T-Mobile sells unlocked Apple iPhone

21 Nov, 2007

It's finally a fact - Apple iPhone unlocked will be selling officially. We know it's hard to believe but T-Mobile has formally announced it today. And if you are just starting to think it's too good to be true here goes the sobering fact. The handset is going to cost 999 Euro. Yeah, you heard it just right - about $1500 a piece is what T-Mobile is going to charge for the precious unlocked iPhone.

Furthermore, the handset won't be available for online or telephone orders and will only be sold in the telecom's official shops. In case you wondered how come T-Mobile is selling unlocked iPhones just 11 days after the official start of sales in Germany, a court ruling has outlawed the exclusive sales of phones on contract only. With the unlocked handsets costing an arm and a leg, we really wonder if the court decision is of much point really.

The good news is mostly for the customers who bought the iPhone between the 19th of November and the day the first unlocked handsets are released. Their iPhones can be unlocked for free.

Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 02 Dec 2007
  • pp0

iphone has wifi + good ui + radio and hopefully transparent sync (why no one ever mentions back-up?) Odd that we spend more on mobiles than pcs.. 'the computer is the network...'

  • BEDZ
  • 27 Nov 2007
  • m54

T-Mobile only done this as Vodafone were complaining (cause it was an exclusive) and took them to court. Why dont T-Mobile do the same when Vodafone want to keep all the nice handsets to themselves *cough*F700*cough* and countless others.

  • Anonymous
  • 24 Nov 2007
  • 4Vk

In regards to my previous post.. it is true indeed! Check it out: http://www.t-mobile.net/CDA/news_details,20,0,newsid-5965-yearid--monthid-9,en.html

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