Sony Ericsson C905

Sony Ericsson C905

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • wY8
  • 11 Jul 2008

shadowed_angst, 11 Jul 2008Wrong! N82 beats all SE 5mp cameraphones. It's a fact. Comp... morecomparing it to the ZN5 is a dif'rent story? to think that they have the same pixel count, same form factor. or is it because it's just motorola and not SE? talking bout inconsistency. So you pitted nokia not with moto or sams or lg..but with SE, that was flattering! LOL!

    • s
    • shadowed_angst
    • 2At
    • 11 Jul 2008

    super__saiyan, 10 Jul 2008Se never dissappoints. Best 2mp-belongs 2 SE (K750) 3MP-S... moreWrong! N82 beats all SE 5mp cameraphones. It's a fact. Comparing N82 with the ZN5 would be a different story though..

      • A
      • Allan
      • q{U
      • 11 Jul 2008

      Anonymous, 11 Jul 2008VGA maybe better, but it's not my way of lifeHey, just for fun, check this you tube video.

      Put in japanese phones rule US phones suck.

      Not that i agree that US phones suck, but the tv quality on this phone is something else.

      Comes with 3g and 3.2 meg. Unsure of mp3 player.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • wY8
        • 11 Jul 2008

        Allan, 11 Jul 2008Glad to see you agree that vga is better.VGA maybe better, but it's not my way of life

          • A
          • Allan
          • q{U
          • 11 Jul 2008

          Anonymous, 10 Jul 2008N82 video is the ONLY thing that's good over the C905. But ... moreGlad to see you agree that vga is better.

            • p
            • project_mk
            • ij@
            • 11 Jul 2008

            Well, since most people here like to argue about which phones/phone companies are the best, i'd like to give a piece of advice to you people.

            first, it depends on the preference of the person/s who's gonna use them.

            second, try to be open to suggestions and not be a biased animal who wants to hog.

            third, present facts not emotional whims of yours.

            fourth, be civilized and not act like someone who came from an island at the center of the ocean.

            I was a nokia person way back nokia 5110, but ever since sony ericsson came up with innovations, i came to admire their work.

            specs show great potential on the c905, cant wait to get my hands on it and test it with nokia's.

            for the record, feature-wise, n82 beats the k850i, but on the camera, even the n82 bows down to cybershot king (for now). Wanna know why? print em and compare. And don't just use the auto settings just a like a caveman, use and experiment on it.

            ciao! ^_^

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • wY8
              • 11 Jul 2008

              Anonymous, 11 Jul 2008one thing why c905 is better than n82 or n95 or n96, it's f... moreAllelujah to that!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • uS%
                • 11 Jul 2008

                one thing why c905 is better than n82 or n95 or n96, it's from sony ericsson!

                  • i
                  • iolo003
                  • PT}
                  • 11 Jul 2008

                  Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970were all behind you dani
                  your just telling the truth

                  Nokia is far more superior than SE on mobile
                  reality hurts though for some people c",

                  SE is superior in digital camera but incorporating this on phone has been a failure in the past, lets see what this phone can do when this comes out.
                  If it can topple down N82's position of being the best camera phone to date

                    • n
                    • nick
                    • Mk2
                    • 11 Jul 2008

                    Anonymous, 11 Jul 2008but can you dig this?! a feature phone yet it has wi-fi. it... morewell great, the nokia 6301 has wifi and its a feature phone. And can you please ask se why their top of the line cameraphone has unusable video quality, yet nokias 2 year old n95 has vga video when its not even a cameraphone?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • wY8
                      • 11 Jul 2008

                      Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970touch screen you say? SE's been there, done that!

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • wY8
                        • 11 Jul 2008

                        nick, 10 Jul 2008the n82 has a 3.5mm jack the n82 has VGA video the n82 su... morebut can you dig this?! a feature phone yet it has wi-fi. it doesn't have to be "smart" to have one

                        and please send nokia a letter and ask them why is it the face plate of N82 has a lot of creaking sound specifically around the softkeys area and keypads

                          • B
                          • Burnt rubber
                          • nXE
                          • 10 Jul 2008

                          I luv this fone
                          Tho i luv nokia i gota admid se is doing a gr8 job!!
                          luv the c905 8 mp camera nd i thnk c905 is the first wifi based fone WITHOUT touchscreen.

                            • n
                            • nick
                            • nxw
                            • 10 Jul 2008

                            super__saiyan, 10 Jul 2008Apart frm d video,name 1thing where n82 is beta dan c905.the n82 has a 3.5mm jack
                            the n82 has VGA video
                            the n82 supports uPnP over WIFI (great if you have a wireless network at home)
                            the n82 has a graphics card
                            the n82 is a smartphone.

                            c905 advantages:
                            8mp cam. that is all.

                              • s
                              • super__saiyan
                              • M@T
                              • 10 Jul 2008

                              16gb mem is huge.its even hard 2 'eat up' half of it.its not gona make any impression on ppl.
                              U wont see much of a diff between a 16m screen n a 256k screen.not many ppl will compromise d batt life for a lil brighter screen.
                              I wud pick java os ova symbian os anytime.wat r d advantages of havin symbian ova java?nothin rly.symbian jst supports more apps dan java.nothin else.n symbian os is more fragile against u buy fon to dnwnload/use apps?
                              2.4 inch is enuf 4 a fon.(perhaps u hv forgotten we r comparin it wid n82,n82 got d same screen size.)
                              Y not? c905 surely support mp4 files.
                              Its jst d vdo dat is beta on n82.
                              U see most of d points u made r useless.

                                • s
                                • super__saiyan
                                • M@T
                                • 10 Jul 2008

                                Se never dissappoints.
                                Best 2mp-belongs 2 SE (K750)
                                3MP-SE again.k790/k800/k810 embarrassed oda 3mp fon.
                                Best 5mp-undecided.
                                SE r neva beaten by oda brand in cam department.
                                SE lead d way.

                                  • M
                                  • MIKE
                                  • 3be
                                  • 10 Jul 2008

                                  super__saiyan, 10 Jul 2008Wat??n82 has got beta features dan c905.u guyz must be joki... more I don't think so . Does C905 have 2.6 (N95) or 2.8 (N96) 16M screen ? Does it have 16GB internal memory ? Does it have symbian operator system ? Does it support MPEG4 (video or audio )? Does it have fixed 30fps video quality ? .... I prefer symbian phone for my first simcard !

                                    • s
                                    • super__saiyan
                                    • M@T
                                    • 10 Jul 2008

                                    Apart frm d video,name 1thing where n82 is beta dan c905.

                                      • n
                                      • nick
                                      • nxw
                                      • 10 Jul 2008

                                      apart from stuffing an extra 3 megapixels in the lens, why is this phone better than the n82?!?!

                                      the n82 kills it feature-wise.

                                        • D
                                        • Dani
                                        • nEw
                                        • 10 Jul 2008


                                        C905 is the Queen of new phones