Sony Ericsson C905

Sony Ericsson C905

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
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  • 29 Oct 2008

It's available in the Netherlands too! I'm going to order it with T-Mobile, good 1 year price (99 euro) for my contract extention. :)

Atm I have a K800i as well, which fell a lot too, but it's still going strong. I use Opera Mini on it for browsing because it displays almost every webpage. It works way better then the original browser and I doubt the C905 browser will work as well. So just download Opera Mini on your C905.

Too bad only black is well available at the moment, i prefer silver.

    • S
    • Shino03
    • v0q
    • 29 Oct 2008

    slowhand, 28 Oct 2008What is this phone like for web browsing?, i currently have... moreSome sites say that Nokia browser is slightly better than the browser of se but for me, se is slightly better because there are some things that se can do that lacks in nokia phones like auto rotation or landscape mode and copy and paste of texts but that's not so important because if there are differences it's just slight and you can always download the best browser, opera mini.

    When talking about internet speed, I have seen that the C905 has HSDPA, 7.2 Mbps but strangely it changed. Now, the C905 only has HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps which is just the same speed the N95 and N96 has.

      • S
      • Shino03
      • v0q
      • 29 Oct 2008

      Anonymous, 29 Oct 2008Specially while come to spend money on gadgets we compare o... moreBut??? What if you didn't bring your camera to shot an unexpected moment of your life. I think it is a fact that not every people will want to bring a camera every minute of their lives.( Just my opinion)

        • Z
        • Zak
        • pKK
        • 29 Oct 2008

        whatever, 28 Oct 2008You clearly do not get it, even if it sells more doesn't ma... moreI've also dropped the k800i many times (atleast 30!) and still works for over 2 years now!

          • g
          • giggles
          • RA$
          • 29 Oct 2008

          whatever, 28 Oct 2008You clearly do not get it, even if it sells more doesn't ma... moreI suppose you've only changed your boxers twice then?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • t5{
            • 29 Oct 2008

            Specially while come to spend money on gadgets we compare old model with new ,offcourse 99.9% people is really stupied they dont know companey make product to feed there own kids !!!!
            as technological upgrade 8 mp is not seriously good !!
            whats mean 8 mp ?? its can really print 22" X 36 " !!! lol no they just good for postcard size print !!!and if u really wanna camrea buy 3 mp SLR its will produce 1000 times more crisp image !!
            phone is phone !! but one this is great in this phone "" inplanted seriously mixup from all old phones " bravo se

              • D
              • Digvijay Patil
              • vGt
              • 29 Oct 2008

              Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Its $574.99. Click on WElectronics on

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • PUT
                • 29 Oct 2008

                Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Singapore is great place to buy ph panda, go and check out the price. You can buy already.

                  • w
                  • whatever
                  • mTS
                  • 28 Oct 2008

                  nick, 27 Oct 2008hmm yea which is why the N95 outsold more units than any of... moreYou clearly do not get it, even if it sells more doesn't make it better and when 50% returns in return because of error while less of SE does that.. just tells about the quality. Fast made to get errors fast. Had lots of friends with N95, all troubled with it, tho they exchanged it for N95 8 GB and it worked a bit better. But anyways, I work as an electrician and used K800i for 2 years as my work phone, and it's still alive, dropped it more times than I've changed my boxers. It never failed me until there came so many new cool phones out... SE prooves quality for my part.

                    • B
                    • Benke
                    • mv8
                    • 28 Oct 2008

                    plwh888, 28 Oct 2008I have use it since Saturday. The photos produced are be... moreThe C905 does support Active Sync... I think you go into settings, and then synchronisation. Select Active Sync when asked for a new account.

                      • E
                      • ESMS
                      • kex
                      • 28 Oct 2008

                      t-ester, 27 Oct 2008yes but nick in case you hadnt noticed, the n95 had more pr... moreNo offence. That was just your family's, friends and your luck, everyone in my high school uses the N95 after it was launch including the teachers. Over 90% had no problem of lagging or any problems. Anyways, where did you get your N95? Because in some countries they sell AP phones or fake phones ...... for example, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and etc. HArd to tell though whether is it original or what nowadays.

