Sony Ericsson W900

Sony Ericsson W900

User opinions and reviews

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  • v
  • viperkid
  • TSF
  • 16 Nov 2005

as what i saw on, this model has a GUI design not as good as S700i. well, themes will probably solve it anyway.. Macromedia Flash Lite is one of d features i liked with this model though N80 has it too! by the way i thought sony ericsson is good in releasing phones in time.. why is Z700, S600 cancelled?

    • k
    • ken2.5
    • Nxs
    • 16 Nov 2005

    AMH and noble 65- w900 has rds function. if not it is available through remote control that is provided

    2005-11-16 10:03 TC{y - the w900 is not old news. even now before it has been released it can be compared to phones coming out next year

    Striker and AMH- nokia is not the only manufacturer to delay phones. SE also does it (amongst others). it has in the past previewed a phone in advance and then sometimes even cancelled it

    in the words of striker:

    'You also mentioned disappointment in the battery life of the N91. I don't think this is something that Nokia could have done a great deal to improve as the 4Gb microdrive it has onboard is basically a miniature hard drive. This means moving parts (very fragile moving parts I might add) whereas it's competitors all use flash memory/memory cards which is much less of a strain on a battery and therefore means a longer battery life."

    Striker. about the delays. firstly that 5 megapixel phone was only released in kroea. secondly(4cannibal) w900+p990 are going to be released 2moths after their press release. the n91 for instance(there are many others)was relesed Q2 2005 and will be released a few moths after the w900. i think that was the others points.

    i agree withPanday we are ust wasting time here arguing.

      • S
      • Striker
      • MSN
      • 16 Nov 2005

      Post below was me by the way


        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • MSN
        • 16 Nov 2005


        Couldn't agree more about the Samsung P860, this phone was announced 1Q 2005 and we're not gonna see it for a long time yet. This is an example of exactly what I'm talking about. The manufacturers have the technology to make phones WAY in advance of what we are using today, but the more unscrupulous manufacturers will announce these phones early with a "coming soon" promise, just to get people drooling (e.g the P860, N91, N80, etc etc etc).

        Nokia however, take that to the extreme and do it with all of their big models. Not fair on the consumer who is getting mislead into thinking they are ahead of the competition when they're not. All Nokia's competitors have the technology, they're just not shamelessly promting it to keep their sheep following them.

        Do a google search for NOKIA 888....It proves my point entirely. It'll be years before we see this, but it doesn't stop Nokia releasing the pictures.

          • P
          • Panday
          • P%u
          • 16 Nov 2005

          enough wid d argument, I think dis fone rocks and also the N91 and they are really nice but fones are built wid something special to stand out...... I'm not rilly into fones or anything but I think it's stupid for you to fight over something like dis..........................................................................SE rocks

            • C
            • Cannibal
            • mIn
            • 16 Nov 2005

            You say all other brands than Nokia release their phones a few weeks after announcement, well W900 and P990 were announced over a month ago, and samsung still has not released its 5mp cameraphone anywhere except possibly in south-korea and it was announced almost a year ago. If anyone is fooling its customers its samsung.

              • v
              • viperkid
              • TSF
              • 16 Nov 2005

              correction of what i've been saying before that W900 and N80 will cost the same. W900 will cost 600 euros ($700) more expensive than N80 which will cost 500 euros ($586). in other words W900 is $114 more expensive than N80! if these links are reliable..



              please take a real look of all of my posts first before saying:

              "Well ViperKid, Striker, Ken... I've been reading your opinions from the start to the end.."

              how sure are you that you've read all my posts from start to end? FYI i said N80 has WLAN (my post is dated '2005-11-08 14:03') take a look and u'll find out for urself that you have not read all my posts!

                • S
                • Striker
                • MSN
                • 16 Nov 2005


                You said it yourself, the N80 will be released in a few months. This is the point I'm making. Nokia announce their phones and then don't release them till months and months later. So when the pics are released your looking at technology that is 6 months ahead of its time. 6 months is a long time in mobile phones so yeah, the Nokias do look good and the pics of future technology does give the impression that Nokia is ahead of the competition. But they are not. At all. Their competitors announce their phones and they're released within a few weeks of the announcement and are always at a similar level, released at a similar time, and come with similar specs to the phones Nokia announced months previously. Clever marketing mate thats all it is, and it leads to people falling head over heels with Nokia because they think they're ahead of everyone else. They're not. They just release their pictures and start advertising their upcoming products earlier. Thats all. But if you want to be a victim of a clever marketing scam, then its entirely your choice. Personally I'd rather give my money to a company who aren't blatantly misleading their loyal customers.

