Samsung Z1
- ?
- Anonymous
- bJf
- 21 Apr 2015
Anonymous, 16 Apr 2015Very very bad phone whatsapp does not work proper Samsung z1
- D
- AnonD-174449
- BwV
- 21 Apr 2015
Alex, 21 Apr 2015how much the download speed of 2G/3G Internet experience ?3G ? Its a 2g phone only,so very very slow,do your home work before you comment for christ sake !
- A
- Alex
- t1$
- 21 Apr 2015
how much the download speed of 2G/3G Internet experience ?
- D
- AnonD-174449
- Bw@
- 21 Apr 2015
Ram and battery killed this phone before it even went on the shelves ! Who in the right mind would buy this piece of junk when theres alternatives for less bucks ?
- D
- AnonD-388734
- KAb
- 21 Apr 2015
I purchased samsung z1 from a store and 16 gb class 10 samsung evo memory card from amazon but after using this memory card into my samsung z1 I m facing phone hanging issue. Does this phone support class 10 memory card or 16 gb with class 10 memory card?
- x
- KAb
- 21 Apr 2015
I purchased samsung z1 from shop and 16 gb class 10 samsung evo memory card from amazon but after using this sd card into my samsung z1, I m facing phone hanging issue so plz tell me does this phone support 16 gb class 10 memory card or not?
- R
- Riaz477
- PSg
- 20 Apr 2015
sandi, 20 Apr 2015Very slow network connotion then downlond method will be ve... more100% true. I can't download Asphalt 8: Airborn. I try many times. Now i m bor. Opera mini working slow. Tizon not good OS. It's great mistake for Samsung...
- s
- sandi
- bJ6
- 20 Apr 2015
Anonymous, 16 Apr 2015Very very bad phone whatsapp does not work proper Very slow network connotion then downlond method will be very deficult
- R
- Riaz477
- PSg
- 20 Apr 2015
Samsung lossing market day by day. I buy tizon smartphone. Bt its not available apps. Plz no other don't buy this phone. Now tizen user already bored. I can't expect it from Samsung. Samsung my favourite brand. Bt not now. I suggest many person to buy Samsung. Atlast just say Samsung plz develop ur OS and apps..........
- T
- The Saroj
- t1$
- 20 Apr 2015
Anonymous, 19 Apr 2015HD Sapport ? Full HD support
- P
- Prasad
- Kge
- 19 Apr 2015
Sir, this phone why does not supporting any soft ware installation. Pls verify and correct that problem.
for ex.. mx player, share it, what's up, sbi freedom, and all games.etc..
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Apr 2015
HD Sapport ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Apr 2015
HD Sapport ?
- A
- Ak
- 7tx
- 19 Apr 2015
This type of phone i never seen.Bed os.One uc browser is not available in its store. Any one plan to buy it,they change their mind and buy other Android or Windows phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uwN
- 19 Apr 2015
be alert , 18 Apr 2015Don't buy this phone bro.It does not support any android g... moreYou're right friend .i am not happy :(
- H
- Hemraj patil
- uwN
- 19 Apr 2015
not good mobile ..
Very lover fichers .
No sported to Android mobile play store fichers .
I am not happy ..
- ?
- Anonymous
- wdU
- 18 Apr 2015
yes you are right iam the 10 person.About of tizen os
- b
- be alert
- wdU
- 18 Apr 2015
Don't buy this phone bro.It does not support any android games like subyway surf and temple run etc.. I had already stop nine person who was planing to buy this. Now u be 10 or next to ten. Big fault in this mobile that is tizen os and tizen store. After downloading acl also we cant download any android.and whatsapp free calling not working
- A
- Ajay...
- utZ
- 17 Apr 2015
No hike messenger, viber etc....i want these messengers
- RiAz477
- PSg
- 17 Apr 2015
Anonymous, 16 Apr 2015Very very bad phone whatsapp does not work proper 1000% r8. i agree with u...opera mini don't working properly