Sony Ericsson K610
- s
- sohail
- PVe
- 02 May 2006
very good cell phone i like this but k790 is the best please tell me this moblie available date k790
- ?
- Anonymous
- mm}
- 30 Apr 2006
has dis got a flash or not???????
- M
- MK
- 29 Apr 2006
Does this unit come with a built in hand-free?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PZt
- 27 Apr 2006
if you want to change language, you can try using to change the language icq 1678934
- M
- Mike
- PV2
- 27 Apr 2006
Does this phone come with a joystick or just a directional pad? I can'y wuite make it out.
- V
- Vijai kumar
- 2SP
- 25 Apr 2006
Its nice looking & waiting for its release. When it comes to sales & what is the rate of this mobile (k610i)
- B
- Bernie
- PF3
- 24 Apr 2006
I write a lot of SMS in various languages. Does anybody now if you can load the following languages (T9)in this new K610 : Portuguese, Spanish, German, French, Italian, English ?
- A
- Ali Qaiser
- PVt
- 23 Apr 2006
The most sexiest phone i have ever seen !!!!!,,It wud be expensive!,,But its worth buyin!
- G
- Garth
- C{x
- 18 Apr 2006
Very sexy, sophisticated phone. I want one. Are they released yet? When will they be realeased?
- a
- allan
- ibc
- 14 Apr 2006
this phone is great and i wish to have one at my hand.. it looks smart and have 3G ...
- M
- mva
- 12 Apr 2006
Definately Sony Ericsson's sexiest phone to date..
- H
- MLw
- 09 Apr 2006
zed-i have the k750i (brrrap!) and it does support mpeg-4 and mp4 and 3gpp...and so on...
- Z
- Zed
- my5
- 07 Apr 2006
Se-fan says: "Dear owners of w800 k750 and k600-608.It is true that your fone DO NOT have MPEG4??-Whel this one DO."- What are you talking about i have a k600 and k750 and they both support mp4!
- C
- Casper
- nxR
- 07 Apr 2006
Nooo it does not have a Joystick
- R
- Richard
- SnT
- 06 Apr 2006
Does it has a joystick?!
- m
- mmc
- F4p
- 05 Apr 2006
i want this!! but its not out in singapore yet.. =(
- s
- se-fan
- m%Z
- 30 Mar 2006
Dear owners of w800 k750 and k600-608.It is true that your fone DO NOT have MPEG4??-Whel this one DO.
- A
- Ahmad
- iKt
- 26 Mar 2006
K610 , K790/800 & the P990 , all are supporting REAL 8 A/V files , why "GSMARENA" didn't mention it ?
- P
- Paul
- Sg2
- 22 Mar 2006
i dont see that it supports full screen video, does it?
- ~
- ~ Heartbreaker ~
- my5
- 22 Mar 2006
The sparse improvements sure as hell don't compensate for the lack of radio, flash etc. I'll stick with my k600 'till SE bring out a half decent upgrade. k610 sucks! it sucks big bags...