Apple gets all defensive, free iPhone 4 cases for everyone

16 July, 2010
Apple just finished off its press conference dedicated on the iPhone 4 reception issues leaving us quite puzzled, to say the least. At one point Steve Jobs was saying that every phone has a weak spot, then he...

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • mXQ
  • 19 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 19 Jul 2010The problem really is, are non-iphone users like you commen... moreWell complain to AT&T then! Lol

So small minded.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • mXQ
    • 19 Jul 2010

    Anonymous, 19 Jul 2010The problem really is, are non-iphone users like you commen... moreOh god, dont try and use logic with these haters. They wont understand!

    Amazing how some people can use symbian and Maemo yet are so stupid

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • q@I
      • 19 Jul 2010

      Arturas, 19 Jul 2010You do realize that they are releasing only one phone model... moreThe problem really is, are non-iphone users like you commenting about the iphone4 having receptions problems when you are not even using it.

      The iphone4 sold over 3 millions units in just 3 weeks. Only .55% of that over 3 million people called Apple and complained about the reception issue. The others are doing fine and are happy with their iphones. So how can you say that we've been screwed? Apple offers a full refund for all iphone4 purchases. Don't you think all of us would have returned our iphones by now if we couldn't make and receive calls with it?

        • A
        • Arturas
        • MMZ
        • 19 Jul 2010

        Naved, 18 Jul 2010Well this shows how much apple cares for their customers un... moreYou do realize that they are releasing only one phone model a year and if everybody realizes that this model is a failure, the iphone sector gets critical, right? So of course they desperately are trying to hide the fact that this is a major screw up with their phone not performing it's main functions correctly and they are giving out "free" cases to make you feel like you are being treated well, while actually you've been f*cked in the ass by them not having done their homework properly!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Iax
          • 18 Jul 2010

          Anonymous, 18 Jul 2010What are you basing your judgement on? Where are your cr... moreIf the hardware issue was a software issue i'm sure apple would have provided a fix. They haven't hence "all smartphones Have a weakspot" comment. It's a way of saying we messed up but it's the phones fault. Not we the designers. It is upto apple to prove to us it's a software issue

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • niD
            • 18 Jul 2010

            [deleted post]And why you think iphone4 dropping lot of calls? the data say else? And i know iphone4 users who havent drop any call

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • RKp
              • 18 Jul 2010

              "Small advances are applauded as breakthroughs." LOL. Giving away free rubber edge protectors to alleviate a hardware design problem and spinning it as proof of the company's virtue. Lulz.

                • J
                • John Swan
                • RKp
                • 18 Jul 2010

                Reality distortion field (RDF) is a term coined by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981, to describe company co-founder Steve Jobs' manipulative marketing propaganda and its effects on the developers working on the Mac project. Later the term has also been used to refer to perceptions of his keynote (or Stevenote) by observers and devoted users of Apple computers and products.

                Bud Tribble claimed that the term came from Star Trek.

                In essence, RDF is the idea that Steve Jobs is able to convince himself and others to believe almost anything with a mix of charm, charisma, bluster, exaggeration, marketing, appeasement, and persistence. RDF is said to distort an audience's sense of proportion or scales. Small advances are applauded as breakthroughs. Interesting developments become turning points, or huge leaps forward. Impossible-seeming schedules, requirements or specifications are acceded to. Snap judgments about technical merits of approaches are sometimes reversed without acknowledgment. Those who use the term RDF contend that it is not an example of outright deception but more a case of warping the powers of judgment. The term "audience" may refer to an individual whose attitudes Steve is intending to affect.

                Often the term is used as a derogatory remark to criticize Apple's products and its more enthusiastic fans.

                The term has extended in industry to other managers and leaders, who try to convince their employees to become passionately committed to projects, sometimes without regard to the overall product or to competitive forces in the marketplace. It also has been used with regard to hype for products that are not necessarily connected with any one person.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • meZ
                  • 18 Jul 2010

                  iphone and its antenna design was "revolutionary", & "awesome", & "magical" .. now it is ending up with rubber bumper .. it is also "revolutionary", & "awesome", & "magical"

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 4VD
                    • 18 Jul 2010

                    Cases? Cases?! Is that the best you can do, Jobs? Why not legalize jailbreaking or better yet, offer a network unlocked and jailbroken iPhone 4 at a cheap price. Jobs didn't embarass Apple, Jobs embarassed the iPhone community.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • kMh
                      • 18 Jul 2010

                      Job's New Liver, 17 Jul 2010This is expected if you studied the history of Apple as a c... moreGreat writings, and explanations. It was really worth it.

