Vertu Ascent
- h
- h.a
- muq
- 29 Dec 2005
i have bought ascent motorsport ltd edition i love it but most of the people dont like vertu even they didnt see or use one ? i am a user and i love it
- E
- Erikutiz
- Sr4
- 22 Dec 2005
What dislpay does it has ?
- j
- justphones
- 18 Dec 2005
Just can't believe that there're sort of people who judged the phone to personally,wherether they can't afford it or get jelousy with other people,they can't really see the good sides of the Vertu,we're talking craftmanshif+Unique and quality....ofcos they're too expensive for a mobile phone but if we can afford it then it's really worth a thought,if you can't afford it then stick with what you can buy but not trying to insult others,the people who can afford these sort of things are much smarter than you cos they can afford what you can't.Look around,people still drive around with million dollars Cars and don't try to say they're stupid(obviously they're not).
- k
- klt
- nEZ
- 15 Dec 2005
This phone has basic functions. It makes calls and it recieves calls. It does that fine. The speakers are good. Although you cannot use amr files as ring tones, the standard ones are very pretty and nice to listen to. In my humble opinion, better than "crazy frog". The phone itself is very solid and beautifully made. Like one of the other reviews, it is heavy and you can use it like a weapon. Is that a bad thing? Probably not, especially if you live in central London. It is not for technophiles, it does not have a camera, it does make your espresso, but it does get you reservations in some rather nice restaraunts, not neccessarily expensive, just nice. The craftsmen who make this phone are proud of their work. Give them an applause for hard work. But even they laugh at the price. THAT.... is funny. But then, life should be funny. Enjoy! If you have one, what is the harm in that? Please stop dissing something that is expensive just because it is. Are you jealous or just not very happy? People should be allowed to do what they like as long as they don't harm anyone else. It's a good phone with a concierge service. So what? If it works for you, then go for it. Book your Christmas Party on it for all anyone cares, as long your friends benefit from it..........
- L
- Lexx
- P6g
- 07 Dec 2005
This phone is designed for killers, because if you trhow it in somebody you can kill someone with this brick, and it doesn't have nothing !! !!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Tk0
- 07 Dec 2005
this phone sucks! it just goes to show that money cant buy you taste if you throw it away on this piece of sh*t!!!
- S
- SE Supporter
- 01 Dec 2005
Haha.. so wat if it provide good services.. u have to PAY for it anyway.. the tickets the flights n everything u need to pay.. rofl so ur spending even more!
- K
- 27 Nov 2005
Phone is still phone. This phone was made for rich people who is IT illeterate
- R
- R.Harrii
- 27 Nov 2005
exlent n very chip....
- w
- william G.
- iJJ
- 25 Nov 2005
apparently posts are from people that never had a chance to use this piece. Believe me once you try it you just can't let it go its just an exceptional object. + you benefit from a 24h concierge service, helping you in all sort of bookings, hotel, flight, concerts,the service is 1st class, they found tickets of sold out concert, room in palaces at discount prices.
- d
- danny h
- iIR
- 23 Nov 2005
what a waist of MONEY!!!!! its a phone its not even that good like everone says it doesnt have a cam i would rather help the poor than waist my money on a phone theres people starving all over the world homeless people come on bluddy hell
- n
- nasher
- PUm
- 21 Nov 2005
I dun understand why it cost so much.Not a wise investment thou cuz it's simply very basic & doesn't look tat cool either..Definitely not for those who wants more than just the phone itself..
- k
- kitee
- nCG
- 09 Nov 2005
why this phone cost sssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo much,i belive it is because his fancy because i don,t see anything else at it
- S
- Saeed
- 24 Oct 2005
I dont know y dis fonz cost so much?? It has nuthin but bluetooth!!!
- O
- Orn
- PEm
- 24 Oct 2005
speaking from the design point SIMPLY GORGEOUS man There's no way there is a more beautiful mobile than this well,design wise
but functionality blaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- p
- paqpaq
- nEA
- 23 Oct 2005
This phone looks wicked but its price just makes people think its good, if this phone was as much as a nokia, it wouldn't be as praised
- l
- lee gribbin
- S35
- 15 Oct 2005
Well this shows that money can not buy style or fuctions,And the fact these phones sell proves that money can not buy brains!
- f
- frank
- nRE
- 20 Aug 2005
These phones have really improved on the first release. The only feature missing is the camera, but that misses the point of a Vertu as they use mature technology rather than the latest technology. Is a 2 megapixel camera worth having? The build quality and sound make the weight worth it. I saw the latest phones in Selfridges and the sales staff there really knew their stuff. I used to go to my local jewellery store but they tried to offload the old phone on me, so I think it is worth going to the main dealers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 41F
- 07 Aug 2005
It's around 3800$ US. The concierge service is free for a year, and then 800$/year thereafter. The Signature is the Platinum/Gold/Silver/Steel phone, which starts at around 5500$ and goes up. I think the platinum version is in the 20,000s, but I'm not positive.
- f
- felsongy
- npi
- 25 Jul 2005
design is perfect