Sony Ericsson P910
- D
- Dr_T610
- 19 Aug 2004
I don't really like the Windows OS as it is not as flexible as the Symbian OS which has more 3rd party programs.
- l
- leena srivastava
- 19 Aug 2004
how is it an improvement on is it better than9500 of nokia.
- m
- mohamed
- 19 Aug 2004
vry god
- ?
- Anonymous
- 18 Aug 2004
wait P1000 in 2005
- R
- 17 Aug 2004
this phone (p910) is very good looking, i only whish that it had a flash and megapix. camara. it would also be cool if it had a windows os. i'm still going to buy it, does any one know the approx u.s. cost please?
- L
- Larry Moore
- 17 Aug 2004
I loved this phone but since when i handed it over i think its little too big for me... I like Symbien OS phone but size does really matter for me so i am considering about Nokia 6260 and SS D710 but i gotta get it handed first of course perhaps i'd end up with this one after all
- K
- Klaas
- 16 Aug 2004
nokia fan
Why the 9500????
It's so damn heavy,big,ugly,only 65K screen and not reliable.
- n
- nokia fan
- 16 Aug 2004
go for nokia 9500
- M
- Myk
- 15 Aug 2004
I sold my Nokia 3650 because I am planning to buy an SE p900. I already used it from a friend, it was nice, but I am intrigued with this SE p910, I hope it would be released soon, I dont want to be stuck with an old model in the near future!!!
- l
- lad
- 15 Aug 2004
i would like to know if there is anyone who has the p910 for sale now and how much for 2 unit.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Aug 2004
anyone know what the price is gona be of this phone.(£)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Aug 2004
Go for the P910
- ?
- Anonymous
- 15 Aug 2004
go for nokia 9500
- D
- Dr_T610
- 15 Aug 2004
i hate nokia freaks who have no sense of individuality, nokia ppl are always trying to go with the crowd rather than just setting their own trend and just be themselves!!!.
- a
- arvind gupta
- 15 Aug 2004
i am waiting for this type of mobile
- S
- 13 Aug 2004
- k
- kostas
- 13 Aug 2004
it is a good phone.but i cant carry a brick with or nec are giving phones with better feautures of p900 so why bother with a phone that cost a fortune???
- t
- tian wang
- 12 Aug 2004
did you mention nokia? for 15 years they have been making the same shape phones. change the exterior looks a lil bit and gave them a 10 higher than then the origino, for example, 5500 is now called 5510 then the next rip off is called 5520 wow. good game. have fun.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 12 Aug 2004
Surveys have shown Nokia is the most popular phone as well as long lasting.Still this phone is amazing.Amazingly big that is,you could build a 6 bedroom house with about 2 of these.C'mon its a BRICK.P.S SONY ERICSSON IS GAY.
- t
- tian wang
- 12 Aug 2004
guys, if you love this phone, please vote for it! give it a 10/10/10!!!