                      I swear I remember you writing at least 3 postings yesterday. Somehow, it is now down to 2. The RDF (Reality Distortion Field) mentioning is now gone.

                        • N
                        • Naved
                        • K2G
                        • 18 Jul 2010

                        Well this shows how much apple cares for their customers unlike other companies

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • mXQ
                          • 18 Jul 2010

                          Duel, 18 Jul 2010So steve sayed the many smartphones have same "problem... moreSo steve sayed the many smartphones have same "problem"

                          So what happened? have you guys checked youtube lately? there's many videos of people doing the same thing with other phone models, (nexus one, many motorola phones samsung galaxy etc.

                          It just no-one havent noticed/care that bar thing before iphone4

                          i mean losing bars with bad connection is normal, it's ridiculous how people go crazy if they saw bar dropping one or two lines

                          the real problem is dropping call, but how big the problem is? I mean we all just see hundreds of videos showing that users can drop their bars :) I want to hear how big the real problem is, what steve sayed, not that big, but well do we ever get the answer? you just need to try the phone and test yourself if its dropping calls

                          Internet is so powerful thing, these kind of things get out of the world

                          I AGREE

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • T1e
                            • 18 Jul 2010

                            Pointing out other manufacturers was so rubbish..

                              • R
                              • Rui
                              • q}}
                              • 18 Jul 2010

                              Apple has made a living of telling people what they sell is exactly what they need, Video calling over wifi? I was making video calls 3 years ago over my line, no need for wifi, come on people sure Iphone are nice, and have lots of apps. Apple has made a living of telling customers that they are the best and everyone else out there is the enemy. And now this, free bumper stickers, If RIM has problem with their phone they will mail you a new one before you return the old defected phone. I've had a Bold replaced because my battery cover wasn't locking properly. now thats service!

                                • m
                                • matt
                                • vjX
                                • 18 Jul 2010

                                i use to think iphone is superior as a smart phone.But now steve had screw up the iphone4 again with poor reception issue.Nokia may not be so advance on smart phone,but hay,their phone's reception is far superior than iphone.i had gave up my old 3gs iphone & move on to samsung wave!!. What a day & night different!! Sorry iphone i think
                                u overrated,over selling & overPRICE. !Lot of yr fans really disappointed...

                                  • A
                                  • Andrei
                                  • 0Up
                                  • 18 Jul 2010

                                  Apple made a big design mistake with iPhone 4 and will support consequences,

                                    • D
                                    • Duel
                                    • niD
                                    • 18 Jul 2010

                                    So steve sayed the many smartphones have same "problem"

                                    So what happened? have you guys checked youtube lately? there's many videos of people doing the same thing with other phone models, (nexus one, many motorola phones samsung galaxy etc.

                                    It just no-one havent noticed/care that bar thing before iphone4

                                    i mean losing bars with bad connection is normal, it's ridiculous how people go crazy if they saw bar dropping one or two lines

                                    the real problem is dropping call, but how big the problem is? I mean we all just see hundreds of videos showing that users can drop their bars :) I want to hear how big the real problem is, what steve sayed, not that big, but well do we ever get the answer? you just need to try the phone and test yourself if its dropping calls

                                    Internet is so powerful thing, these kind of things get out of the world

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • P%n
                                      • 18 Jul 2010

                                      Get a clue, 18 Jul 2010Well seeing how its a hardware flaw....ALL OF THEM. You do ... moreWhat are you basing your judgement on?

                                      Where are your credentials to make such an assessment?

                                      Do you want to explain in detail this "hardware issue" or are you just feeding of baseless comments made on the web?

                                      According to many sources reception is improved.

                                      You have absolutely no credibility.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • nx@
                                        • 18 Jul 2010

                                        i like the way apple cover its flaws but its totally unacceptable to involve other phones with their negative issues.

                                        i am using bb bold 9700 and nokia n900, and both have very strong signal reception. never experience drop calls which apple iphones are infamous of.

                                        i even tried holding the way apple is showing but it never loses the signal reception. hahahaha

                                        steve jobs, shame on u, don't compare your trash made toys with a real phones. =)))