Sony Ericsson K610

Sony Ericsson K610

User opinions and reviews

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  • K
  • Kell
  • 2I6
  • 02 Nov 2006

you should be able to as long as you get your service provider to send out the settings to the handset

    • l
    • lala
    • 4$a
    • 01 Nov 2006

    im plannin to buy this phone,but have a question-does ur mms work?(if bought the unlocked phone,not the one from service provider)
    i got unlocked samsung900 recently and my mms dont work,though it has a nice 2mp camera i cant send pics.just wanna make sure this SE 610 is fine .thanks

      • b
      • bim
      • PFx
      • 01 Nov 2006

      No, they have no flash. But they do have unique program, "Face Wrap"

        • c
        • confused101
        • PSw
        • 31 Oct 2006

        does this have a flash?

          • K
          • Kell
          • 2Ig
          • 31 Oct 2006

          No I got the dual stereo headfones with mine. But that was in OZ

            • a
            • alex
            • D8X
            • 30 Oct 2006

            this phone is fab

              • j
              • jake007
              • whA
              • 30 Oct 2006

              got this phone for 2 weeks.. awesome built and specs.. but after that 2 weeks of heaven it went nuts!!!! it wont power on and if heaven allowed this baby to power on, just wait for some minutes and it will just turn into a white screen... WTF!!! now i have a moto v3x... and it seems to be much better than k610i.. it has the same price here in the philippines.

                • b
                • bim
                • PBR
                • 30 Oct 2006

                Just bought K610i 2 weeks ago. I wonder why there's written "K610i" below the keypad, when other K610i is "QuickShare".
                Does anyone know the differences?

                  • G
                  • Gareth Morris
                  • nDb
                  • 29 Oct 2006

                  Did anyone else get the rubbish haedphones with only one earpiece?

                    • b
                    • buwahaha
                    • 2Am
                    • 28 Oct 2006

                    hi! juz wanna know if how can i know the firmware version of my K610i??? can it be upgraded??? tnx!

                      • K
                      • Kell
                      • 2Ig
                      • 28 Oct 2006

                      Wow, some people are really peety when it comes to MOBILE PHONES!!!! Obviously these people will never be satisfied.

                        • r
                        • revenger
                        • M{3
                        • 27 Oct 2006

                        Further to my previous post. In which i've mentioned that we cannot choose different ringtones for different profiles.

                        I'd like to add one more negative issue. Which is: The messaging system isn't able to read from SIM card. You can only preview messages stored on your device.

                        2 cons for now in less than 2 days !!

                          • K
                          • Kell
                          • 2I6
                          • 27 Oct 2006

                          No it doesnt have FM Radio. As far as I know and I have tried, the ringtone does not change with each profile unless you do it manually yourself, which is a pain.

                            • w
                            • wing
                            • Q@@
                            • 26 Oct 2006

                            oh yeah, didn't realize we cant use different ringtones for different profiles.

                              • r
                              • revenger
                              • SkE
                              • 26 Oct 2006

                              we|| i use my phone a daily basis. and so far it's good to me.

                              however, what was so annoying to me is that we can't choose different ringtones for different profiles !

                              i use the ringlord ringtone for my office so for god sake shall i use the same ring at home ?! i believe it's something se has failed to discover.

                              correct me if am wrong !

                                • G
                                • Greg (Sth Aust)
                                • PPA
                                • 26 Oct 2006

                                Had the phone for a week now and can honestly say it has exceed expectations.

                                My use is very business orientated. I have found that synchronisation with Outlook is seemless via B/T, the only thing I am left wanting is "auto" synchronisation whenever I am in range of my laptop.

                                I was a Nokia man for some time but when it cam to selecting a new phone I couldn't find one with all the features in a small enough package so I chose the SE and have not regretted it!

                                I highly recommend this mobile.

                                  • I
                                  • Iceman
                                  • Adx
                                  • 26 Oct 2006

                                  hey tell me any 1 does this fone have FM radio??

                                    • a
                                    • a-
                                    • TcX
                                    • 25 Oct 2006

                                    to Kell:
                                    that's really funny because i've also had my phone for about 3 months now andprior to buying hte k610 i had wanted the 6280 as well !
                                    i walked into the store that day with the intention of buying the 6280..however the salesperson convinced me to get the k610 because the phone is faster and also oddly people haev been returning the 6280 a lot and coming back to change it because of its phone breaking down or something.
                                    i really like sliders..but not sure if they're ideal beacuse it gets loose after a while
                                    also for some reason today my k610 kept shutting down after i go to normal mode. in flightmode it's fine..ubt then it was weird. and i had to restart the phone countless times - like 5 -6 times before i got it to stay and work again. it's fine right now..but does anyone know why it was doing that ? i wish not to encounter it int he future.

                                      • K
                                      • Kell
                                      • 2Ig
                                      • 23 Oct 2006

                                      I have had my phone for about 3 months now and I love it. I acutally work in a phone store so I waited for a few weeks before making a decision and I stupidly chose the Nokia 6280. After having it replaced 3 times in 2 weeks I called my service provider and demanded a different phone, the K610i was the only phone available on that same rate plan at that time so I took that one, and have never looked back since. I cant believe I even blinked and eyelid towards the 6280, sure the K610i doesnt look like much (although I love the fact its a beautiful red colour) but it is so functional. I access all websites from it, the use of email is great, I bought a 1gb M2 card for it that I just cant fill. Its my computer, my MP3 player, my digital camera and more importantly my phone. I recently purchased a Blackberry and it may have been great if I had actually had a chance to use it but its been in the workshop since the day it arrived. Overall I would have to say this is the best phone I*'ve had!!!!

                                        • J
                                        • Jansa
                                        • pYA
                                        • 19 Oct 2006

                                        I am a user of w810i and my girlfriend has k610i. They are both great phones, though the camera is not so good on 610. Anyway, a good way to get a video in a reasonable size into your phone is to download winavi mp4 converter, which converts all your media into 3gp format and even with stereo sound. 150mbavi file will be approx 50mb.