Sharp GX30
- b
- bhuvan
- ijV
- 17 Apr 2007
I have bluetooth enabled and have been trying to send a ring tone to another bluetooth this possible
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYZ
- 21 Mar 2007
bluetooth does not do data transfer. It is only for blutooth headsets and car kits. Not sure why but thats how it is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j2Q
- 14 Mar 2007
I have bluetooth enabled and have been trying to send a ring tone to another bluetooth this possible as I can not find a way??
- d
- david
- mi$
- 13 Mar 2007
i cant send or recieve anything from others using the bluetooth why what is happing
- C
- Chrissy
- iGL
- 02 Mar 2007
I recently got this phone and the memory is crap! What could be wrong or is it really that bad? I can't even get a song on it from bluetooth! And that can't be right as it has an mp3 player. This is annoting me. Let me know someone.
Thanks xx
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nxs
- 07 Feb 2007
does this phone have a torch???
- M
- Majik
- 23 Jan 2007
I just brought a brand new battery for my phone because my last one got water damaged and now my phone wont work, what could be wrong with it????
- L
- Longman1
- mix
- 20 Dec 2006
The phone is good the camera is fantastic, but the Blue tooth infrared get damaged quickly and so does the Charging point. Iwill not mind using the phone again if all the parts work
- S
- Simon A. Baskerville
- my{
- 05 Dec 2006
Its excellent! I have tried to get a new phone for over six months now, and every time I use the -30, I decide against it. I love it... Can we have a GX-40 please Sharp!?
- M
- Marian
- nCD
- 28 Nov 2006
My software for my Sharp gx30 is not working enimore.where can i get a free sotware?
- ?
- Anonymous
- nyB
- 07 Nov 2006
Probably the stylish phone i have ever used!!!
- S
- Steph
- Py4
- 02 Nov 2006
Best phone ever, i dropped is down the toilet bowt 6 months ago and it still works just as well! Have dropped it many times too, on concrete! Still working perfectly!!! Love it, i'd recomend it to anyone!
- N
- P@1
- 16 Oct 2006
Guys, just accept that -- only MIDI file ringtones are allowed.. --and that bluetooth ONLY works on the headset accessory..
- p
- pete
- mpx
- 15 Oct 2006
great phone but i have 1 problem when anyone sends me a ringtone with bluetooth i cant get it to be one of my ringtones i can only play it from my sounds when in rintones its in there but when highlighted it a light grey and u dont get any options to use it as a tone its in tones as amr all other tones are stated as midi can anyone help many thanks....pete
- N
- P@1
- 12 Oct 2006
the camera of this phone is really good. wen taking a shot, don't move a single bit of your hand so it won't blur. even in dim light, the picture are still clear, of course when you use the fone's light. just press the # sign long. the bluetooth stinks,, ssaaadd. just buy a memory card reader so you can transfer your pix, aight!!
- E
- ftM
- 06 Oct 2006
I wanna know whether it has got a software which can be used for flashing it when it fall into water.
- a
- alice
- ibe
- 26 Sep 2006
yeap ... i jus got it ladt month and i try alot time y i cant set the mp3 as ring tone ??? if anyone know pla teash me thx alot
- m
- mystery man
- SwD
- 14 Sep 2006
you can easily upgrade the gx30 by flashing it with the 30i software it is really easy and free
- R
- Rumburak
- nDU
- 06 Sep 2006
Of course you can use MMC in a SD slot. It's impossible the other way around
- J
- Jack
- ibe
- 23 Aug 2006
hi everyone, I juz had it since a week ago from a fren in UK. I wanna ask that is it possible for this phone to support MMC card instead of SD card? Besides, why i cannot set MP3 as ringtone? Thanks