Vertu Ascent
- F
- Frank
- 3rW
- 03 Sep 2011
I see a lot of claims that is a scam. But where is the proof? Perhaps you can post proof such as email transcripts, order numbers, tracking numbers, etc? Without that, your arguments hold no weight. There are many mirror websites to ease the load on our bandwidth.
How do we know that you don't work for a rival trying to discredit to destroy competition? Phrases like " I think they are a scam" or "They look fishy" or "I heard people got scammed by them" are not valid arguments. If you want to be taken seriously, provide proof.
There are tons of "competitors" who send in people to spread misinformation, often having one person make multiple accounts (easily noticeable by similarity of writing styles). How do we know that you are not one of them? Last time I remember, some dude posted a video claiming that he bought a bad phone from, and it was later found that he worked for a rival website and he simply took one of their bad phones and claimed that it was from Its the internet, anybody can say anything. As I said, if you have proof, post it. Otherwise, your words have no weight.
- m
- madoo
- fu4
- 17 Jul 2011
hi,i have ur vertu ascent phone and it serves me good,recently i lost my charger and it seem difficult to find one.where can i buy one even if second hand.
- j
- james
- 3J1
- 03 Jul 2011
for owners and users who would like to write feedback about their own Vertu phone
- K
- Kiron
- K2F
- 01 Jun 2011
ali, 18 Mar is full of cheater's...i send them money ... moreYou said it! They are just a bunch of losers running a luxury store. They delivered my uncles 'ASCENT' like after 3 months after sending lots of emails and phone calls.
- ?
- Anonymous
- RKi
- 04 Apr 2011
manan pareta, 07 Dec 2010eeeu....... wht d features r in it....... i thnk any 1 who... moreRight bro ur right,i m with u.
- a
- ali
- 3au
- 18 Mar 2011
Anonymous, 04 Jul 2010Has anyone dealt with I have recently made... is full of cheater's...i send them money but they never send me anything back..even after waiting for months all i get from them were mails saying we gona send it soon...
- P
- Paolo B
- qWV
- 17 Jan 2011
A stylish & bulletproof phone.
The case is made out of Titanium and trimmed in hand stitched leather. The scratch resistant screen is made of sapphire crystal (the same that protect the movement of Rolex watches). The phone is heavy and sturdy.
This is a PHONE, not a toy for teenagers to tweet, facebook and web surf. It is for people who actually want to use an electronic device to TALK (what a novel idea!).
It does have web capabilities. But it lacks a lot of utility, as there is no GPS to allow for the use of mapping/directional applications. The web feature is for casual users.
The "layers" of the menus are not configured in any logical manner. Awkward to use and navigate.
There is no web page interface for users to configure their phone, email, contacts, etc., and download them to the phone.
The support & sync software is all formatted for PC's. They do not support MAC or Linux - a dumb move, as they easily could have just developed a browser based interface.
The memory is built in and it cannot be increased (no memory card).
The sim card is easily accessed for exchanging (international travelers).
This phone is not designed to be a disposable phone, rather it can be upgraded as technology improves.
A Version 1 to Version 3 update, cost me $1100. $300 was just for laser etching a new label inside of the phone!!
Accessories are only available through VERTU dealers, as the connection to the phone are proprietary (no generic charger available at WalMart!).
Their wall charges are poorly designed, as the cord has a twist cam lock into the voltage transformer. The cams are tiny little plastic pins that quickly get mashed & broken - there goes a $300 charger!
Batteries are 10X the going market rate, but smart owners quickly figure out that some Nokia batteries will fit.
This phone should last anyone a lifetime.
But, there was not a lot of thought placed into the ability to upgrade, navigate and interface with it.
VERTU shafts their owners at every turn with over priced accessories, limited web access, no after purchase support, and they lack easy interface menus.
VERTU dropped the ball on this one!
- T
- TOYboy
- u{6
- 29 Dec 2010
Lionel, 11 Nov 2010There is no compromise on quality, the lower middle classes... morehey no hard feelings bt yes i agree wit asus!!!
