Instagram might soon hide the Like count from your posts

Sagar, 19 April 2019

The number of Likes on your Instagram posts may soon be invisible to others as the Facebook subsidiary has created a design prototype, which hides the Like counts from your posts.

This information comes to us through reverse engineering expert Jane Wong who spotted the change in the source code of Instagram's Android app. Unlike the current design, this new design hides the total number of Likes on your post from others, but they are still visible to you.

By hiding the Like count from the posts, Instagram wants "your followers to focus on what you share, not how many likes your posts get."

An Instagram spokesperson said the company is not testing this change right now, but said that it's always "exploring ways to reduce pressure" on its users.

Well, if Instagram indeed proceeds further with this, it will be welcomed by people for whom likes and followers are nothing but a number. However, we are pretty sure this decision will leave influencers unhappy who make money off this platform based on how many likes their posts get and the number of followers they have.

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Reader comments

  • Octavia
  • 10 Nov 2019
  • fCM

This is great

  • Anonymous
  • 21 Apr 2019
  • mqs

Loool cant wait XD

This comment made my day

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