New Lollipop image available for Nexus 6

18 March, 2015

Last week Android 5.1 was made official and naturally made available for Google's own Nexus devices. It brought many improvements over previous Lollipop builds, including a few new features, like HD voice calls and silent mode.

The Nexus 6 was one of the handsets that benefited most from the new OS version, which brought about performance improvements and fixes to the handset. That version was distributed to users in the form of an OTA, but a quick look at Google's Factory Images page, reveals that there is now another Android 5.1 build for the same device.

According to the change log, this new software does not bring any significant changes, which is also evident from its identical version number. Instead the LMY47E build comes with a new version of the radio drivers, which signifies some tweaks and changes were made in connectivity - cellular, Wi-Fi or otherwise.

It is still unclear, whether the new Lollipop build will be distributed to users over the air. Chances are, that if it brings about some universally beneficial patch or improvement, it will seed to users. However, it might be targeted to address a very concrete issue, in which case, it will most likely be up to users to decide whether or not they want to flash it.

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Reader comments

  • Knaha
  • 19 Mar 2015
  • w43

This android version 5.1 best for usage and speed manageable. New LOLLIPOP for Nexus 6 of the handset benefited.I like this

  • Aniketh94
  • 19 Mar 2015
  • Hkt

I agree with you dude they have been only makin a fool of us!!! Since these are low cost and less priority devices Google not giving updates :-( if they can't commit why do they promise!!!!

  • Anonymous
  • 18 Mar 2015
  • t1$

Google forget about android one, they did not kept their promise to release android L to the android one devices. their is no difference between the local vendors and google they won't keep their promises

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