Samsung S5350 Shark

Samsung S5350 Shark

User opinions and reviews

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  • a
  • anony mouse
  • w4e
  • 08 Jun 2010

got my hands on this one... really liked this phone... but miss LED flash and a good operating system

    • m
    • manish ks
    • up9
    • 06 Jun 2010

    i am planning to buy a phone but i want to about this phone that..can this phone support youtube video streaming or any other online videos. please reply soon.

      • w
      • welwisher
      • s8H
      • 04 Jun 2010

      samsung does nt have control over its dealers to run its business as some dealers are slling samsung metro with higher price eg, s-5350 for rs.6600 where as some are selling it for rs. 5800. tis unscrupulous dealing brought its reputation down . moreover its features are as per stated. it should callback all s-5350 and provide the customer with new upgraded featured metro 3g.or lose the goodwill and be doomed.

        • A
        • Atul
        • ut5
        • 04 Jun 2010

        To test its LCD like front camera and sound...dial *#0*#

          • f
          • farid
          • v{S
          • 03 Jun 2010

          samsung is very 3rd class phone thos models r very f ck i need only ur review so dont purchse samsung.....................

            • t
            • tj
            • U2c
            • 29 May 2010

            Hey ssbhat:
            Thx for such detailed review. I just wanted to Buy samsung for its Inbox password lock/ file lock facility. Which Is really good thing.

            Sonyericsson phones are gr8 in terms of UI,camera and sound quality all but doesnt offer Inbox password lock facility.

            N Nokia is always all BETTER only..but Not dosent offer that quality..Sound quality is OK..

            But now will go for nokia c5 (after release) only which is offering alot features in bit higher price than samsung.
            Personally I dont have much craze for touch phones for now. I want cell for messaging more than calling. Thats why I searching that kind of phone

            Thx again

              • t
              • tj
              • U2c
              • 29 May 2010

              I have some Qs:
              1. how much messages it can store in inbox? and total?
              2. Does It available in other colors?
              3. Which Other Cell Phone company gives Inbox message Lock Facility other than samsung? In nokia through software is it possible to lock Whole inbox?

                • A
                • Aswin.prakash
                • j{k
                • 28 May 2010

                Is this phone having an autofocus camera.How's the camera,video recorder and loudspeaker sound of this phone pls do reply thanks in advance

                  • d
                  • devidqas
                  • 2@5
                  • 28 May 2010

                  can we download pdf files from pc or net

                    • j
                    • jos
                    • vGr
                    • 27 May 2010

                    this is a very good phone i bought it 1 month ago . it is a good phone with no problem and i like this phone

                      • s
                      • samurai
                      • upd
                      • 26 May 2010

                      very good mobile overall. Battery very good. Headset quality after changing to plug type is awsome. Camera clarity at day is super.

                        • s
                        • ssbhat
                        • vGP
                        • 26 May 2010

                        My Experience with Metro :-

                        For the past 2 years, I was using NOKIA xpress music 5220, The only
                        drawback is, it is not a 3g enabled phone. I am using BSNL connection and
                        they are providing 3G services here. Hence i was in search of affordable
                        3g mobile. I am not interested in China brands as their quality and
                        features are very mediocre. After searching the net & enquring some shops
                        near by i short listed 2 models. Samsung Shark s5350 (Metro 3G in India)
                        and Sony Ericssion Naite.The Samsung S5350 is selling for 5850/- and Naite
                        for Rs.5800/-. After reading the reviews and speciation I decided to go
                        for samsung.

                        Before using My current Nokia phone, I was using Samsung J210 which is very

                        basic & buggy model. So after using it for 3 months i exchanged with Nokia
                        5220 XM. I thought that this latest model from samsung may give me
                        different experience compare to my old J210. But after a long periods of 2
                        years, this Shark 3G hasn't changed much except in looks, inclusion of
                        3G,slight UI changes & 3.1 MP. The user interface is the sames as the
                        Samsung U800 Soul which released in July 2008 Some limitations which
                        samsung phones UI are still there. I am very much regret for going for
                        this model. Here is my experience

                        Phone :- One of the major reason for choosing this Samsung model is its

                        which will attract anybody. It is also well build.

                        Hardware limitations:-

                        1. Using Samsung proprietary port for charging, Data transfer & music. All
                        these share only one port.

