Vertu Ascent

Vertu Ascent

User opinions and reviews

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  • 04 Feb 2007

"my own opinion, those who can afford the phone are smater than you are, because they can make money more than you !" - Anyone remember about Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson? Case Closed

This is dumb. Yes I can Afford it. No i would not buy it. It might as be hollow. The difference between the cheaper nokia vs. vertu and camry vs. ferrari debate is that the ferrari actually gives u more and better features, craftsmanshi AND performance whereas the vertu is just craftmanship. Think.

    • Y
    • YASER
    • nT3
    • 13 Jan 2007

    yestrady i get red one it is very very very very very coooool, i love to see it in my hand all the time wawwwwwwwo

      • h
      • h.r.h.
      • SkE
      • 27 Dec 2006

      hey guys all of u who r showing off with ur cars i wanna tell u smthng i am in skool and they drop me 2 skool in a slr and pick me up in a maybach so all of u be quite but i have a nokia 6310i a phone is only 2 recive calls and messages it is a neccesiti not a luxury but if you want to talk abt this phone i bought it only because the german world cup i ordered tickits to see all the matchs of saudi arabia since i am from there it is a phone for show offers and just because you have money you dont have to be a show offer so even u have a space shuttle buying a vertu is something difficult

        • v
        • vince
        • TKb
        • 10 Dec 2006

        I drive a Toyota Camry & not Bugattis, Ferraris, Bentleys, etc like some of the guys here claim but I happenned to own a Vertu Signature which I bought used (& cheap) from an auction site & I also own a Rolex watch & a Mont Blanc pen. Vertu phones are for people who understand things like these. Rolex watches cannot do as much tricks as a Casio G-Shock despite being many times dearer. Writing from a Mont Blanc pen is only as good as your handwriting. But these are the things that you decorate yourself with. People who worship built-in cameras & whine over pixel count shouldn't even be looking at Vertus. By the way, genuinely rich people do not to brag here.

          • I
          • Israni
          • iwq
          • 28 Oct 2006

          hey i drive a bentley continental gt buying a vertu is not a big thing for me , but whai i reckon is vertu is rip off i keep nokia 8800

            • m
            • moneymoans
            • 4nt
            • 21 Oct 2006

            Everyone keeps yapping how they hate or love this forasken Vertu. I love this mobile gadget, because I have it as one of my mobile collection fetish! However the fact maybe, this phone suck donkeyballs. I just use it to show off that I am talking to someone at club so a girl can notice my impotance, but it does no good to me. If you drive a Mercedes or Bentley buy it to increase your penile size, but If you drive Hyundai or an Opel, please buy something that's not more than your automobile sticker price..... I am using this phone to poke at females so far my luck is not doing so well in that department

              • s
              • simon
              • mmS
              • 13 Oct 2006

              if you like it and can afford it then buy it, whats it got to do with anybody else.

                • s
                • s
                • my{
                • 10 Oct 2006

                hi there tech junkies!! my mate has jus purchased a phone like this...and hes really regretting it now! haha! dont buy!!!!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4nt
                  • 10 Oct 2006

                  Like I said on previous statement the phone is a good luxury phone for the people who really don’t give a care about technology, and are not mobile tech geeks, and just like owning or driving a luxury automobile, this phone fits the tier or luxury items for discerning taste. The phone however in the US wireless arena; this phone provides the best concierge with its private concierge 411 you can get world wide from Vertu. As a agent for a media firm, I have used this phone and its concierge service by far hands down is the best world wide. I have used this for almost 4 years now as a company phone and it has paid off. No break up calls here. Clear and easy platform. Not allot of gadgets implemented on this platform. Simple and elegant, like Bentley GT Continental. Like a Rolex or fine jewelry watch this phone will never depreciate. But like I said, I own this phone as a work phone to contact my clients and that all I use it for otherwise the phone I would recommend for a day to day phone is Nokia n70. It’s one the best next to Virtue. Virtue is just used for 411 concierges not technology. Trust me Virtue is only recognizable when someone knows Luxury and about this brand, otherwise it’s not a magnet for attention. I got more attention using a Samsung d500 at a club in Hollywood from a celebrity client of mine than that of the Virtue 3 years ago. Virtue reminds me of Nokia 2110 series when Cell phone first came out, everyone recognize you, but seriously, I would not recommend it, be practical and use a phone you can afford.

