Back in Black... Berry: Canadians send out invites to launch China-made phone

Peter, 10 February 2017

Here’s a refreshing new take on a press invite - just show the phone, rather than cramming marketing doublespeak down our throats. Other than a simple hashtag, there are no words in this invite because there’s no need for BlackBerry to say anything - it’s better to just show it.

It’s a Bold move that didn’t throw us for a Curve, this new phone could be a real Pearl. Did the subliminal messaging work? Because seeing this image of the BlackBerry Mercury/DTEK70 brought back a lot of fond memories of the time when BB was awesome. Bolds, Curves, Pearls, they were the workhorses of the business world and, surprisingly, even students were all over them - BlackBerry Messenger being the Snapchat of its day.

Consider yourself invited to virtually attend BlackBerry Mercury/DTEK70's launch
Consider yourself invited to virtually attend BlackBerry Mercury/DTEK70's launch

Anyway, the company didn’t go as far as putting the specifications on the invite, but we know enough from rumors. A relatively small 4.5” screen will sit above the old school QWERTY, inside a modern Snapdragon 821 will provide the number crunching power.

As the DTEK name suggests, the Mercury is a TCL-made phone - the manufacturer already makes two models, but this is the first one with a QWERTY. Check back with us at the end of the month to find out if it carries the BlackBerry spirit or if it has gone the way of Alcatel.


Reader comments

  • AnonD-644545
  • 14 Feb 2017
  • Lbg

I am a frequent Balkibord BlackBerry devices. The reason is because the device is a practical and classic and be distinctive and unique device. I liked this device actually, and I hope to be released in this way because it is more than wonderful.

  • AnonD-368648
  • 13 Feb 2017
  • nxj

Let's hope it's priced as low as possible and TCL and BlackBerry spend some money advertising this device and the DTEK50 and DTEK60. Maybe Trump should be sent the Mercury and DTEK60 and hope he likes one of them?

  • AdamBoy64
  • 13 Feb 2017
  • Fv4

Brilliant. Looking forward to it.

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