Sharp 902
- ?
- Anonymous
- i$0
- 16 Mar 2005
May I know how and where do i get screensavers, java games or software for the sharp 902 without using vodafone live? I'm using an unlocked version with another service provider.
- r
- reborn
- i$0
- 15 Mar 2005
As you know that optical zoom is real zoom. Digital zoom is just doing some kind of smoothing in image processing. Therefore 8x digital zoom is not needed. You can just use any kind of software to zoom in instead. Oh V902 does have the photo editor. The OCR works pretty well. Outlook syn is not as good as Motorola mpx220. MP3 is limited to less than or equal to 192kbps. Cannot do photo editor with picture size more than 300KB. You can only rotate and do image processing with pix around 0.3 Mpix resolution or less.
- F
- Fred
- jT4
- 15 Mar 2005
It says it right there, 2x optical zoom!
But I suggest to go with Sharp tm200 , since that one has 8x optical! Yes, I know tm200 takes about 10 seconds to open an image, comparing to instant opening on 902sh, but for a phone camera 8x optical cannot be beaten! Go Sharp, Go Panasonic, you are both the best!
- r
- reborn
- i$A
- 14 Mar 2005
This phone DOES have digital and 2x optical zoom.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j1c
- 14 Mar 2005
has anyone figured out the WAP setting for the 902 with T-mobile yet. SMS text messaging works fine but I can't figure out the setting for T-zone. Please Help!
- b
- blueeyesdude
- mTc
- 13 Mar 2005
Can anybody if the sharp 902 has any digital zoom or only optical ??? thanks!! email me please a.s.a.p!
- t
- theresia
- Sn0
- 13 Mar 2005
Sorry again, problems with My e mail. Still the question...sun reflexions in my display.
- t
- theresia
- Sn0
- 13 Mar 2005
When the sun is shining I have problems seeing the display. It is just reflexing my own face.
Does someone have a solution?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 13 Mar 2005
URGENT!Is this phone available in china?What is its price?
- j
- just not good enough
- y%Z
- 12 Mar 2005
26 mm? what are you trying to make? a new brick phone? jeez..
- s
- sean
- Yhv
- 11 Mar 2005
can anyone tell me that where i could buy either 902 or tm200? tks
- M
- Mike
- jT4
- 11 Mar 2005
Yes there is one issue and it is the battery life. You talk on the phone for about 30 min, took about 10 photos, and guess what? The battery is complitely drained. If you don't take photos then the battery life is normal- about 3.00 hours of talk time. As far as the phone quality, this phone is perfect. It has excellent reception,and sound is very clear and loud. HMMMM, by now you probably have a question of this sort: If I cannot talk enough on the phone while using the camera, then what the heck I need this phone for? HMMMMM, here is my answer to you: for $800-$1000 (these are the cheapest prices I saw on this phone, this is not a phone, but a camera. HMMMM, a rip off 2 megapixel camera? ($800?) . Or maybe oposite , if you don't use the camera then a rip off cell phone?! ($800). So no matter what way you turn it around it is just a plain rip off. MY ADVISE to you: Save your money and wait another 3 years, the prices on megapixel camera phones will become decent by that time.
- s
- seaman
- bY5
- 10 Mar 2005
anyone had any problems with thier 902? Dropped calls, bad messages, etc? Having some issues, wondered if its time for a firmware upgrade..
- A
- Arsalan
- YfW
- 10 Mar 2005
No, v603sh will not work in USA. It will ONLY work in japan and no where else in the world.
- k
- kai
- I7t
- 10 Mar 2005
anyone know is sharp v603sh will work in usa. at all, and how can I buy this phone without a contract in Japan.
- k
- kai
- I7t
- 10 Mar 2005
Anyone know, where can I buy sharp 902sh in USA.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mXK
- 08 Mar 2005
id get in touch with ebay if you can, and ask them what you should do next
- e
- echko
- mv3
- 06 Mar 2005
i just bought it from 1 guy but handset code is not default (9999) it has changed and i cant find it. is there any softz to resolve this problem? help me pls!
- r
- reborn
- i$0
- 06 Mar 2005
I have purchased the sharp 902 from ebay this week. However the seller still hasn't replied my e-mail for almost a week after payment. His feedback was not bad... not sure if that's a fraud... any opinion?
- J
- John
- jT4
- 05 Mar 2005
I didn't ask how much music or movies you can listen or view. My question is simple:
when the battery is fully charged: can you talk at least 2 hours on the phone and at the same day take at least 30 photos? In my opinion if the camera phone cannot perform this basic action without completely draining the battery life , then you better of save yourself a $700 (rediculous price)
and get a simple $100 sony ericsson triband phone with additional purchase of 5 megapixel kodak camere for $240. Stick the Kodak camera to your belt and don't give yourself a headache.