The elusive white Nokia N9 is now available

08 December, 2011

Nokia has just released the white color version of its MeeGo flagship. The white Nokia N9 was officially announced at this year's Nokia World, but it's only now that you can actually purchase one.

We were contacted by one of our readers, who found white Nokia N9 units in a couple of Finnish retail stores. For now these only come in 64GB flavor but at least cost only as much as their black siblings - €629.90.

The white Nokia N9 shares most of its hardware with the black version, but its non-painted unibody is made from glossy, rather than matte plastic. It turned out that the white matte plastic was too easy to get messed up in everyday use, so Nokia went for plastic instead.

We are yet to see if the WP-running Nokia Lumia 800, which shares the N9 body will get a white version, too.

Check out those live shots of the new Nokia N9 that we took at Nokia World 2011 and don't forget to drop us a line in the comments, sharing your thoughts on this beauty. And if you are planning to actually get it and you happen to live in Finland you might follow one of the two source links below to place your order.

White Nokia N9 White Nokia N9 White Nokia N9 White Nokia N9

A hat tip to Alexander for sending this in!

Source 1 | Source 2

Reader comments

  • WhiteUnicornN9
  • 11 Feb 2012
  • Imf

Any news on when the 16gb version of the White Nokia N9 would be available in the States???

  • Anonymous
  • 30 Jan 2012
  • k2Y is selling the nokia n9, are will be also selling the white model soon... check it out.

  • Mirjampi
  • 26 Jan 2012
  • 9Fu

does anybody knows another site where to buy the nokia n9 white? (i cant read finnish, so the verkaupa site is not an otion)..

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