Sony Ericsson W900

Sony Ericsson W900

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • AMH
  • mfe
  • 14 Nov 2005

Ken. Striker
I respect your reply.
I read all viperkid's argument and read yours before they were erased..
What i mean about the comparision, forget the important issue about symbian system.
Just focus about the things the two phones have in common, Music,Camera.
But what i mean is that i use SE Z800, and planned to buy W900.
But if the N91 Has the same sound quality, so it has a reason which people would prefere to buy it, and that is the 4GB HDD..
But still i dont know why Nokia left the battery life so poor. Nokia is not aiming for self destruction, but for last two years, it´s been doing so!

    • k
    • ken2.5
    • Nxs
    • 14 Nov 2005

    AHM this in ken hear. i also say the same thing as striker, unless my review was released you would have seen that i had had the same aguement with invincible(a guy who we chased away for general bad attitude and misconduct) the n91,n90 and n90 are all the same. good phones form nokia that are comparable with the w900. each have their pros and cons, and i said that they were perfectly equal it is all about your wants, and personal needs

      • A
      • AMH
      • mfa
      • 14 Nov 2005

      Well ViperKid, Striker, Ken...
      I've been reading your opinions from the start to the end..
      For the first, im a SE lover, cause frankly i think it´s the best when it comes to Bluetooth,MP3,Camera.

      But NO ONE mentioned the N91, or atleast took the time to talk about it, you know it might be a Walkman phones killer, regarding to it´s 4GB hardisk, but that´s if it has a good sound bass.. Though it doesn´t last more than 2 days.
      But i think you should consider this phone seriously...
      I mean hey, who wouldn´t want a best MP3 phone with a 2 mega pixel camera, PLUS a 4GB hardisk, and a symbian OS . all in one...

        • b
        • bara
        • M{3
        • 14 Nov 2005

        hi all do you know that w900 have real player
        and in the specification in her they dont write abuto is so pls corect it

        check her from sony ercsson

        after open w900 pdf ok bb now

          • P
          • Prashant
          • i4d
          • 14 Nov 2005

          I want to get a new phone. From Specs i like N90, N91, W900i & N80.. i have been using Nokia for a long time and shifting to W900i will be something but the phone has lots to offer.. My question is will the N80 be released before March.. till then itself is a long wait. As for N91 i like the phone but its a little heavy i guess. And with W900i i am gonna miss my Symbian OS. am in lot of doubt. And N90 i think the price is gonna put me off i guess. Do you guys know the price of these phones. And To SPEAK OUT LOUD its actually waste of time to speak for and against the phones as they are all unique and have good features on their own as well as flaws... Buy whatever suites you wether sony or nokia... nothings ging to be perfect and nothings goin to last long caus a new model will outdo it. If it was upto me i woudl have combined the features i like in Nokia and Sony together alas that cant be

            • M
            • Mike
            • iLV
            • 13 Nov 2005

            From what I've read this sounds like another cracking phone from the guys at Sony. We had a Sony Rep. come into our store for a day yesterday and I got to see one of these beauties and I can safely say I will getting mine when it's released in 3 weeks time (providing it isn't another delayed handset).

              • k
              • ken2.5
              • Nxs
              • 13 Nov 2005

              viperkid , i agree that it would be better if it were smalle and lighter but i do say what a phone it is anyway.

              oh and those figures are based on money income,rather than phone quality so accordingly we can say that phones like siemens are not the highest quality.

                • v
                • viperkid
                • TSF
                • 13 Nov 2005

                i think it would be better if they made this model smaller and lighter. at least 104mm in height and about 120g.

                i never said those ratings had anything to do with W900i. pls read all my posts first. indeed w900i will b a hit and most likely help Sony Ericsson increase their market share.

                  • B
                  • Bonn_OTC
                  • PFM
                  • 13 Nov 2005

                  Hope they come out with a another version without the 3G function. The phone without the 3G function will be as good as it was. *Winkz*

                    • l
                    • leo
                    • 4f3
                    • 13 Nov 2005

                    yeah u right what u think is what i am thinking also......

                    sonyericson is the best.

