Yet another batch of iPhone photos spotted online

Victor, 26 July, 2016

As we draw ever nearer to September and thus Cupertino's typical announcement window, leaks about the new iPhones are not only increasing in volume, but also quality. We already get some quick shots and even a video or two, but nothing really high-quality. However, that's something the latest batch of stills comes to fix.

They look quite well done and really showcase two future iPhones (or at least their convincing clones). This includes all the details we currently expect to see as well, like the new camera designs, rearranged antenna lines and absence of the 3.5mm audio jack.

Leaked iPhone shots Leaked iPhone shots Leaked iPhone shots Leaked iPhone shots
Leaked iPhone shots

Going by a rumor from earlier today, this might not actually be a complete set. And if we assume Apple will be refreshing both its basic and its "Plus" tiers, then the dual-camera phone in the pictures must be the alleged iPhone 7 Pro (or 6SE Pro, we are not really sure about that either).

Leaked iPhone shots Leaked iPhone shots Leaked iPhone shots Leaked iPhone shots
Leaked iPhone shots

Regardless of the name, we can clearly see the trio of pogo-pins on the back yet again, hinting at functionality similar to that on iPad Pro devices. That really makes us wonder what kind of accessories the US giant might have in store for the phone. Luckily, the wait shouldn't be all that long now, as the Cupertino's announcement is expected to take place early September.

Via (in Dutch)

Reader comments

And where did i say it's ugly? All i said was that they removed the headphone jack. Thats all. And the reply i get is some fanboy screaming about how this design is going to be copied. Calm down, little kid.

hahaaaaa. These phones are chines phone just Copy GUI of IOS in Java..

You are obviously trying to troll, you don't worth my time.

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