Sony Ericsson W900
- r
- richard
- nEi
- 31 Oct 2005
I have actually held the nokia n90 maybe unlike most other people writing in this forum. It is an ugly brick which people will not buy for that precise reason. I have also owned a sony ericsson s700i as well, which was a big phone but its tiny looking compared to the n90. When it is fliped closed its as big as a 6680! ie when opened its huge! The camera although good on the camera is nothing worth shouting about, the w800i is just as good and the w900i will be the same if not better.
The design is the biggest flaw of this phone, you would be embarassed to carry this flipping brick around.
- a
- aga (poland)
- mN{
- 31 Oct 2005
Oh my Gad! 470MB built in memeory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- a
- abc
- iwr
- 31 Oct 2005
guys... ken2.5 , dom, invincible in particular....
1.)i also think dat... reviews bout comparision b/w n90 & w800's cam... was rather biased...coz i personally checkd pics from both the phones.n90 cam is way much better than the way it was reviewed here...though w800i is also gud.. both r equally gud.. but i donno for some reason n90 was shown as inferior handset...
2.)now coming to w900.sure dis it a nice handset.recently i went to a mobile in india(if any1's from delhi then s/he must know bout it) n there i saw this cel.. & n91...believe me guys...w900i look much better in pics on net.. while in hand.. it feels jus a regular fone...& n91 dat looks really weird in pics on net.. looks so.. sexy in reality..metallic body jus looks so damn sexy.
3.)w900 black version looks quiet plane.. but white version looks really good,bit ipodish tough...
4.) i askd price of w900 there.n they said bout approximatly Rs.35,000/- onwards.. n guess wot..n91 is also in same price range..which i comfirmed there..
5.)w900i 470mb in built + memory card, while n91 4gb microdrive + 35 mb memory... both in same price range.. plus.. n91 is a smartfone..
6.)SE fans must be saying "v can buy 4gb flash card, so 4gb harddrive doesnt matter".......but do u guys know wot wud 4gb card cost....probably equal to a mid segment phone itself...going by..512 mb card is bout 3000 rs....
7.)now.. jus think who's the winner over here...
also... im both nokia & SE my views r unbiased....
n guys stop fighting over whether nokia is better or SE is better...both r equally CHILLLLL.........
- r
- red
- 4QY
- 30 Oct 2005
maybe because each time they compare SE and nokia, SE is better in that particular aspect. maybe thats why they say SE is better. in the sound and picture quality, no doubt that SE is better dude.
- O
- Open-Minded
- jSU
- 30 Oct 2005
Stop being comercially brainwashed kids.
No matter what 3g phone you use, the video call quality is horrible. It is jerky, slow, not clear, etx.... DO YOUR RESEARCH!
That is why T-Mobile USA is not rushing with this "so-called" " Third Generation Network"
and will fullu launch it by 2007 ( T-Mobile USA and I , we both hope that 3g video quality will be much better by that time!)
So if the video call is the main quality of this so-called 3g ( and to me it is the main feature and not the B.S. downloads!)then don't waste your money on 3g phone (If you are hoping to have at least 30fr per second video call).
If you are after 2mp camera and high quality MP3 player, than w900 is your phone!
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7E
- 30 Oct 2005
ken2.5 :-
i never said W800 has a crapy camera ! did i say that ????
no no.... i am se fan too and i love my s700\w800
but that doesnt mean that i have to say lies and say its the best of the best in everything !!!! right ?
if this editor is fair ... then can u please tell me why its always against nokia phones when it comes to comparisons with SE phones ???? why never talk about the sharp phones while everyone knows they are the best in camera field .... right ? :)
i am not saying SE is crap man ..... dont have ur own conclusions
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sky
- 30 Oct 2005
guys SE W900I has a 8x zoom, dats what it says in their website, i suggest u all have a look at their website instead of looking at others before u make comments
- k
- ken2.5
- Nxs
- 30 Oct 2005
come on guys post your opinions. i am not here to mock you, i am merely here to correct any incorrect statements posted so that there are no misconseptions and we understand what-is-what, and how-what-works.
- k
- ken2.5
- Nxs
- 30 Oct 2005
are you telling me that you did the same comparison your self and found the results to be false. since this editor has been here for a very long time i can tell you that he is unbiased. his results have always been up to par. if you have any evidence that shows clerly that the w800 has a crappy camera and the n90 is superior, then i suggest you send in those pictures and prove us wrong.
we all know that you might find the results to be the same as the editor and you might ust switch it to prove a point. that review shows me all i need to know. and well remember digitall zoom ust magnifies the image that is seen. optical zoom actually changes the focal length of the camera and hence creates the magnification effect. that is why 20times zoom is so unclear and the nokia has tried a little too hard
- ?
