Sony Ericsson W700
- N
- Nariman
- nTL
- 04 Apr 2006
I don't know what are the changes from W800 except its color and the memory card
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibj
- 04 Apr 2006
exactly same as w800. wats the purpose? the memory card provided is smaller than w800. w800 has 512 mb. this one only 256. and the features all SAME! copy ALL! wat for?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! why dont SE sells the "shell" of the hp? so that ppl can change colour of w800? crazy
- ?
- Anonymous
- M%x
- 04 Apr 2006
does a change of colour really need a new model number? samsung nokia and motorola don't feel the need to so why SE?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Mne
- 04 Apr 2006
What is the point?? Just spray paint your W800 gold!! Moan the first poster!!
- *
- *rad*
- N7L
- 04 Apr 2006
oh no,, Sony ericsson starts to clone their phones like samsung does !!
- D
- Dreadnought
- niA
- 04 Apr 2006
Oh please... This is just stupid. What did they do? Change the colour?? Whatever, we´ll still hear the comments:
"What a great move from SE..." lol
I´m going for Nokia, atleast they have variation in their models...
- f
- flavor
- 04 Apr 2006
i assumed that SE try to get their fans that dislike the eye-catching colour of their W800 (i'm one of them, of course....;>) and will release with an affordable price. think this would beat it's senior K750 if the price is same or cheaper. Gosh, will grab it asap!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- M%x
- 04 Apr 2006
canon use CMOS as their capture device over CCD's in most of their cameras and they do the best cameras available so your point on CMOS is?
- c
- chagro
- myJ
- 04 Apr 2006
ryt, they have changed the colour and tken away half the memory of the w800i! wat is rong wit se, i lykd it up and til now. and that new sony ericsson z525 is the sme as the z520i!! Keep it reel sony
- Z
- ZGMF-X322A
- P%F
- 04 Apr 2006
All SE phones are the SAME!!! wahts the point of it???
omfg... SE...please either change ur styles of phones or make better functions for the phone and STOP USING low cost cameras for ur high priced phones!!! u r scaming everyone who trusted u!!!!!!!!
SE phones uses CMOS camera lens (just to let u guys know)
- p
- phonelova
- iL%
- 04 Apr 2006
exellent phone
- d
- drinu l-malti
- Sby
- 04 Apr 2006
What's this?! Why did SE come with such a phone when there's the W800(which btw is an excellent phone)? This phone is identical to it except for smaller memory & different colour.Even the price will not change that much! I honestly don't know what SE had in mind when they made this phone.
- c
- cezar
- PB8
- 04 Apr 2006
i'm the first to comment... hmmmm...
hope this phone will be more affordable than w800. and the features of w800 are all there in this phone except the lessen storage capacity of memory stick pro card included.
if the price of the phone will be not that affordable. i will still go for k750, because i don't need walkman so much. i will be contented with the mp3 player of k750. and for other features, they're again same...
i expect some of the people again to criticize this phone due to etc. etc.s please stop criticizing... brothers and sisters...
- A
- mf7
- 04 Apr 2006
Since im the first to post here.
SE is being irrational now, w700i and w800i are totally the same except for the colour and memory card, now they are being just like nokia in many ways..