Crowds gather as preorders start for the Genesis tablet

01 April, 2011

We've got some exciting news for you. We'll be taking the first steps in a new adventure that will bring an innovative new product to the market. A tablet, to be more precise. Yup, this should change everything. Again.

The Genesis tablet is a revolutionary product that will redefine how people use tablets and computers. Thanks for bearing with us as we reverted the countdown timer to the announcement not once but twice. The wait is worth it, believe us.

We may be late to the tablet game, but we're bringing up the big guns. Join us, as we present the next generation of tablets, created with user experience in mind.


It should be clear by now that this article was a mere April's Fools Day joke. We're hoping you saw the funny side of it.

Reader comments

  • Sam
  • 05 Apr 2011
  • tVv

unfortunately,this device was real

  • ACR
  • 05 Apr 2011
  • 4cZ

Slider tablet, wow this is new.

  • AnonD-5376
  • 04 Apr 2011
  • PI5

well im aware that this is april fool joke...but i really wish this tablet really exist~! The design isnt so fact its really HOT! Good job GSMarena..great design!

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