Samsung Z1
- B
- Buro
- K5h
- 06 Oct 2015
Tizen may get popularity if like temple run available in tizen store...pls upgrade and update all apps and games as soon as possible.else it will not run.
- U
- Ujer ahamad
- Hkt
- 04 Oct 2015
Plz update autocallrecorder and imo for video callings
- S
- Saurabh
- Xub
- 03 Oct 2015
Can i use any video call app in this mobile
- s
- siva
- 2SS
- 03 Oct 2015
Sahil , 02 Oct 2015Pls luanch subway suffer game for tizen games not spd
- S
- Sahil
- Cb4
- 02 Oct 2015
Pls luanch subway suffer game for tizen
- ?
- Anonymous
- r3H
- 28 Sep 2015
Samsung, just stick with android, you don't need a new os to make u feel special....
- y
- yash
- BC8
- 28 Sep 2015
dont hv play store
- z
- zoya
- rKQ
- 26 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 17 Sep 2015It does not support any other appsHai frndz samsung z1 not support in any aap
- z
- zoya
- rKQ
- 26 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 17 Sep 2015It does not support any other appsHai frndz samsung z1 not support in any aap
- z
- zoya
- rKQ
- 26 Sep 2015
Anonymous, 17 Sep 2015It does not support any other appsHai frndz samsung z1 not support in any aap
- A
- Am
- rAV
- 26 Sep 2015
this is the most bad phone i have ever seen there no android apps or games there is full of kids games. please sir i request you to launch android apps, uc browser and games like wwe 2k, temple run, dead triger and full of action games and adventure games.
- a
- ans
- 26 Sep 2015
Pls add viber ,candycrush saga
- n
- nexus8
- rAf
- 25 Sep 2015
please sammy... go ahead .please finish what you started. once its matured there will be no stopping being the best. it wont be depending on anyone and more powerful than anyone ... samsung make the worlds best hardware. samsungs own software will make you the best. please finish what you started.......
- A
- Ash
- Hkt
- 24 Sep 2015
I never see this type phone.........i don't know why Samsung made this type phone............full of worst apps.......some day before i really love Samsung company bt now i really hate ......because of this phone.....
please add some good apps....
Like IMO,XENDER,and SOME GAMES .....please sir its not only my request its the request of all Z1 user's .....please sir please .............
- ?
- Anonymous
- r3H
- 24 Sep 2015
what the heck is trizen os!?!?!?!
- C
- Choudhary
- t@5
- 23 Sep 2015
World's worst phone it don't have any android application not it supports them it didn't have xender ,share it ,zapya ,uc browser, temple run,and not good game the application it contain is worst and samsung says they sold 1 billion z1 cell phone in india, stupids!! Why u make full of customer .this phone hangs everytime we open any app.on every week it got software problem if samsung don't make all app of android on it then i am going to blame on samsung in court .u said it have ultra power saving mode to save battery but it battery backup is nothing worst phone i ever seen
- O
- ITn
- 22 Sep 2015
This tizen version is sucksss.. No app in here. Nor suprtd snded by othrs. Not even gamess.. Temple run, rail rush, subway surfers, candy crush, clash of clans nothing.. Only some bullshit baby games is here. Plz improve it or stop selling ths phn. Aftr smtym ul knw, none of ur customer gonna buy ths vrsn. Imprv it chng it into android. I can't even took zender fr fast sharing. It really sucks... Im so dissapointed!
Please add hike ,xender , skype& more games ...chage the whatsapp version...this version is not good..hang every time , no calling option....
USB tethering Not Working On Samsung Z1 ..did factory reset..updated to latest firmware.. changed the usb cable but still...any help will be appreciated thanks
This is the worst phone i have ever seen it doesn't support any Android app even if there is not any video calling app all the time it just hanging ...o see it's hanging it doesn't support whatsapp cals . My files are corrupted . This is my request to all the Samsung lovers not to buy this phone its my heartfull request .... Don't buy this please .. Please .... Please otherwise you will regret like i am .
worsest phon ever i had in my life... no apk support... hangs offenly.. no useful apps in tizen store.. we.cant install all android apps.. will give it -5 star.. bad bad bad..... dont buy or you regret it..
worst phone bcoz no useful apps and internal memory is vry less
Phone get hang every time..
Not a good phone
No xender no ucbrowser no hike nothing
Phone only has opera browser the universe worst browser
Phone doesnot update apps in tizen store n all apps r worst..
The phone get several times hang n hang
If the company wants a good reply or good responce frm the customers then enable
And a good apps that really work in phone..
Till then the phone is just a shit...
useless phone never buy..................... no battery backup no dual sim handling capacity no video player... slow .... everytime hangs.......... one of the worst phone....
" " Samsung z1 problem phone so not buy this devise " "
- ?
- Anonymous
- rAM
- 22 Sep 2015
Playstre skype googleplay subwaysurfer templerun not wrking
- ?
- Anonymous
- uws
- 21 Sep 2015
Pls sir kindly launch subway , temple run games to tizen app pls pls pls pls
- ?
- Anonymous
- XuT
- 21 Sep 2015
This tizen version is sucksss.. No app in here. Nor suprtd snded by othrs. Not even gamess.. Temple run, rail rush, subway surfers, candy crush, clash of clans nothing.. Only some bullshit baby games is here. Plz improve it or stop selling ths phn. Aftr smtym ul knw, none of ur customer gonna buy ths vrsn. Imprv it chng it into android. I can't even took zender fr fast sharing. It really sucks... Im so dissapointed!