                      • R
                      • Riz
                      • RIG
                      • 13 Nov 2005

                      Sony Ericsson W900is the great mbile in the world. The Functions is totally great.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 2Zu
                        • 12 Nov 2005

                        oh sony ericsson beaten by siemens!
                        1 - Nokia 34.7%
                        2 - Motorola 14.5%
                        3 - Samsung 10.5%
                        4 - Siemens 8.4%
                        5 - Sony Ericsson 5.1%

                        Viperkid.. if you think that your brain reallly works, then u should know that the rank that u just given to us is the rank of how the company market goin.. they DO NOT HAVE anything to do with the model.

                        So far as i concern, i do not see any of the motorola fone and siemens fone that has a better specs than sony ericsson.. up until NOW. The only company that you really can compare are just samsung, nokia and sony ericsson.

                        If you are talking about reliability, there are only two company : Sony ericsson and Nokia.

                        -Samsung: they made a very good job in developing technology, but not in stability of the fone.. some of them hang very easily.

                        -Motorola: They perform pretty well generally, it just that i dun see anyfone that can be the killer of W900 or P990.

                        -Siemens: Is that a mobile company? I NEVER hear them to release any GOOD MOBILE AT ALL---> I am just wondering how come they make good sales. thats all.

                        actually in some other website it said that LG is in the fourth position, however:
                        -LG fone hangs.. most of the fones are not reliable, but they have a quite nice design with the clamshell factor.

                          • S
                          • Striker
                          • myX
                          • 12 Nov 2005

                          To Pilluntuhoaja.... I didn't say those pics were the new SE phone, I said I thought it'd be something like it. It seems that many of the recent SE phones (S&W Series) are descended from Japanese models and it makes sense as they are ahead of the west as far as mobile phone technology goes... And looking at those pics, I'd say that after the design tweaks to suit the western market I previously spoke of, those pics could well be what we see the next K or W series looking like.... Just my opinion....

                            • P
                            • Pilluntuhoaja
                            • mIn
                            • 12 Nov 2005

                            To striker: How do you know the pictures are of the new 3mp SE phone? It says on the phone its a docomo not a sony ericsson. Docomo are for the japanese market only.

                              • S
                              • Striker
                              • myX
                              • 12 Nov 2005


                              You're right, the links are of pics of the so902i but I'm sure the next K series or even W series won't be a million miles away from this.

                              And its difficult to say how good the N80's music software will be is until it's released and reviewed, thats the only time we'll know for sure, but if it's like the rest of Nokia's music software, it won't be all that bad, but if it's the familiarity of Sony's software you're looking for, then by the time the N80 does get released, you can be confident SE will have a 3mp model with specs to match the N80 either already released or close to it.

                                • g
                                • gaurav
                                • U2H
                                • 12 Nov 2005

                                hey thnx striker
                                but according to my knowledge this pic is of so902i and this mobile is only for japanese not for others
                                anyway thanks
                                and will u pls guide me for buying mobile?
                                boz i love se musicsoftware their cam is also good but n80has 3mp cam and i dont know about its music software and quality also.

                                  • S
                                  • Striker
                                  • myX
                                  • 12 Nov 2005


                                  It's a certainty that SE will be coming thru with a 3mp phone soon. Nothings been officially announced as yet, but the links below probably won't be too far off the mark (subject to the inevitable design tweaks and color variations to suit the western market):



                                    • g
                                    • gaurav
                                    • U2H
                                    • 12 Nov 2005

                                    i have heard that se is coming with new 3.2 mp camera mobile!!!! is that true????

                                      • C
                                      • CandyBar
                                      • jgj
                                      • 12 Nov 2005

                                      Quite a nice phone, I like the design it's better than the W800 to me, and I heard they use piano material to make W900, so finger prints won't get on as easy. Nice causual look, love it as a honger. Saw the other opions on the phone comparing it with Nokia's I looks at all the Nokia's phone they all look so MATURE, it's so formal, not even casual, it's like designed for bussines people. As a honger, W900 what I would get. That's just my opion.

                                        • B
                                        • Benson
                                        • PFM
                                        • 12 Nov 2005

                                        As long as there are good phones coming out, it doesn't matter which is better than which because all of us have different preferences and I think we have to learn to recognise that. From my perspective, both N80 and W900 are great phones and will definitely appeal to their own crowd. Regardless of which we like, it doesn't matter as long as the competition for good phones will ulimately benefit the consumer. Thanks!