                        2. The back metallic cover is easy to open. may get loose in frequent


                        3. Mem card slot is under the back cover. Need to remove the cover to
                        insert and remove the card

                        4. To insert the Sim card you need to remove the battery first which will

                        erase all the call history.

                        5. The battery is only 900mH. So battery backup will be less.

                        6. No protection for camera lens

                        7. No "Cancel/Clear" key which is very commen in samsung phones

                        8. Though keypad is looking great but typing is quite hard. So composing a
                        long mail pain taking task.

                        OS:- Compare to nokia, Samsung OS very basic and not improved much since my

                        last model. (I am not talking about Touch phones). Samsungs proprietary OS
                        had many limitations. But nokia phones are running Symbian OS which very
                        easy and can handle files and folders just like we are using in a Computer.

                        It is fully support memory card & data.

                        In Samsung phones you can't install/access a game or an application

                        in memory card.It will installed only in your phone memory which is very
                        limited. Another hitch here is these java games & applications should be
                        signed to be get installed.

                        Software (OS) limitations

                        1. No active standby option (You cant views task/schedules/appointments in
                        standby screen)

                        2. No searching in folders (In nokia open a folder and just tipe first
                        letter of file it will list all files begin with that word)

                        3. Menu icons shown cannot be customise or rearrange

                        4. No Notepad (You can't make any notes and save as file

                        5. No Go to menu option.

                        6. No option to modify Right & Left selection key shortcuts

                        7. No voice recognation feature.

                        8. Slow UI

                        9. If we we remove the mem card the the default memory for saving photos
                        and file will be automatically chage to phone memory. And after putting mem

                        card back we manually need to change this to mem card in phone settings
                        which is very irritating.

                        10. No Call recording feature.

                        12. Message capacity is 200

                        14. Internet browser is very sluggish


                        1. If a song Opened direcly from from a folder. The player won't run in a
                        background mode.

                        2. The music player is very basic. It doesn't have graphic equliser.

                        3. The lack of search facility in folder will surely irritate anybody.
                        Though it can handle 16 GB card . How can anybody search for particular
                        song name in a folder containing hundreds of songs?

                        3. Song information will display in 3 tab screens

                        4.If songs are not properly tagged, Browsing thru various catagories in
                        music player like Artists,Albums,Genres will show false results & names.


                        1. Thouch it had 3.2MP Camera. Night & dim light photos are horrible.

                        2. Zooming is possible only in VGA mode (640x480 res.)

                        3. Video recording is very basic.

                        4. Lack 3.5 jack is very disappinting. Only samsung earhones will be


                        1. Though it can handle all the events. But this won't display in standby

                        screen, or below the calander. SO you should click inside the particular
                        date in the calander to see the each events/schedules. There is a limit of
                        100 events in each catogory.

                        Games & Applications:-

                        1. All the pre installed games are demo version.
                        2. Installing games need to be signed and will consume phone memory.
                        3. No external Theme support (Though You can create your own themes).
                        4. No currency converter.

                        I request all the nokia/SE users not to go for Samsung models.

                          • m
                          • monika
                          • upa
                          • 26 May 2010

                          it is very awesome phone and easy in net browsing

                            • D
                            • Dv
                            • uwY
                            • 26 May 2010

                            can anyone tell me, how can i store messages of my mobile in my SD card, becoze there is a option present in samsung-5350, but how can i use? i don't know So help me.

                              • A
                              • Apta
                              • utu
                              • 25 May 2010

                              I Love This Shark S5350.....

                              Its sooooooooo beautiful & stylist phone...

                                • A
                                • Apta
                                • utu
                                • 25 May 2010

                                It's Battery backup is soooo good... Its picture quality is so good. But you can not capture photo on low light...

                                  • A
                                  • Apta Chakraborty
                                  • utu
                                  • 25 May 2010

                                  You can no go to menu, when you are on air... so you could not record your call...

                                    • A
                                    • Apta Chakraborty
                                    • utu
                                    • 25 May 2010

                                    Sorry you can not record your call when you are on line...

                                    It's Bluetooth is very very slow...

                                      • A
                                      • Apta Chakraborty
                                      • utu
                                      • 25 May 2010

                                      It's good out look & very very nice phone.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • KFQ
                                        • 24 May 2010

                                        price....? just 6250rups with vat