Fix for Nokia 6 Beta Labs issue faced by Indian users coming this week

Himanshu, 01 January 2018

Late last month, it came to light that the Nokia 6 Oreo beta is not available in some key markets, including the US and China. While India is not on that list, users in the country have been facing issues participating in beta labs.

HMD had earlier said they've identified the issue and working on fixing it. And now, CPO Juho Sarvikas has said the company will be pushing a couple of improvements this week (that will likely fix the problem), before making available the Oreo beta build through Beta Labs.

Here's what the executive exactly said:

So this is good news for Nokia 6 users in India who want to get the Oreo experience on their units before the update begins rolling out publicly.



Reader comments

  • AnonD-710766
  • 02 Jan 2018
  • EQp

I am from Bangladesh and I'm using oreo beta in my nokia 6.

  • Anonymous
  • 02 Jan 2018
  • YM3

You see people? They leave the manufacturers who don't provide updates alone but attack manufacturers who provide beta version of updates.

"This is what you get for being a fanboy"? What? You get quick updates to mid-rangers and low-end devices and a very extensive software support, in addition to solid devices designed by the Nokia veterans in Finland? Yeah, sounds awful...

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