- T
- TOYboy
- u{6
- 29 Dec 2010
Lionel, 11 Nov 2010There is no compromise on quality, the lower middle classes... morehey no hard feelings bt yes i agree wit asus!!!
- T
- TOYboy
- u{6
- 29 Dec 2010
manan pareta, 07 Dec 2010eeeu....... wht d features r in it....... i thnk any 1 who... morehey dude take a chill pill,vertu is all about luxury nt a box of silly features which ur lukng out fr!!! so betr nvr evr mistake a dove fr a crow!!!!!
- m
- manan pareta
- 2S{
- 07 Dec 2010
eeeu....... wht d features r in it.......
i thnk any 1 who purchase dis fon is absulutyly mentaly retired.........
with no features/.......
my nokia cell is much better thn dis rediculs fon .......
again dont waste our tym to give information abt dis mobile
- a
- asusowshallureap
- vGA
- 02 Dec 2010
Lionel, 11 Nov 2010There is no compromise on quality, the lower middle classes... moreget a life dude u have money flowing prolly from ur pop ! not from ur own arse ! all the wealth u have will not last for long with this attitude ! remember the very old saying this too shall pass ! everyone has a right to their opinion soo dnt degrade ppl..
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 26 Nov 2010
- L
- Lionel
- 3Wm
- 11 Nov 2010
There is no compromise on quality, the lower middle classes or lower middle class wannabes aspire to own the iphone.
This phone is about style,quality and elegance, the type of phone this owner attracts is the kind of person who holidays abroad 4 times a year, drives a z4 bmw, owns his/her buisness.
The green eyed monster comes out when people cant afford this phone, what i say is do something about it, get a better paid job, invest your money, get out of your council house and make something of your lives, then who knows you too may be the owner of the best mobile phone in the world.
Ive recently purchased the vertu signature mobile from a friend of mine, i paid 6500 pounds, that may sound a lot but the phone is just 6months old and in mint condition, it currently retails at around 9500 pounds from several quality bond street shops.
The phone oozes style and quality and its made to the highest standard
- G
- Genuin Poor Dog
- w60
- 06 Nov 2010
I cannot believe that someone would purchase a phone like this. People on here who say they own this phone are backing it up with ridiculous excuses like "It saved me $3000 on a boat cruise" get f*cked, if you're booking a cruise that has a overhead cost over $3000+ then 1. You're some snooty million air, the $3000 you saved will probably be blown away on champagne lobsters or 2. You're an idiot and you would normally pay $10000 to go on a cruise. Other lame excuses like "It never breaks" and "The company replaces parts 3 years later!!", well you can send me $10000 for a nokia 6300 and I'll make it indestructible and give you a life time warranty, you can call me whenever you like and I'll send out a new battery free of charge. I hope that anyone who owns this phone gets mugged and sees it months later being used by their pool boy.
- M
- MK
- N9A
- 19 Oct 2010
Mine cover housing locks (from back) is damaged
and so i need to put a cellotape..otherwise it cannot close the cover..
is there anyway or local agents in Tanzania repairing the same??
- T
- Tarek
- MT9
- 07 Sep 2010
does it contain real gems?!
- T
- Taras
- MRf
- 08 Aug 2010
NICE PHONE!!! after 1/2 year of use, started searching for new case, something original. Found one store at Ebay, FerrellPro, they have nice cases and price don't bite.
- ?
- Anonymous
- jZ}
- 04 Jul 2010
Has anyone dealt with I have recently made a purchase from them of a replica Vertu Ascent. I got a phone that was not a 1:1 replica as they advertised, as a friend of mine has the real thing. They sent the phone without a battery and without a charger. It is totally worthless. They have not responded to my repeated emails. Looking for someone that has dealt with them and trying to figure out if it is a legitimate site.
- A
- Alemnesch
- wgx
- 30 Jun 2010
Stefan, 14 May 2010You probably think that all the negative comments about the... moreDear Stephan,
Like I said.. Till you have the pleasure and priviledge of seeing this phone in the flesh.. Do not knock it down till you do ..