Sony CMD MZ5
- T
- Tomas Lopez
- 26 May 2001
To whom it may concern,
I just bought a Motorola Timeport a month ago only because it's the only phone that was small enough and met my needs.I recently discovered the Sony CDM-MZ5 and was amazed with the amount of features it had!In 1997 I bought my first digital phone and it was the Sony CMD-Z1,I had it for a year and I started to have some problems with it.I took it to Sprint(cellphone service provider)and they told me they discontinued this model.Well since then,I haven't seen a Sony phone since.Please tell me why this is.All my friends had this phone and loved it!!Why don't the sell Sony phones in the U.S.?I would return my Motorola Timeport in a second if the Sony CMD-MZ5 was available in the U.S. as I'm sure a lot of people would.
Thank you for your time.
Tomas Lopez
- t
- thiefone
- 26 May 2001
check out this link for a shit load of info on the Sony CMD-MZ5...
- t
- thiefone
- 23 May 2001
'Stuff' magazine (UK edition) features a review of the Sony CMD-MZ5 in a free supplement this month (may 01) and they state that the cellphone will be available at the end of May / early June and will retail for around £300.
However have it down to be released mid-july.
Sony.. sort it out !
- b
- benign
- 15 May 2001
bagus nggak ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 May 2001
when is it going to be availlabe KSA
- g
- godote
- 14 May 2001
ah... what I'm dreaming is .. sony will have a infrared, but... :P this one doesn have it yet.., but I still love it..
Sony is tha best...
- M
- Mat Sulkan
- 14 May 2001
Very nice design, How much price ??
- K
- Kermuppet
- 06 May 2001
Sony do have a website up and running for the phone. Go to and you will find all you need. It should be compatible with any MG memory stick, so in theory you can get up to 8 hours of music on your phone !!! Great
- t
- thiefone
- 27 Apr 2001
I've spoken to Sony UK and they told me the Sony MZ5 will be released in the UK in June.
The memory sticks are available in 128mb and eventually 256 +, but you will have to buy the white MG versions as the blue ones wont hold mp3 data - the white ones are more expensive - damn !
hope this helps... I just need the phone now and i'm set.
- n
- 21 Apr 2001
Don't count on it. Nothings better than Nokia.
- 0
- 007
- 21 Apr 2001
in which country's will it be first interduced ???
Asia counties ??
- e
- edmarch
- 20 Apr 2001
just one thing: is the memory stick exchangeable? is it upgradable to, say, 128 mb for more mp3 files? if the answer is yes, this could be the answer to what i've been looking for in a cell phone. unfortunately, sony's websites offer no answer. they don't even feature this model yet!
- S
- 15 Apr 2001
Anybody knows where will be avaliable at first in the world????
I mean in which countr?
Today is 04/16/2001
Please help me!!!
- 0
- 007
- 10 Apr 2001
Its the bast sony ever... but its a bit havey isnt it?
when will it be intreduce... i cant wait till it comes
- B
- Baz
- 06 Apr 2001
The best phone u can get!