World's first 6GB RAM phone vivo XPlay 5 leaks in renders

23 February, 2016
The company has also released a teaser confirming that the device will feature Hi-Fi 3.0 audio.

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  • _
  • 2Au
  • 24 Feb 2016

#That would be to great VIVO if that was...but still i prefer to have iPhone...!!! ♥

    • D
    • AnonD-499486
    • gG3
    • 24 Feb 2016

    vivo the best. i must admit.

      • s
      • samsungsuper7
      • JFf
      • 24 Feb 2016


        AnonD-72449, 23 Feb 2016So basically a Galaxy S7 Edge with a nice metal back.. does... moreThe differences is in the level of multi-tasking capability. More ram, more apps can be open and close and reopen again instantaneously without reload time. Why do you think we have multitasking button on our phone in the first place? Yeah, the button that most assumed as menu button, that one.

          • D
          • AnonD-496804
          • XMI
          • 24 Feb 2016

          AnonD-497032, 24 Feb 2016this phone will have great success.As you can see, after the last rumor, if confirmed, will be a HUGE success.

            • D
            • AnonD-496804
            • XMI
            • 24 Feb 2016

            Can't say what is so........GREAT phone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 0Tw
              • 24 Feb 2016

              ithehappy, 23 Feb 2016So when someone other than Samsung puts 6 gigs of RAM in a ... moreWhy should anyone complain for more ram? He should be lobotomy zed or something. Unlike cpu and gpu , ram is always useful no matter the amount...

              Eventually all apps get cached and the phone becomes ultra fast. Not even the fastest cpu can make a phone as fast as one with cached apps. It's he most meaningful upgrade to boost performance, I dig that vivo sees this, instead of upgrading gimmicks like the gpu...

                • D
                • AnonD-497032
                • 0Ud
                • 24 Feb 2016

                this phone will have great success.

                  • D
                  • AnonD-476428
                  • PPT
                  • 23 Feb 2016

                  Hi-Fi 3.0 but with only one speaker mono !!

                  Wtf ????

                    So when someone other than Samsung puts 6 gigs of RAM in a mobile phone, complaints are much less in number, how wise people are.

                      AnonD-176696, 23 Feb 2016Finally! Someone who agrees with me! The way windows n IOS ... moreWhat's their to agree? Windows and iOS are based on different language than Android, of course they run much smoother and better on weak hardware! What's the point?

                        • D
                        • AnonD-488240
                        • iK4
                        • 23 Feb 2016

                        This s7 look alike smartphone is beautiful. If vivo releases this smartphone with:
                        + a big (4000+ mah) removable battery,
                        + an unlocked bootloader,
                        + and a shatterproof screen,
                        i'll buy it on the first day.

                          • R
                          • Reiki
                          • 9LA
                          • 23 Feb 2016

                          Anonymous, 23 Feb 2016Yes it does. It does lag when you open a bunch of apps + br... moreEvery device in the world lags when you do that... duh

                            • G
                            • Gibby
                            • Ixj
                            • 23 Feb 2016

                            ...hang on a second.
                            Upon closer inspection - this is just a knock-off of the S6 Edge design - it only curves in 1 direction - unlike the S7.
                            I change my mind - prefer the S7's screen. The curvature at the top will make top scrolling for notifications better.
                            Don't really care if it's 4gb or 6gb of RAM - either will be more than enough for me! ;)

                              • D
                              • AnonD-72449
                              • s1S
                              • 23 Feb 2016

                              So basically a Galaxy S7 Edge with a nice metal back.. doesn't sound that bad actually i prefer it to be metal as opposed to glass lol. What i think is ridiculous is the 6GB of ram.. why does a mobile need that much? I can't tell the difference between 2GB, 3GB, or 4GB? and now 6? I think it's just to show off, it's not needed. I think they need to be worried about other things.. just my opinion.

                                • S
                                • Spike1
                                • xf7
                                • 23 Feb 2016

                                I might consider it, if it proves to be as fast as sami note 6. Unless Note 6 comes with real deal, not like note 5

                                  • M
                                  • Mkdc
                                  • 5Mb
                                  • 23 Feb 2016

                                  Hopefully, the image shown of the curve is real. Dont want another useless like the curve on galaxy s edge

                                    • R
                                    • Rasheed
                                    • w43
                                    • 23 Feb 2016

                                    what is the Exact cost of this mobile

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-477406
                                      • Qgx
                                      • 23 Feb 2016

                                      AJ_74, 23 Feb 2016Android doesn't "demand" powerful hardware. Go read the maj... moreI both agree and disagree with you.
                                      The reason iPhones are so fluid at launch is because Apple is brilliant at optimizing efficient software to efficient hardware. The newest iPhone will always be amazingly fast. However, the newest iPhone will also always outpace the older generations, and not just because the new iPhone is more powerful. New versions of iOS are never optimized for older hardware, so older hardware struggles to run it. An iPhone 6 outpaces any Android on iOS 8, then struggles with iOS 9. That's just how Apple works. They support your phone for three years, sure, but they're not really putting any work into it. They want you to buy a new phone.
                                      And I put Windows 10 Mobile on a Nokia Lumia 520 with 512 MB of RAM in the early days of Windows 10 Mobile's technical preview, and it ran fine. My Lumia 830 with 1 GB of RAM is faster than my Samsung Galaxy S5 or Galaxy S4 on Windows 10 Mobile's latest Insider Preview Build. I don't deny that Android is a great operating system, because it is. But it's far from perfect. Android's performance issues aren't because it's consistently bad, but because it's inconsistently good. You can pick up a Moto G from three years ago and it runs great, but pick up a new Nexus 5x and it runs terrible. I can pick up a Galaxy Note 2 that runs way better than a Galaxy S5, or a Galaxy Mega 2 that ran great out of the box then broke completely on its first update. I have an HTC Desire that runs smooth with a Snapdragon 210 yet I can also pick up a Moto X from 2014 that's slower than the Desire. The general consensus is that Android is filled with bugs and lag, which is no longer explicitly true. Google has gone a long way towards making Android fast and reliable, certainly far more so than just a few years ago, but that lag and those bugs are far from gone, also. I can pick up two of the exact same Android devices, and out of the box one will run fine and the other won't.
                                      People can argue that it's the software. Okay, let's take the Nexus 5x for example. Google, every year, releases a new version of Android with the promise that it's more reliable and faster, with better battery performance. Then they put this new shiny version of stock Android onto a Nexus phone as the epitome of what Android should be. When one of the brand new Nexus devices runs worse than a three year old Nexus with the exact same version of Android, there's probably more to it. Or compare the Nexus 5x to the LG G4. The LG G4 runs way smoother than the Nexus 5x.
                                      Oh, but wait, you can pick up one LG G4 and it runs terrible compared to the LG G4 next to it. And maybe you find a Nexus 5x that doesn't have any issues. Do you see my point?
                                      Don't get me wrong, I love Android, but let's not pretend it doesn't have a whole boat load of issues, one of which being massively inconsistent performance (not to mention inconsistent and unreliable updates, along with the distinct lack of overall security).

                                        • G
                                        • Gibby
                                        • Ixj
                                        • 23 Feb 2016

                                        It is indeed beautiful. Better looking than the S7 Edge. Love the off-screen capacitive buttons not taking up any of the screen.
                                        Although I just KNOW the camera & screen quality on the S7 will be superior. Plus with the VR & 360 camera - it's more of a complete package. More international availability too.
                                        But fair play to Vivo I say. Awesome looking device :)