                Anyway, aren't you the same cannibal who said the W900 looks like the 7650? Are you for real???? With comments like that I'm not surprised Nokia have got you fooled.

                  • T
                  • Tom
                  • S35
                  • 16 Nov 2005

                  Sony Ericsson quite clearly take time with their products and improve available technology to its full potential, rather than pushing concepts (ngage,E1). I find the Sony Ericssons deliver functionality, strong performance and impressive features without creating a monstrosity like the N-series.

                  Besides the Battery life on a sony/E kicks the rest of the market clean of the page.

                    • C
                    • Cannibal
                    • mIn
                    • 16 Nov 2005

                    Thats not true at all striker most Nokia phones are released on time including their smartphones n90 and n70, only the release of the n91 has been delayed. N80 will definitely be realeased within a few moths and will be superior to anything SE has to offer.

                      • S
                      • Striker
                      • MSN
                      • 16 Nov 2005

                      Ha ha AMH well said!

                      That guy is obviously another sucker who's been taken in by Nokia and their "delayed releases"!!!

                      When are people gonna wake up and realise that all Nokia are doing is announcing phones that are 6-8 months ahead of their time in order to make it look like they are ahead of the competition when in reality they are not.

                      By the time the Nseries are all released Sony, Samsung, even Moto will have phones developed and on the market that are just as good. But the difference is, they don't con their loyal customers by announcing and advertising their phones months in advance of the release, thereby taunting loyal customers them with "coming soon" phones that will be mysteriously "delayed" a million times. By the time the Nseries are all released, Nokia will have announced another 2000 phones that they have no intention of releasing for 3 quarters just so they can keep their gullible client base drooling over phones they can't have.

                      Nokia fans - if your reading this, take note - Nokia are making fools out of all of you.

                        • A
                        • AMH
                        • mfu
                        • 16 Nov 2005

                        To the guy who talked about competition with nokia.
                        Nokia reveals plenty of phones, but they always make too very long delays.
                        while SE on the other make few phones right on time.
                        And the SE phones are very stable, and i hope you dont mean the N92, or N80, then go and make a debat on the P990, cause that is a smartphone.
                        Not Here.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • TC{
                          • 16 Nov 2005

                          this phone is allready lame and yesterday news. when will SE make another phone to compete with those nokia?

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • MSN
                            • 16 Nov 2005


                            U Serious???? Go and have a look at the Nokia 7650 -

                            Still think it looks exactly like the W900i?

                              • N
                              • Noble65
                              • n{k
                              • 16 Nov 2005

                              Is it sure that the W900 has no RDS function.
                              as I read on M.R. website

                                • A
                                • AMH
                                • mfu
                                • 16 Nov 2005

                                Correction to my last post.
                                My Choice is not Final in buying the K750 is what i meant

                                  • A
                                  • AMH
                                  • mfu
                                  • 16 Nov 2005

                                  Ken.. My choice is final about buying the K750
                                  I usually change my mobile every 6 month, but this time i will wait for the W900, so i can compare the both, because i wont take a stupid step and buy the k750 now and in a month the W900 will hit the market.

                                  You are right about plenty of things, except two details. it´s that the W900 has a better video quality, but there´s a small difference in the sharpness of the photos, which comes from the plastic around the lence of the W900, because SE didn´t focus much about that. And the Radio with the RDS and saving the stations, is a bit complicated, and Eldar, the guy in the mobile review couldn´t find out how to do it.
                                  on both ways these two small differences means nothing to me..
                                  What really counts is the size of it, and how would it look in my hands, and the speed of the menu in compare with the K750, that´s what i would like to compare.
                                  I hope you think that i have a point with what i mentioned above.

                                    • C
                                    • Cannibal
                                    • mIn
                                    • 16 Nov 2005

                                    It looks exactly like the Nokia 7650.

                                      • y
                                      • yusuf
                                      • myZ
                                      • 15 Nov 2005

                                      can someone tell me if the w900i only works on 3g or does it work on other networks too ???????

                                        • k
                                        • ken2.5
                                        • NaD
                                        • 15 Nov 2005

                                        evil food-dessert i mean tart.

                                        that phone is only available in korea- need i say more.