Sony Ericsson Z520

Sony Ericsson Z520

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • 4XV
  • 13 Dec 2005

I am considering buying this phone but I need it while travelling too. On the standard English menu does it have Greek characters (aka symbol) when you type?
ie. you press the "2" key and it gives you a choice of: "a" "b" "c" "2" (and a bunch of other characters, such as letters with French accents and/or Greek characters)
Most Motorola phones have this does the Ericsson Z520?

    • A
    • Ashley
    • jZe
    • 13 Dec 2005

    Does anyone know some sites where I can buy a different color cover instead of white, pink, or blue. Ive looked almsot everywhere, even on Ebay, but thats all I see. If you could give me a link that would be great. Thanks

      • e
      • everybodygottaloveme
      • jsZ
      • 13 Dec 2005

      this is just a question for any one out there who has this phone. you can e-mail me back with the answer. i wanted to know if any could give me the IMEI number off of there phone. this will not mess up you phone at all i need this becaus mine was stolen and in order for me to get a new one i need this number this will help me out a lot. thanks. if you are able to give it to me could you tell me where about you got your phone from? becaus i am in NC. thanks again.

        • p
        • pip tweezy
        • 4dw
        • 13 Dec 2005

        Yes it its a suncom phone B___!!!!
        yall be askin tha same questions.

          • P
          • Piptweezy
          • 4dw
          • 13 Dec 2005

          I haven't got it yet but hopefully i will enjoy it like yall.

            • A
            • Angela
            • Ui$
            • 12 Dec 2005

            Is the phone's memory very low??Please reply...

              • n
              • nipponese
              • j@M
              • 11 Dec 2005

              yes, the z520 is a mid-range phone, but it probably the BEST mid-range phone out there: VERY light weight, easy-to-change exterior, un-crippled interface and those oh-so-fancy lights on the side. I really like this phone. However, coming from a t616, the Bluetooth range on this z520 phone seems really limited. I have to hold my phone 10 inches away from the BT transmitter to get a signal.

                • C
                • Chandra Karantha
                • 2SQ
                • 11 Dec 2005

                This phone is exteemly good for GPRS browsing, TV streaming, Signal Strength, Battery backup. I am liking the phone , it is very good pleasure to use this,because it is a very user friendly phone.
                It is very handy, light weight,troupble free phone. I have downloaded the Opera mini, it works like anything on this.

                  • B
                  • BoRiS
                  • RKp
                  • 11 Dec 2005

                  I'm enjoying every second that i'm using my Z520! :) what's good about Z520 (compared to samsung x640 and nokia 6101) is that it has a pop port! i can easily snap in my usb cable (from my sony ericsson w800) into my z520 and transfer files from my phone to my computer and vice versa! c",) it's battery is also the same with my SE w800 and my dad's SE k750.. :) how convenient is that? however, it could have been better if they have incorporated an lcd screen on the z520 that the k700i uses! that could have been sweet! c",) the price is not that bad and you get numerous features too..

                    • J
                    • JeRrYl
                    • F4p
                    • 09 Dec 2005

                    I dont know why you guys are complaining about the phone's memory... SE meant the 16mb of storage to be used for ringtones, and since thats 4-5 songs, it means that you have four to five ringtones to choose... one for message, and another for calls, with two ringtones to spare!!! isnt that more than enough??? if you want to use the phone as an MP3 player you get the K750i or the W800i... or better still get an ipod and solve alll memory prob!!!
                    PS: you can use your own ringtones as your ringtone.

                      • s
                      • sam_cln
                      • PFM
                      • 08 Dec 2005

                      common sense this phone is nt 3g..and it has colour screen DUH..imagine a camera phone without colour screen..its year 2005..

