Sony Ericsson Xperia Pureness
- ?
- Anonymous
- vjw
- 16 Nov 2009
hmmm. The keypad looks REALLY GOOD to meddle with :/ but given the specs, i could consider buying if this is less than a hundred bucks.
- E
- Ethan
- CRp
- 16 Nov 2009
PURELY making you to wear glasses so that not only you can contribute to the mobile phones industry, you can also contribute to optical and spectacles industry too. Good job SE! That's they way to boost the slow economy.
- E
- Ethan
- CRp
- 16 Nov 2009
Check out the unboxing videos of XPERIA PURENESS in youtube. The visibility of the screen is so poor in lighting condition that you basically can't see nothing. You really have to use your eyes muscles so hard that eventually your eyes become too tired to look at transparent screen, not to mentioned to read the small text in the small 1.8 inch sreen. So that's why for those people without wearing glasse, they will have to get a pair of glasses eventually, if they have this phone. For those who's already wearing a glasses, pray to god that you have to change your glasses every 2 to 3 months, if again you have this Xperia Pureness. So u get it why Sony Ericsson call it PURENESS now? It's because the main purpose of this phone is PURELY
- E
- Ethan
- CRp
- 16 Nov 2009
I think your eye sight will shoot up from perfect eyesight (0 degress) to 200 degrees in just 1 month of usage of this phone, Xperia Pureness.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uCp
- 16 Nov 2009
just for call and msg. i love the way it is. i think nokia also had phone like this, Nokia 8800 Sirocco. nothing in there but the price is damn high. its not about technology but all about from where we come. so classic. go SE!!
- W
- Winner Man
- 9x6
- 16 Nov 2009
Oi, all you nerds out there bagging this phone so bad. Listen to yourselves. Who cares? If you don't want it don't buy it haha no point getting all revved up champ
- o
- orthodox
- v0X
- 15 Nov 2009
WTF is this? why would se release a phone like this? this phone is only for display.. or you could use this if you're mad at someone, you could throw this to him/her.. if se would make one of this again i bet there goin' down.. nokia will rule!
- T
- Tom
- phd
- 15 Nov 2009
What to do this phone with other XPREIAs?
No camera,
Not an useful operating sytem?!?
This is just a mobile phone. I don't undestand, why is it in the XPERIA product line.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vfY
- 15 Nov 2009 what's the point on "transparent" phone?
it looks like a stone-age phone..... seriously.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nDI
- 15 Nov 2009
it has an transparant display , u can see right through it(google it)
- F
- Fetal Driger
- PEq
- 15 Nov 2009
I thought SE manufactures elegant but simple phones. This is not one of them.
- S
- SaaD
- tZt
- 15 Nov 2009
my last comment was not seen here coz of the language i used for this cell (which i guess was really OK for this kinda cell... but may be for this page). anyhow... anyone.... plz tell me "why transparent" ?.... yes its innovative.... but whats the fun in such innovation which is really useless? Sony ericsson...... mercy.
- f
- fknl
- nB0
- 14 Nov 2009
Oh no! this looks so bad! and no camera?!? this will cost around 500 and has the functions of a 100 euro phone
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 14 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 14 Nov 2009creative design... but the price is not so suitable...Well this is the first transparent screen phone, this is a very NEW technology. When the first camera phone was announced at 2000, was very good? The answer is NO! This is a fashion phone, and it is normal the price is much. SE had to invest lot of money in this project. If the will not be able to sell, they will have problems.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uWA
- 14 Nov 2009
the name reveals something extra ordinary. but what is this. its a shame to the name man....!
come on ericsson. at least a 3.2 megs camera had to be in there. and why should one buy an xperia pureness when you can buy two of the Nokia 5800 xpress music with 8gb memory. think about it.
- S
- SE owner SE hater
- f4N
- 14 Nov 2009
Since SE struggles to gain any market share, and refuse to include 3.5mm jacks in most of their phones, maybe this is the right direction for them. Stop making phones and concentrate on luxury items like watches, and this stupid phone, and try to compete against Seiko instead of Nokia, LG and Samsung.
- m
- m
- MZ5
- 14 Nov 2009
Anonymous, 10 Nov 2009EUR600.00??!! WTF are you talking about!! I'd rather buy La... morevery bad - really
- ?
- Anonymous
- 14 Nov 2009
In their excitement to abuse this phone and SE, people have forgotten that they have no right to tell anybody not to buy this phone. They can at the most politely advice others not.
No body has a right to tell others what to do with their money.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@f
- 14 Nov 2009
A new thinking
again something first from SONY!!!!!!!!!!!
true innovation....................
- H
- Hmmmm
- 2Gt
- 14 Nov 2009
Im SE lover but ppl have to see that this phone is trying to start a new concept...even if it costs $600.