13-inch MacBook Air gets 8GB RAM as standard

20 April, 2016
Apple upgraded it's new MacBook yesterday with faster Skylake processors, bigger battery, and a new rose gold color, but there's also something for those looking to buy the more versatile MacBook Air.

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  • D
  • AnonD-594390
  • XNN
  • 07 Oct 2016

just switch to macbook air in few month now buy second hand , struggle with laptop w*ndows for Adobe CS (photoshop, illustrator and premiere) in 10 years sacrifice 4 laptop, lastly f*jitsu lifebook. i buy the same spec for macbook, 4gig RAM and i5 core but less VGA for macbook (just about, 1,6GB), its better, less to none of "not responding", this is overprice OS, i give 5 stars of 5 . the other is the risk i have to take for the job done.

    • D
    • AnonD-422306
    • XNh
    • 20 Apr 2016

    AnonD-497261, 20 Apr 2016Looks like Apple is at it again . . jacking their customers... moreNever did like Apple for their overpriced products (but I do love OSX). I agree with your claim 100% but sadly most of the world will just go on loving Apple for all of its "innovation" glory. Heck, some of my friends still use iPhones, some do have a reason i.e: Android is not their type of OS, but most use it just for the sake of using it.

      • t
      • techmad
      • Q18
      • 20 Apr 2016

      AnonD-497261, 20 Apr 2016Looks like Apple is at it again . . jacking their customers... moreAgreed and yet I sigh here thinking there will be hoards of naysayers who will willingly part with their dough for either of these overrated and rehashed devices. Thus goes the cliché, a fool and his money are soon parted.

      I do applaud your refreshingly sound attempt here though.

        • M
        • Mac
        • x7W
        • 20 Apr 2016

        Home were the days when Sewve Jobs wanted the newest technologies on Apple products even before they were popular. Take the example of slit load cd/DVDs drive, wifi etc. Apple has really gone down in technology and has fallen behind its competitors. Shame

          • D
          • AnonD-507785
          • nF{
          • 20 Apr 2016

          SS, 20 Apr 2016Funny. Not everyone need 16gb memory and can afford money t... moreYeah...because this MacBook will be affordable one. You'll probably be able to buy 2 x 16GB laptops right now for the price of that 8GB MacBook. If you're tight on the money, you should look away from Apple overpriced products. Most of us know they make good stuff, but when you consider the price, it's not a good value for your cash.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • PUf
            • 20 Apr 2016

            AnonD-497261, 20 Apr 2016Looks like Apple is at it again . . jacking their customers... moreUsually the rants over here are just laughable - but you have so many valid points and you're argument makes perfect sense that you have me convinced. I too am now 100% against the SE - Apple have basically released the same phone 4 times - the 5, 5s/5c and now se (changing internals do not count, please don't do us a favour saying you bumped up the camera to 4K, that really should've been done 2 years ago Apple). If any other tech company dared to repeat its product line, they probably would've filed for bankruptcy already, but apple gets away with it - and they will again unless we as consumers start to realise the bigger picture.

              • l
              • leaf
              • prX
              • 20 Apr 2016

              The 8 gigs should be plenty. It's not like you're gonna to anything resource intensive on a machine with a dual core CPU and intel HD graphics anyway. For 1.500€ you're not getting much horsepower with this machine.

                • D
                • AnonD-294135
                • Myi
                • 20 Apr 2016

                AnonD-497261, 20 Apr 2016Apple Tech Dev #1: I'm so excited about integrating DDR4 in... morePersonally the iPhone 5/S/SE look nicer than the iPhone 6/6s (plus). Also the iPhone 6s is pretty slippy, and the iPhone 5 series are quite nice to hold. In all other aspects I agree with you.
                P.s., I have the iPhone 6s Plus as my daily driver.

                  • M
                  • Max
                  • vId
                  • 20 Apr 2016

                  My HP Pavilion dv7 has 8gb of ram since 2011. It had killer specs back then and still holds the ground pretty good even today. 5 years and still such a great laptop.