                        • s
                        • slowhand
                        • nx2
                        • 28 Oct 2008

                        What is this phone like for web browsing?, i currently have a N95 8gb which in all fairness does what i want a phone to do, inc pretty good web browsing, but im drawn to Sony's and this 905 in particular, would it match the Nokia in the browsing speed dept anyone??

                          • G
                          • G900 user
                          • pTe
                          • 28 Oct 2008

                          Ahmad, 28 Oct 2008What is the wisdom of the ning the new step that SE made ,u... moreOh c'mon man!!! It has a VIDEOCALL CAMERA!!!! You can obviosly see it in the pictures! And if you look at the specs, you can read that!! And by the way, are you Arab?

                            • Z
                            • Zion cage
                            • vGB
                            • 28 Oct 2008

                            Anonymous, 28 Oct 2008Nick, I would have to disagree with you 100% What technolo... moreStupid looks wht can u xpect from sony

                              • T
                              • The Don
                              • MT2
                              • 28 Oct 2008

                              Gr8 fone.. jus needed more internal memory, 4gb or more... better video and thats about it rli...

                              got a gr8 upgrade on this 1...

                              try beat this..

                              FREE PHONE ON UPGRADE
                              20 QUID A MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                • A
                                • Ahmad
                                • iKt
                                • 28 Oct 2008

                                What is the wisdom of the ning the new step that SE made ,using the back camera for video calling ? isn't that redicellous ?
                                I thought it would be only on T700 and W595 not even the C905 !!?

                                please ! tell me that I'm mistaken

                                  • p
                                  • plwh888
                                  • TIE
                                  • 28 Oct 2008

                                  I have use it since Saturday.

                                  The photos produced are better than the Samsung Innov8 (which i've traded it for N85, and now traded N85 for C905), colors are richer, warmer and more true to life, Innov8 photos seem too "digital".

                                  The speaker are loud but not loud enough, but its clear and bassy.

                                  Wifi is easy to connect and fast.

                                  Gps cold start is bit slow but ok after that.

                                  I have 800+ contacts, sometimes when i need to select a new contact to text (not call), it takes a few seconds to load the contact page. Luckily it list previously used contact too, so its not a major problem.

                                  My only MAIN COMPLAIN is the Battery Life, I charged it overnight every night, by the next day by 7 or 8pm, the battery level drop to very low.

                                  I hope the next firmware can fix the battery optimization.

                                  I missed having Nokia Mail For Exchange (Innov8 does not have this) which i can sync Contact and Calender OTA, now I have to resort to wired sync which is troublesome.

                                  Other than that, I'm quite happy with this phone.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • pKK
                                    • 28 Oct 2008

                                    Nick, I would have to disagree with you 100%
                                    What technology are you talking about that the SE doesn't have?

                                    Wifi and the best camera are main ones.

                                      • n
                                      • nick
                                      • nxw
                                      • 28 Oct 2008

                                      t-ester, 27 Oct 2008yes but nick in case you hadnt noticed, the n95 had more pr... moreare you joking!? yes the n95 was buggy and slow when it was first released, but since firmware updates it couldnt be more stable. i hate this rubbish about the n95 being unusable and slow, it is just not true!

                                      this phone like most SE phones lags behind on features. yes it has a longer battery life because it doesnt actually do anything and yes it runs faster because it barely proccesses anything.

                                      doesnt make it a good phone. imagine if SE were the only phone manufacturer, phones would never grow technologically at all!

                                        • M
                                        • Mohammed Alsharyani
                                        • MGF
                                        • 28 Oct 2008

                                        Wake up GSMArena,

                                        This phone is already available in Dubai, UAE. It was released on Sunday at Axiom Telecom. The Only available colors are Night Black, and Ice Silver, while Copper Gold is yet to be released. The price is around $815.