Sony Ericsson C905
- S
- SE Admin
- PT}
- 15 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970early 2009
wait a little bit
- s
- sheraz
- PxR
- 15 Jul 2008
i love all sony ericsson sets
- M
- Manchester
- T30
- 15 Jul 2008
Sony phones always switch them selves off so it wouldnt surprise me if this 1 will have software problems my k850i is always playing up. I work for o2 & they are always being returned.
- S
- SE Biggest Fan
- nxN
- 15 Jul 2008
Allan, 15 Jul 2008Give me a link saying c905 is vga. Gsm says qvga!The Sony Unoffical Blog says That This Phone Will Record In VGA 30 FPS
- U
- Ultimate_Warrior
- p$K
- 15 Jul 2008
Thanks super saiyan.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vuf
- 15 Jul 2008
yay samsung with their i8510 8MP cam phone, bring on the competition and lower the price for c905
- A
- Allan
- q{U
- 15 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Whats the matter, you can't handle the fact that c905 is qvga! Gsm arena got it wrong you say!
Then maybe this is only a 3megapixel not 8!
- J
- Jahcre
- M@T
- 15 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 15 Jul 2008go ahead, pay more for an MP that you don't need. its your ... moreWell i'm nnt practical or smart!So such rubish talk cannot get me.Damn rite iz my$so i'm gonna get me a SE C905.Sony,best brand by far!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PT}
- 15 Jul 2008
Jahcre, 15 Jul 2008I do not agree!I want a8mp cell phone.Having1wud b great4al... morego ahead, pay more for an MP that you don't need. its your money and your choice
this are just best buying guides for practical and smart people.
- J
- Jahcre
- M@T
- 15 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 15 Jul 2008PC World's recommendations: In purchasing camera - Match... moreI do not agree!I want a8mp cell phone.Having1wud b great4all phone lovers.Especially when it's a Sony!So wake up plz...Yea worm,Sony4lyfe!
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYF
- 15 Jul 2008
Worm, 15 Jul 2008bout get n96, stewps, wats d point havin a fone wit feature... moreyou're right..sometimes you cant really use half the specs of the said phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- PT}
- 15 Jul 2008
Worm, 15 Jul 2008bout get n96, stewps, wats d point havin a fone wit feature... moreDid you know that N96 is runned with double processor, sort of a dual core for in pc.. did you know how much this set up save power energy and consumption on pc..
lets see how this works for N96, i think there confident enough to achieve same result because there throwing only 950mAh battery on it
- W
- Worm
- kbh
- 15 Jul 2008
bout get n96, stewps, wats d point havin a fone wit features wen its battery cant handle the features? dats y i dont see myself going back 2 nokia anytime soon, battery & price, i donr discriminate but SE 4 life!
- ?
- Anonymous
- PT}
- 15 Jul 2008
Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970PC World's recommendations: In purchasing camera
- Match megapixels to your use. A 2-megapixel camera is fine for snapshots, though models with that resolution are becoming less common. If you want to produce 8-by-10-inch prints, you'll need at least a 3-megapixel camera. Four- or 5-megapixel cameras will yield even larger prints and allow you to blow up a part of an image with less likelihood that the print will be blurry.
(So, 5MP is just enough for average users, not if your into photography business.. 8MP is just a waste of money on mobile phone)
- A
- Allan
- q{U
- 15 Jul 2008
jahcre, 15 Jul 2008No dani...Go Sony!!!U know it gonna b da best?VGA@30fps...W... moreGive me a link saying c905 is vga.
Gsm arena says qvga or can't you read!
- A
- Allan
- q{U
- 15 Jul 2008
Dani, 15 Jul 2008Iv said it many times in this forum that C905 records in VG... moreGive me a link saying c905 is vga.
Gsm says qvga!
- j
- jahcre
- kbh
- 15 Jul 2008
Dani, 15 Jul 2008Iv said it many times in this forum that C905 records in VG... moreNo dani...Go Sony!!!U know it gonna b da best?VGA@30fps...What more u want in a cell?I know wat u mean tho...Me2 car wait2c d head2head8mp shoot out!Still wanna c wat Nokia has2offer...Keep da market on it's toes Sony!!!I'm a Sony Fanatic4give me lol.
- D
- Dani
- nEw
- 15 Jul 2008
Iv said it many times in this forum that C905 records in VGA@30FPS, but nobody believed me
anyway im still waiting for Nokia's 8MP Phone, i wanna see what they come up with
il most likely get the Samsung i8510i
il see reviews first
il go whichever brand of phone i like..
- j
- jahcre
- kbh
- 15 Jul 2008
SE Lover, 15 Jul 2008good news for all SE fans this monster now recorrd video i... more4real!Do da c905 record@30fps?If this iz so WOW!!!Make dis a real#1 player in d market.So all nokia fans...U all will cry now!Sony iz da best in da world.Nice Samsung8mp cell!Nokia waiting2steal ideas!As usual,nothing new!Sony start sumting gud4all cell phone lovers.Sony iz leading da pack!Real trendsetters!No Nokia8mp as yet...Nokia fans must b so shame.Lg gonna drop a8mp b4 dem all ting!WOW Sony vga@30 fps.Finally!!!
- S
- SE Lover
- nXE
- 15 Jul 2008
good news for all SE fans
this monster now recorrd video in vga 30 fps
SE is the best