                    • B
                    • Boldy
                    • 9xn
                    • 20 Apr 2016

                    AnonD-497261, 20 Apr 2016Looks like Apple is at it again . . jacking their customers... moreYou sure know what you're talking about. Thanks for the comment.

                    I agree that macbook, macbook air, iPhones, iMac and mac pro are ripoffs. But Apple makes some good stuff like iPad and macbook pro.

                    I'm pretty sure they won't skimp on the macbook pros.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • X}$
                      • 20 Apr 2016

                      AnonD-497261, 20 Apr 2016Looks like Apple is at it again . . jacking their customers... moreAnd the award goes to you. Very emotional comment, I can't stop my tears. Hahaha

                        • C
                        • Cyr4x
                        • mMV
                        • 20 Apr 2016

                        Xz8441, 20 Apr 20168GB is 2016? I have been using 16 GB for at least 5 years nowNo game on Steam suggests over 8 gigs as a recommended value (at least I haven't seen any), so why would you need 16 gigs, especially on 13'' compact laptop, which is hardly a stuff for gaming and other heavy-working? Only cause it's 2016?

                          • D
                          • AnonD-497261
                          • IbG
                          • 20 Apr 2016

                          Looks like Apple is at it again . . jacking their customers while keeping cost down behind the scenes.

                          Anyone who can't see it is BLIND!!

                          Why in the FU*K would you drop a Skylake chipset and CPU in a machine and not make the upgrade to DDR4??!! I'll tell you why . . because they wanna use up all their old hardware!!

                          Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I will ALWAYS build a HACKINTOSH or a HACKBOOK. Why would I pay $2000 for hardware that is worth $900 that I can buy myself, or in the case of a HackBook Pro, buy another company's machine with superior hardware to run OS X on??!! TonyMacX86's Chimera and Clover bootloader's have become so mature that you can't even look at building a Hackintosh rig as a "hack" anymore. We aren't talking a VM either . . the machine I'm typing on right now has ONE OS on it and it's OS X 10.11.4 (with a Skylake i5-6600K & DDR4!!)Tricking OS X into believing you're running on Apple hardware has become so streamlined that even a novice could do it. On top of that, MultiBeast's post installation tool lets you add a SLEW of hardware to your rig, use either Intel's integrated graphics or Nvidia's graphics solutions, install multiple audio codecs, AND SO MUCH MORE!!

                          Don't fall for this, please!! I used to LOVE Apple, and I still LOVE their OS (OS X, not iOS) because I do most of my editing in Pro Tools 11|HD, so Windows is NOT an option for me. But I'm not going to pay a premium for LAST GENERATION TECHNOLOGY just because it is made by Apple.

                          I am an A.C.M.T. (Apple Certified Macintosh Technician), so before you fanboys go mouthing off your nonsense, please bring a RELEVANT technological argument for any statement trying to prove the contrary.

                          I also do warranty repairs on iOS devices, and they pulled this same crap with the iPhone SE. The SE has the A9, yes, BUT, THAT'S THE ONLY NEW THING ABOUT IT!!! They wanted to use up old 5S stock, and that's what they did. OH, YOU WANT PROOF?! Hows about the simple fact that the display assembly for the 5S is plug and play swappable with the SE!! I fixed 2 SE's yesterday, and guess what I used to fix their smashed displays?? That's right, iPhone 5S OEM replacement panels!! And to illustrate just how INSANE that is, no other iPhone generation's display panels work with a previous or later generation's panels. They ALWAYS have different ZIF connectors and/or said connectors are positioned where they wont work on another iPhone. Put simply, an iPhone 5S panel won't even connect with a 5C logic board (different LCD ZIF connection); and while the 5S and 5C both share the same connector positioning, the LCD ZIF connectors are different (the digitizer connections are the same though, but what does that matter?). Apple has ALWAYS made sure to change it up internally . . except with the SE, which was a perfect opportunity to make some quick $$ off unused iPhone 5S parts. And yes, the housing is the same (I just said the 5S and SE display assemblies are plug and play swappable . . try to keep up). The SE even uses the 1st gen TouchID sensor that came in the 5S!! The only difference is a slightly different lightning assembly and a larger battery. The logic board is even farmed from the same batch as the 5S with some differences to allow the A9 to be married to the components of the 5S.

