Sony Ericsson W950
- T
- Tzr
- iGg
- 22 Jul 2006
Absolutley gorgeous phone!!! Credit card size. Great, Great, Great.
- n
- namrata
- NaK
- 21 Jul 2006
does the phone has camera??if no how come it has 3g???
- ?
- Anonymous
- pYa
- 21 Jul 2006
I know the phone will work with certain bluetooth headphones to play music. Shame it doesn't have the itunes software unlike motorola phones.
- c
- chris g
- ix1
- 20 Jul 2006
does anyone know if phones like this are compatible with bluetooth headphones for listening to music?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PVt
- 20 Jul 2006
surelly a great cell with muzic.
- G
- MS3
- 19 Jul 2006
I own W810i, But i think 950 has bigger screen and no other speciality in it. Bigger screen is battery life is less. Isnt it ?
- H
- Haha
- Ghc
- 19 Jul 2006
AAAhh, just found a cool SD-WiFi card, and i wanted 4gig of storage, but looksee "No Mem Card Slot"!!! *((
Damn, so its back to the M600i..
- D
- Dayle
- pYB
- 17 Jul 2006
I think that this Sony ericsson is going to be big, although it has no camera. most people have digital camera's anyway. This phone is going to be the ipod replacement. this phone looks sweet! :-)
- L
- Lx
- M3s
- 16 Jul 2006
every1 is missing the best part bout this phone!!!! its got stereo blue tooth. that means for the first time on a walkman phone you can listen to music and answer the phone with out wires. that gota be huge in the future, ipods dont have it at the mo so grab the sew950i as soon as pos and piss off ipods users. ( Beats the nano hands down, but phones will not manage the mass storage of the 60 gig super pod for a while. i will use both cause im greedy. )
- s
- setra7
- n}k
- 16 Jul 2006
If you want all in one (including camera,smartphone and music) you can choose P990i.
If you don't use smartphone you can choose W900i(with 3G) or W810/800i (without 3G) or if you want best camera go to the K series.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 Jul 2006
Walkman fone....
audio-centric market.....
young people who want choices.....
and of course, no 3.5mm jack (throw arms in the air)
- ?
- Anonymous
- w4t
- 15 Jul 2006
it wud hav been the best if it had a camera.i m sad because i wanted a total package like the like this fone but no cam so goodbye
- b
- butso
- 14 Jul 2006
wondering if s-e would revise the connection points on this device and include a mini USB & a 3.5mm jack. if they do, i will be the first in the line for this. the hell with camera & FM tuner!
- e
- earldee
- mcC
- 14 Jul 2006
well its a dream fone i really wanted to get asked all the shops in the u.k was told i cant even make a preorder..but no camera,well sony ericsson still is the best in sound and pictures...
- A
- Ahmad
- iFr
- 14 Jul 2006
Samsung is using the biggest microdrive HDD , which is 8GB , would SE use the biggest one ? the 10GB ?
It would be greater than USB flash sticks !
- i
- iGoReK
- 4VV
- 14 Jul 2006
No camera!!! sucks
But this is Sony Ericsson
- T
- Tarantula
- P9p
- 13 Jul 2006
Look this comparisson between N91, SE W950 and iPod G5 Video.
W950 has great features!!!
- G
- Gagbag
- 12 Jul 2006
This phone is pretty good.Should be a good replacement for my beloved Ipod nano.Big screen,4gigs of memory,sleek,cool.Maybe it can replace an Ipod video...just sayin.
- ?
- Anonymous
- M3s
- 12 Jul 2006
me like the way it looks
- d
- dydx
- 08 Jul 2006
BRAVO!! best looking phone so far next to the lg chocolate, samsung e900 and moto razr z [never heard of it? it's only available in s. korea..nice phone, check it out but i dont know the specs yet..]. i am very concerned about the accuracy and sensitivity of the screen.. because there are some touchscreen phones or pda that is not good.. hey, whats up with the keypad? theyre flat.. nice but how are they meant to work? like samsung e900, they use heat sensitive button and lg choc uses touch sensitive button.. but this one? they looked very tactile though.. eh, there's a jog dial.. good for browsing.. btw every inch of this phone is very nice.. but the specs?? theyre good too but missing a few essentials to become the perfect walkman phone. why sony ericsson didnt make the 3.5 jack available on this phone? they make good earpieces.. 4gb memory is HUGE.. but if there's a card slot, transfer and sharing music would be easy.. no need camera on this phone, just take a pic with your digicam and transfer it to this phone but a camera would be good too as you dont need to carry your digicam around.. but digicam are much smaller and thinner these days.. no problem about the portablility, this is a perfect-sized phone plus a thin camera, they will fit in your pocket.. hmm whatelse.. in my country[malaysia..] the 3g, edge and other similar services are not very good cause theyre new here.. so im not that enthusiastic to use the service so i dont mind about that.. i dont even use gprs on my current phone [moto c650..].. about smartphone, i have never used them before, so i need to know more about them.. are they prone to crashes/virus attacks/harms that can happen to smartphones and whatnot..