Sony Ericsson M600
- h
- hogan
- i2r
- 13 Nov 2006
what MP camera does this have?
- D
- Dom
- 13 Nov 2006
If you are thinking about getting this phone, remember: it is by no means a bad phone, in fact it is very good at what it does, and you can't argue with it's size and weight. Just don't expect it to be as functional as for eg. the Nokia E61, which most critics compare it to. I have used both phones, both are great, the E61 can do quite a bit more, yet I still use the M600i as my primary phone as I can actually carry it around in a regular phone pouch, and it's significantly lighter. But if portability is not an issue, then by all means go for the E61 instead.
- S
- SeF
- 2A3
- 13 Nov 2006
Stop posting nonsense opinion about camera... this is a business phone!!!... not a multimedia phone. is it hard to understand? only the people who have tips on how to utilize it's performance and tweaking tips are the best people to post here, you just ruin the thread and scare away real users who have something to share for betterment of this device...
this is a good phone if you really keep in mind that this is not a mobile phone anymore but more of a personal computer and phone combined, treat it has a PC and take care of it... it's not a child's play just to upgrade firmware whenever there is bugs on it or install applications and etc... and users who encounter no problems on it are not lucky people, basic users or working from SE,.. they know how to use the phone without any complaining and remedy the problems on it... if you treat this phone as you treat your S60 phone, then you are a mediocre user... this is an advanced device equiped with an advanced operating system and more advanced usage and taking care of it were need for it to work very stable...
- A
- Amar
- Px{
- 13 Nov 2006
well as i have said earlier also i am using the M600i since the past 3 months since its release. I had a few issues earlier but after the upgrade they were solved. Currently I am using the M600i for calls, mail, web & RSS other than few installed softwares which do need to access the web and few games. I have found it preety stable. It does restart once in 4-5 days now which i feel is okay as i do not shut the phone ever.. I real wonder why othet people face problems with the phone. One more thing the QWERTY keyboard is great you just need to get used to it... and trust me I do not have thin fingers either...
- ?
- Anonymous
- iLN
- 13 Nov 2006
I bought one of these ... one word sums it up: Dreadful! It is just full of bugs, even with firmware updates, obviously very poorly tested and I have had nothing but rubbish support from SE. Those people here that report good experiences with this device are (a) very lucky indeed, (b) are only using its most basic features or (c) work for SE, 'nuff said!
- h
- hendrik
- 12 Nov 2006
i have high expectation on this device (since i have planned to exchange my buggy HP hw6515 with M600i). the problem is with its main feature, the qwerty keypad. i have hard time typing text messages with this kind of rocking keypad system. i was comparing this M600i with my HP and Nokia E61. turns out that i prefer to keep my HP (E61 keyboard is not bad, but no touch screen :-( ). i cannot recommended M600i for qwerty pdaphone fans (such as treo or hw6515)
- v
- vento
- MuN
- 12 Nov 2006
what do you mean "noo camera"!!!!!
se, you killed this phone from birht. such a nice equipt. to have. yet no camera???
- S
- SeF
- Rxj
- 12 Nov 2006
people it's been a very long time argumenting regarding W950/M600's camera, it's a music/business oriented phone, SE just put some multimedia features in it to be more flexible as a standard music/business phone... theres so many phones out ther that has a camera, but makes a smartphone a large brick,.. better buy a separate real digital camera.. it produces far better images and more reliable than most of the real camera phones now... i myself don't need a camera phone anymore because i have a digital camera and it is more reliable for me...
- ?
- Anonymous
- kbh
- 12 Nov 2006
if u want the camera buy the p990
- a
- azza
- Mx@
- 11 Nov 2006
4th time lucky! dm thing won't rgister my post for some reason, in responce to your question i have only had one bug where the phone restarts istself in ordert to "optimise" operating on the phone, the phone then soft resets... i bough the phone on the day of release and updating the software via SEUS and its been fineever since, se have just bought out UIQ to make new software releases ect for their phones
- a
- azza
- Mx@
- 11 Nov 2006
@ SeF,
i have had a few bugs with it... but i got the first batch of phones that come out with the v1 firware on them, the problem that i got was the phone running out of momory and suts itself down to "optimise" the system, once updating it on the SEUS it has been fine ever since not a problem at all, with regards to the tuch screen aswell the handwriting recognition is the best it could be, but i hear that son ericsson just bought UIQ technology's to help them develop new software and improv firmware on the m600, p990i and w950 so things can only get better considering.
- c
- chrizo
- 2A3
- 11 Nov 2006
does this phone have tagalog language feature??
- d
- djjdjj
- msq
- 11 Nov 2006
Camera? we often have one in our pocket :)
the picture is so bad with these mobiles.
i like this mobile.
- M
- Maical
- nDA
- 11 Nov 2006
after updating to the latest firmware, the phoen runs a lot smoother with no crashes or such
only 1 problem occured after i installed the newest firmware, some websites containing javascript wich worked before the update, dont work now... like
- S
- SeF
- 2A3
- 11 Nov 2006
thanks for your quick response, but i have already red that review... another is that the phone used there is a prototype, so i won't be sure enough if the phone with final version is better or worse... hope you understand... i love touchscreen phones and it seems that from all PDA phones, this is the cheapest in our location, and it's OS is simpler than Windows Mobile you know when writing applications or programming... symbian UIQ is the simplest for PDA phones... anyway, have you encounter bugs already? or if not, it's very good...
thanks,.. and thanks in advance...
- ?
- Anonymous
- kDH
- 11 Nov 2006
I am contemplating on buying this phone but i heard that you always have to update the firmware which mite b a problem for me since i am not that great with technology. I am mainly using this phone for calls and notes. i would probably never use the email options and such. I am buying this phone for it's looks... in that case would i still have to update firmware? and how is the volume wiht the speakers, i need my phone to be loud to hear incoming calls. thanks
- O
- Oj
- nFa
- 10 Nov 2006
For a nice new top of the range smart phone, why couldnt they put a camera in the back!!!
- a
- azza
- Mx@
- 10 Nov 2006
simply great phone mate i would advise anyone to get it, as for ur question i would go to
best review of the phone i have ever seen aswell as comprehensive review of every major model to come from sony ericsson and all other manufacturers
- S
- SeF
- 2A3
- 10 Nov 2006
if you won't mind, could you please post some infos and tips with this device? whether the speed performance is good? hoping that this would be my first UIQ smartphone coz P990 is such expensive for me(though the features are simply sending it to the one of the most equiped PDA phones out now) and the W950's design is not suiting my lifestyle and i need memory slot for use in my PC... because i've been waiting so much already for SE for a new UIQ phone and this one suits me... thanks in advance!!!
anyway,.. this phone supports Open GL 1.1 graphic acceleration, meaning better game experiences due to the fact that it uses GPU to process 3-dimensional graphics and less use on CPU in which it slowens phone's performance just like in PCs,..
- a
- azza
- Mx@
- 09 Nov 2006
simply amazing phone, i have had no problems with it at all and runs perfectly, i'd also like to ask people to stop posig things like "what about the camera" "this phone is better cos it has a camera" they are retards and should not be allowed to post. this phone is for business use only... in some businesses now phone with cameras are simply not allowed? did you know that?! also sony ericsson hae done a good job with this and the w950 should be proud and the addition of a camera would completely rouin the feal size and dimensions opf the phone. for all those people out there who complain about wifi i would like to ass that it has no wifi simply because it would be competing with the p990i and no company would release 2 products to compete with each other? think about it.