                          PLEASE WAKE UP EVERYONE!! Steve Jobs would NEVER have allowed something like this to happen!! DDR3L on a Skylake machine??!! SERIOUSLY??!! DO YOU KNOW HOW STUPID THAT IS . . ESPECIALLY AFTER SEEING THE PRICE!!!!?????

                            • D
                            • AnonD-497261
                            • s7j
                            • 20 Apr 2016

                            Apple Tech Dev #1: I'm so excited about integrating DDR4 into the new MacBooks!!

                            Tim Cook: Skylake still has support for DDR3L right?

                            Apple Tech Dev #1: Uuhh . . yeah . . but why would we . .

                            Tim Cook: (interrupts) Why would we integrate DDR4 slots into our hardware if have a bunch of unused DDR3 cradle assemblies sitting in warehouses?! Just use DDR3L!! Our customers are sheep, they won't know the difference. The people using Macs for their intended purpose of audio & video editing and rendering will always go for the Mac Pro, so we don't have to worry about the average customer noticing our scheme.

                            Apple Tech Dev #2: Wait . . WHAT?! Why would we even make the upgrade to Skylake if we're just gonna use old memory tech?! We already have to change the BGA socket, the chipset socket, voltage regulation, and a bunch of other stuff . . so why do all that work to upgrade the Macbook if we're going to leave out one of the best features of Skylake??

                            Apple Tech Dev #1: (whispers) ::::shut up bro, you clearly don't understand how it works here::::

                            Tim Cook: No no, he doesn't understand, so let me clarify . . We CLAIM to be innovative and technologically relevant, but in reality, we know our customers will blindly buy whatever we tell them to. Besides, we need to use up that old DDR3 hardware. We'll integrate DDR4 into our laptops in a few years . . when it's almost irrelevant . . (evil laugh) . . HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

                            Apple Tech Dev #2: YOU'RE A MONSTER!! I'M GOING TO EXPOSE THIS WHOLE COMPANY FOR THE RACKET IT IS!! (why won't my iPhone work in here?)


                            Tim Cook: (holding smoking gun) Does anyone else wanna talk further about DDR4 integration??

                            Apple Tech Dev #1: NO SIR!! I'LL GET RIGHT ON THE SKYLAKE UPGRADE, BUT WITH DDR3L!!

                            Tim Cook: Good . . I am glad you understand how we do things here at Apple (puts hands together in "pyramid of evil contemplation") . . (evil laugh) . . HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              • D
                              • AnonD-356282
                              • PUa
                              • 20 Apr 2016

                              Xz8441, 20 Apr 20168GB is 2016? I have been using 16 GB for at least 5 years nowEntry level. Relax.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Tr3
                                • 20 Apr 2016

                                AnonD-424798, 20 Apr 2016They still didn't add Skylake on the Air 11/13? That's strange!The Airs are now kind of like the iBooks of the range. Entry level. MacBook Pros will probably get a makeover that incorporates the MacBook 12 inch thinness and Gold and Rose Gold treatment.

                                ALso interesting rumour of incorporating AMD Polaris graphics chips http://www.macrumors.com/2016/04/19/amd-polaris-2016-macs/

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • Tr3
                                  • 20 Apr 2016

                                  Everybody needs to relax. The MacBook Airs are at the entry level side of MacBooks and emphasis is more on pure portability than performance.

                                  We need to wait and see what happens to the MacBook Pros at the WWDC.

                                    • S
                                    • SS
                                    • KiK
                                    • 20 Apr 2016

                                    Xz8441, 20 Apr 20168GB is 2016? I have been using 16 GB for at least 5 years nowFunny. Not everyone need 16gb memory and can afford money to buy laptop with 16gb memory.

                                      • s
                                      • sr777
                                      • X}t
                                      • 20 Apr 2016

                                      My i3 desktop with Win7 has only 2GB of ram. Still does the job smoothly. lol

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • KA3
                                        • 20 Apr 2016

                                        I have been using 8gb ram on my laptop since 2011