavia
- utP
- 09 Nov 2009
Mukesh , 07 Nov 2009Sweet and Simple . Thats Corby for u..can u plz tell me soon wether corby is Quad/!!
- T
- Tavia
- utP
- 09 Nov 2009
sumbody plz tell me wether corby is Quad/Tri.Band??
- y
- yash
- IaH
- 09 Nov 2009
- J
- 2@r
- 08 Nov 2009
Its not a phone, its a freaking girly toy.
- j
- jon
- 2S@
- 08 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 01 Jan 19709600 rupees