Google Podcasts support coming to Android Auto soon

Enrique, 01 August 2018

Back in June, Google released its own Podcasts app for Android, aptly called Google Podcasts. However, since its release, some have likely been wondering when the app would get official Android Auto integration.

Android Police reports that one of its readers began seeing Google Podcasts integration working, but not entirely. According to this reader, if you start Playing a Google Podcast before firing up Android Auto, it appears in the media controls. However the option to actually select Google Podcasts among other music apps like Google Play Music or Pocket Casts is not available.

Source: Android Police

The standalone Android Auto app makes it safer to operate a device while driving with a less distracting UI. Adding Google Podcasts to be integrated with Google’s own Android Auto app would be a welcome addition.

Speaking of great app integrations, Spotify (and not Google or YouTube Music) was recently integrated to work with the default Google Clock app to be set as an Alarm tone and the feature is currently rolling out over the next week.

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Reader comments

  • Max
  • 07 Aug 2018
  • DkD

Why don't they make it a proper app first and add at least few good features like video podcasts, autoplay direction adjustment, etc. Right now it's an absolute POS.

Yet still no swipe to change tracks.

Available only on First World countries....

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