A silver Shine from LG

19 Oct, 2006

LG unveiled their new mobile LG Shine with the hopes of continuing the success of the highly popular LG Chocolate. As part of the latest Black Label series, it aims at fascinating customers both visually and technologically.

LG Shine LG Shine LG Shine LG Shine
The new LG Shine

The new LG Shine has an all-metal brushed stainless steel design and an innovative scroll-key navigation. The TFT color screen with a QVGA resolution is hidden beneath a mirror surface, which adds to the exquisite design. It will be equipped with a 2 megapixel camera with Schneider-Kreuznach lens. The phone will measure 51 x 98 x 14 mm and will weigh 115 g.

LG Shine LG Shine
With a stainless steel body

The new LG Shine is current being released for the Korean market only but detailed information about the GSM version, which would have almost identical characteristics would be available in the beginning of 2007.

Reader comments

  • Daniela
  • 22 Jan 2009
  • mcn

Does the LG shine have a radio? I searched every where but I didn't found it. Please it any one can help i appriciate

  • Daniela
  • 22 Jan 2009
  • mcn

I bought the LG shine 1 month ago. It's very practical to use and you'll be happy to buy it. Hope you get use to it

  • Natalie
  • 15 Aug 2008
  • 4{B

hey im getting the shine in a couple of day and i was wondering if anyone could give me tips about it and how it works and if if works good and stuff like that.

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