Samsung Galaxy A15 4G review

GSMArena Team, 27 January 2024.

Design, build quality and handling

The Galaxy A15 is a smartphone by the (Samsung's) book - flat panels, flat frame, no huge camera housing. You can tell it's a budget phone by its thickness, weight, and, most importantly - screen bezels and the old-school notch.

Samsung Galaxy A15 review

The phone has a tempered glass to keep the screen safe, while the back panel is made of plastic. We have the Blue Black model, which is exactly what the description suggests - a dark blue, almost black hue for the glass and the frame. There are also yellow and blue versions in existence across the EU market.

Samsung Galaxy A15 review

The frame has a matte finish and provides some grip when handling the phone. It has this atypical jut on the right, which accommodates the volume and power/lock key. We are not sure if this was made to spice up the design, or it has a practical explanation as well.

Samsung Galaxy A15 review

The Galaxy A15 has its fingerprint scanner on the surface of the mentioned power key, and it is nicely fast, accurate, and overall - very reliable.

Samsung Galaxy A15 review

The phone features all sorts of fan-favorite features like a microSD expansion slot, an audio jack, FM radio and even NFC. This is quite a rare combination these days. There are no stereo speakers, though.

The sides - Samsung Galaxy A15 review The sides - Samsung Galaxy A15 review
The sides - Samsung Galaxy A15 review The sides - Samsung Galaxy A15 review
The sides

We have no complaints about the Galaxy A15 from our time spent handling and using it. But if you get our Blue Black model, you should know that it is quite a smudge magnet.

Samsung Galaxy A15 review

Reader comments

  • Yalda
  • 10 Jun 2024
  • Fhw

hi i will be happy if you guide me does it have any problem with its keyboard or lagging when you use unfortuntly i cant decide buy note12 4g or A15

G99 in this phone will blast those g85 of redmi 13c to smithereens, redmi 13c is way cheaper though. Depending on your use case, either is an appalling option. As for my choice, I'll choose those infinix/tecno phone anytime of the day for th...

Which one is better compared to redmi 13c