- Anonymous
- UiR
- 30 Oct 2005
It's true that the review about the camera test between W800 and N90 is wrong. In fact, N90 has a much better camera compare to W800. Well, i know some people might not agree with what i say, but test both the phones yourself, and soon you will find out that i am right.
- R
- Ryan
- 30 Oct 2005
Please stop wasting space by spouting rubbish . If you doubt GSMarena's reviews, why bother visitng this forum ?
In my opinion the SE walkman collection and K750i is a overall better handphone then N90 in terms of camera, vibrator mode , sound quality and screen revolution. Enough said.
- k
- ken2.5
- Nxs
- 30 Oct 2005
dom i am sorry for calling you dorn, and which one of you think this invincible guy is wrong.
invincible yeah you
i would like to start of by telling you that we here are all not ust pure sny ericsson fans. we might of had the odd nokia 3310 so we have some nokia experience. we do not care whether our lens is made of plastic or not. if we wanted an expensive glass lense then we would ust buy a digital camera.
we are not saying that 20 times digital zoom is useless we are merely saying why would you need that if your scrren is just over 2 inches big. maybe when you look at it from your 24inch screen maybe then you will see that it is really necessary.
we here in this forum are not here to slander the nokia barnd totally. as you can see in the nokia n91 forum i spoke freely of how i felt but never said the phone was better or worse.
we all know that this forum is here to show our opinions, but if you look at the bottom as you write your message there are certain rules that you must follow.
how many times have you dropped your phone. everytime that happens with your phone, the phone may not neccesarily break. but your bank balance will drop as you have to buy yourslef a new lens. the nokia n90 is aa good phone, but SE w900i is better.
invincible you need to stop delving into the past and thinking of crappy phones. the n90 will never ever beat the w900. you need to update your browser and see that the n90 is history- HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF THE N91. the n91 , you know. the n90's succesor.
you are the only person in this forum that needs to take notice and do more research. only the n91 is the w900's competition. the on may beat the other in certain places but if you put them side to side you will see the future of cellular technoplogy
- D
- Dom
- mPR
- 30 Oct 2005
Thanks for anwering ken..if your right..thats damn long!!!!......O and "other Dom"...change your name tolike dom1 or sumthing.. just so we can tell the
- D
- Dom
- mPR
- 30 Oct 2005
im 96 percent sure im gona by this phone and you'll need a great letdown to stop me...but does anyone know for sure if it's gonna come out this year??.. And there's still one quetion long can it record video at one go..i no it depends on the memory but does it keep recording until the memory runs out??..surely there must be a 10 mins a clip or 1 hour..anyone know??tnx
- S
- Sno
- TS%
- 30 Oct 2005
to the one that not put your name in the forum,
where do you get the facts about the hanphone VIDEO resolution is 320X240? is this confirm? i check at and it stated 176X144 not 320X240
- D
- Dom
- nEN
- 29 Oct 2005
hey Ken 2.5, just a message, its D O M not dorn, lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- nDb
- 29 Oct 2005
dom ur frinds in denial, he just wants his mind to fink that his nokia is betta the SE because he knows his missed out lol, tell ur friend to do this, tell him o sell the contract to some1 else and buy the phone on contract, vodafone gonna be the best traiff to get it on as they have talk for 60 pay for 3 or which ever service provider u want
- k
- ken 2.5
- Nxs
- 29 Oct 2005
dorn you are absolutely correct. SE is doing a wonderful obs with their cameras. samsung is merely trying to get people to think that a 5 megapixel camera is what makes a phone. the sony package will not let us down in any way. and 2 megapixelsa is sufficient for any computer or phone's screen alike.
- d
- dom
- nEN
- 29 Oct 2005
At the end of the day, sony ericsson make brilliant phones, ok Phillips, and sharp have started doing optical zooms with 3 mp cameras, but that only matters if you want to look at your photos on a 40" monitor (2mp just about fills a 17" screen) so it doesn't really have that much difference on your actual phone. I really wanted the w800i, but its not bin in stock for over a month at the orange shop, and now the w900 is coming out ill have to jump to get this first otherwise ill never get a phone. Nokias are pathtic. My friend tried to say the 6680 is better than the w800i, i couldnt believe it. so i referred him to this site and hestill refuses to accept the 6680 is inferior.
- k
- ken2.5
- Nxs
- 29 Oct 2005
i do not know exactly but if we were to go buy the same ratio of quality vs length, then i would think we would be able to get about 2 hours 6mins of recording