                        • K
                        • Kel
                        • Ui$
                        • 07 Dec 2005

                        as i last posted on Nov 22nd... ... i bought the white one yesterday.. after figuring with it.. i would consider Z520 a basic phone.. the overall design outlook is very pretty.. being a clampshell phone, not meant for the daily driving tech savvy appointments filled sales guy like myself, which one hand is always on the steering wheel while the other replying to sms or saving information.. as another post had also mentioned.. one phone entry can only be saved to a name.. that's not wat i want...

                        but anywayzzz... it's gonna be wrapped n courier to my wife, a beautician... guess it's gonna look great on her... :)

                          • T
                          • Tim
                          • jZe
                          • 06 Dec 2005

                          This is a terrible phone, Ive had it for 2 days and pampered it like a baby. Didn't take the plastic off, did let anyone hold it, and didnt drop it. Yet some how or another it still finds a way to end up glitching on me and now when I get a phone call the external screen goes all haywire as though theres a virus taking it over and then ringtone starts thats suppose to last for 15 seconds keeps stopping and repeating itself every 3 secs as though its skipping. Garbage phone if you ask me, Im going to return it today.

                            • .
                            • ...
                            • F4p
                            • 06 Dec 2005

                            n is the fone 3g..? huv colour..? thx...!!

                              • .
                              • ...
                              • F4p
                              • 06 Dec 2005

                              hiya... does the foto taken by z520 is nice n izzit really expensive...? cuz i wan to buy it as a present n is the colour pure purple nice...?? thx.. but anyway is the fone sony ericsson z520 or panasonic vs2 better...? thx... pls some1 ans my question.. thx...!!

                                • A
                                • Afterglow_S
                                • TC$
                                • 05 Dec 2005

                                I bought it two days ago and I gotta say I love it lots. The phone is great although it lacks memory (only 16MB) but, it's fine with me because I seldom use it as a mp3 player. The features that I love most is the 8 light effects. It just looks so chic. Also, I love the design of the phone and not forgetting bluetooth (makes transfering files so much easier)Overall, I'd rate it 8/10 :)

                                  • J
                                  • Jules
                                  • nEu
                                  • 04 Dec 2005

                                  does anyone know how many messages it can hold in your inbox? I want this phone for christmas but seeing as i'm a text addict thought i had better check first! if anyone could please help i would be very grateful.

                                    • J
                                    • Juanito Dizon
                                    • UDV
                                    • 04 Dec 2005

                                    from the moment i laid my eyes on this beauty, i bought it with no hesitation. now i am already using it for almost a month and still it did not dissapoint me. fine display, average size of memory (for me). it cannot be considered to be a very high end fone (boris is right!). a simple fone with an average features that are just right for me. keep up the good work sony ericsson!!!

                                      • N
                                      • Neo
                                      • TC$
                                      • 03 Dec 2005

                                      I just bought the phone a couple of days ago, reason being I fell in love with the phone the moment I saw it. I hadn't been a sony ericsson phone in the past, mainly due to the fact that they've been harder to use compared to other phones like Nokia and Samsung and for that matter Siemens even. But the newer SEs are definitely winners. It's a perfect phone for those who love flips, long battery life, and a vibrant display with excellent sounds to complement it!

                                        • B
                                        • BoRiS
                                        • RKp
                                        • 02 Dec 2005

                                        I love this phone.. I really don't understand why so many people are complaining about its memory, camera and lcd.. A little check you guys! This is not a high-end phone!!!! If you're ranting about its features, go get an expensive phone! If you have to compare, go compare it with another phone in its class.. say for example Nokia 6101.. They both cost nearly the same but the features are far different from each other.. z520's 16MB is a whole lot better than nokia 6101's 7MB! the 6101 doesn't even have bluetooth.. Regarding battery life, z520 is a winner with that! don't compare z520 with k700i coz' they aren't in the same class.. so before you rant, research on the phone that you like! buy a phone that fits your needs and wants.. some people are just simple enough to get satisfied with a z520.. and maybe that's not you! as for me, i have the sony ericsson w800i and the z520 for a secondary phone.. do i compare both? no! it's like comparing a CEO with a waiter/waitress.. where's your common sense?