                    • A
                    • Allan_Tsai1979
                    • 4nt
                    • 10 Oct 2006

                    I have this phone courtesy of my employer who insist of his employees owning one for the sake of our clientele. To tell you the truth it is a good phone, but the US mark up is ridiculous, and the technology is 4 years old. It has no features in comparison with it's cheaper siblings, and other features all that significantly make this phone stand out,is it's design. Otherwise don't buy it

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • UDN
                      • 30 Sep 2006

                      hahahhahaha, u guy debate about vertu is too expensive, look at this "black diamond" $300.000 us ,..

                        • S
                        • Shedi Dills
                        • MpQ
                        • 20 Sep 2006

                        I'm reading the postings here and thinking what a load of trash! Everyone bragging about owning this, having that and justifying their ownership of the Virtue. I can bet none of you have even seen it. Let me tell you one thing you obviously don't know about the rich: they doi not brag about their wealth or justify their expenditure.

                          • i
                          • itsc
                          • TRE
                          • 19 Sep 2006

                          why cant i buy a vertu phone for sin$7900? when people here in singapore are paying >sin1 million for a small house,1 million for a ferrari,$30,000 for a japanese breed koi, $10,000 for arowana, $8000 for a luohan fish??? so you still think i m crazy???I love my vertu.

                            • i
                            • ivan
                            • TRE
                            • 19 Sep 2006

                            i owned a mercedes coupe,a landed 3 storey house,couple of watches-rolex daytona,panerais,iwc. But never have i get so much attention whenever i use my vertu in public, since i bought it a year ago, till now the value doesnt drop, whereas B4,i used to change phones frequently and look at those depreciation and the money i lost.

                              • P
                              • Pet
                              • iIR
                              • 11 Sep 2006

                              So I have read some comments. The post "The same old story" comes into focus.
                              Now let's see if this phone is the same old thing.
                              This phone may not deserve as much as credit as some people think, but I do not for one moment, think this phone isn't the value for its money. You say there are other "alternatives" in the market.
                              Of course there are. Of course there are much cheaper, feature packed handsets waiting to be fuddled and used around. But this phone has character, its own characteristics and style.
                              If you say, "NO, this phone doesn't deserve to be that expensive, it's not worth for its money." Then, are you a person who'd rather shop from Primark, Asda and Hyper Value rather than La Coste or DG? Because mark my words, those 'cheaper' shops do have clothes of similar quality. So I believe the Vertu and the other feature-packed phones, are similar comparison to clothes, shoes, watches, and everything else we buy.

                                • A
                                • Adnaan Rasool
                                • nHA
                                • 23 Aug 2006

                                I got my Vertu Acent in brown leather about 1 month ago and love it. I used to have a O2 XDA IIs which was a phone with all the bells and whistles. I thought I wouldnt like it as it doesnt have many features. No camera, no games, no music. But what it lacks in features is makes in style. Its amazing to look at and hold. Quite heavy but then you know its down to the quality of materials.

                                A serious talking point whereever I go. People are amazed by it, and even more amazed when they hold. There is no logical reason to own this phone, but thats the same with any luxury items.

                                The concierge service is exellant. Went out a few weekends ago to Central London, 17 people in total. Called them up at 7:30 to tell them to book us a table at Maroush Knightsbridge for 8pm! Summer time in London on a Saturday night and normally the restaurants would tell you no. That place was not available for 17 people but vertu automatically booked us in another Maroush on Edgeware Road and called me back to tell me. Hows that for service!

                                The only down side is that the wife liked it so much she wanted one of her own. So last week I bought her the Ascent in Pink which is a special edition colour.

                                Starting price is £2900 which includes concierge for 1 year. I'll probably keep this for about 3 years now, and judging by the quality it will probably last! Worth every penny.

                                  • D
                                  • DjC
                                  • Mn$
                                  • 17 Aug 2006

                                  Well Peter... Having the money to buy a nice Maserati, a Yacht, a nice house at the mediteranean sea shore, why wouldn't you buy a Vertu. At least you have the best!


                                    • P
                                    • Peter Parker
                                    • mBA
                                    • 17 Aug 2006

                                    You really would have to be incredibly dumb to spend that much money on a technologically out of step phone as this. Hello..? Anyone in there?

                                    If a Vertu fell over in your Porsche Cayenne, would anyone care?

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • iIR
                                      • 10 Aug 2006

                                      Not a bad nokia copy and if you are comfortable with the price good for you and what is more you can use it as collateroll when you go bankrupt it may well save your buisness lol Build quality and workmanship count for a lot but i believe there are limits

                                      C Ya