Flyme 6 comes tomorrow with “Time Machine” feature

Yordan, 30 December 2016

Meizu’s OS Flyme is known as simple and easy to work with. In order to keep being relevant and useful to everyone, the newest Flyme 6 will come out tomorrow with a big update.

Meizu already revealed the system update a month ago along with a list of devices that will get it. The most interesting feature is called “Time Machine” and will feature backup for contacts details you deleted two years ago. It looks a lot like Apple’s feature that has the same name and functions on OSX.

The Chinese company reveals that “Time Machine” will work and record current actions only if you turn it on. It can restore deleted contacts back from 2 years ago. .

If you happen to have one of the lucky devices that will get Flyme 6 let us know how the feature works in the comments.

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Reader comments

  • Jordan
  • 02 Jan 2017
  • X$7

To be honest, flyme od is somewhat different but is Really very easy to use, it is by far the best os i have used so far, easiest, quickest and handy

  • YowYow
  • 02 Jan 2017
  • UD{

that ain't gonna happen bud, you can only retrieve something you lost if you turned on the feature before you deleted something

  • rahul
  • 01 Jan 2017
  • rKV

I have used most Android interfaces from Samsung, Xiaomi, lebovo and stock Android, Flyme is the best Android spin.

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