Apple patents "The Grove" because trees need to be patented now

23 July, 2016
An Apple Store design, demoed in May, has now been patented.

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Noooo.. That's also my concept for my upcoming coffee shop.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • MVg
    • 24 Jul 2016

    who actually cares though

      • D
      • AnonD-135930
      • AL%
      • 24 Jul 2016

      Julliard, 24 Jul 2016But still, patenting interior design is ridiculous. So, App... moreThey can't sue if you decorate your homr like this... But they totally can and will if you try to make money with it...

        • D
        • AnonD-444894
        • xub
        • 24 Jul 2016

        Julliard, 24 Jul 2016But still, patenting interior design is ridiculous. So, App... moreWhy on earth they accept their trolling ? such patent proposals should be rejected

          • D
          • AnonD-444894
          • xub
          • 24 Jul 2016

          Blame the one who is allowing such patents to happen not Apple. this is ridiculous .

            samsung galaxy s6, 23 Jul 2016its not about the tress. I read the article and its for the... moreBut still, patenting interior design is ridiculous. So, Apple will sue me if I do my home deco like that? Apple truly is King of Patents Troll.

              • L
              • Luigi
              • aXM
              • 24 Jul 2016

              sr777, 24 Jul 2016These articles are all over the internet, not just on GSMA.... moreBecause most of the people cannot afford to buy an iPhone, like in Brazil iPhone is very must expensive.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t}F
                • 24 Jul 2016

                well, apple grows on trees ! nothing amusing.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • X%e
                  • 24 Jul 2016

                  Umbilical Noose, 23 Jul 2016Yes they made fun of it because they are Samsung fanboys. F... morethey make fun of sth totally illogical and unnecessary (like the tree) for valid reasons, they're SAMSUNG fanboys, no other oem whatsoever, JUST samsung!

                  they made fun of the obvious ignorance of the alleged US army statement regarding the fact that the iPhone 6s is faster than a FOUR year old galaxy note 2. *gasps* HOW DARE GSMA 😬😬! how dare they mock the fact that the 4 year old note 2 is obviously gonna be slower! how dare they make it so obvious in their article which millions are gonna read! those sammy shills have NO right to mock apple for that, those no good sammy fanboys! 😬😬

                  listen mate, stop being soo blinded by one company that doesn't give two single flying f***s about you, who doesn't even know and care that you exist, they only care that your hard-earned money ends up making their wallets grow thicker. you are the one acting as the fanboy here mate. stop living in this bubble of yours and burst out of it, because the more you encapsulate yourself in it, the more you allow these companies to get in your head, manipulate you into buying their products no matter how absolute and utter garbage they may be, at the end of the day its going to be YOU that's going to have to suffer the consequences.

                    • s
                    • sr777
                    • X}t
                    • 24 Jul 2016

                    Umbilical Noose, 23 Jul 2016Yes they made fun of it because they are Samsung fanboys. F... moreThese articles are all over the internet, not just on GSMA. in fact GSMA is very late on these stories.

                    You are probably from one of those countries where you see your favorite fruit every corner. Well things are different here. GSMA is a global website but most of its users are from South Asia. In these parts of the world IPhone usage is very low when compared to Android, Even the global usage of iPhone is a very low percentage. Only in US, UK and few other countries IPhone has a market share greater than 20%.

                    So my friend from a country with lot of fruits, come out of the well.

                      Just to make it clear, the patent refers strictly to a store design of having trees INSIDE the store, not at open spaces, right?
                      Because putting some tables among a few trees can be seen everywhere in the world in parks, backyards etc, but inside a store is an original idea, that couldnt happen for 2 reasons, the necessity light and earth, apple stores have those glass walls and ceilings and now this tree base could prolly support a tree and make it happen!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-367917
                        • v6Y
                        • 24 Jul 2016

                        Comments on this thread attacking the journalistic approach used... get some fresh air!

                        Teachers have always known to engage their audience to be effective, and effective writing can use humour to keep the audience engaged.

                        I do agree due to the brevity of the 'article' it might sound 'one sided' or directed..
                        If anything it is a genuine click bait to get us all talking...

                        Anyhow, a net lookup..
                        Macworld had a rundown on the los angelas store: that is was located in a concrete jungle, and the redesign that was promoted in mid May.

                        Some of the uniqueness is stuff like..
                        (from macworld article)
                        The space for educational workshops is now called The Forum and has a really big video screen, and the off-the-floor space where Apple reps help business customers is now called The Boardroom. But other changes could have a bigger effect on how you use the Apple Store, even if you never visit San Francisco. We hope they can trickle down to more locations, flagships and mall-sized stores alike.

                        So that sounds great.
                        Consistant shopfront designs helps in an international market. Makes us instantly recognise and feel safe/at home in the 'similar' shop space.

                        Anyhow, the above article seems to have missed what was being reported,.. maybe they didn't research enough or maybe it was click bait bias.

                        So, commentors; lets be civil, yes?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Tr3
                          • 24 Jul 2016

                          Google fake Apple stores China and you will see why they need to protect themselves.

                          While you're there, also check out what Samsung 'suddenly' decided to open after Apple opened their stores a few years ago. The denial by their blind followers just make it even worse, so this simply prevents their next copy move.


                            There must be some kind of innovation here. I will be waiting for 5 mins of this explanation in future keynote :)
                            I wish I could skip the live keynotes, but I can't :c

                              • D
                              • AnonD-367917
                              • v6Y
                              • 24 Jul 2016

                              Anonymous, 23 Jul 2016Considering the fake Apple stores in China. I don't blame apple. Youve nailed it...
                              They need the ability to stand out from the fakes.
                              In this market it would make sense!

                              International patent?

                              Patent law, at its heart, should not be able to patent things that are common sense and natural evolution.

                              This is more a sickness indicative of a litigious society.
                              Apple, when the logo was multicoloured, was distinct.
                              A plain colour apple with a bite missing; that is horrendous that a supermarket was sued for using such a logo in the fruit section (didnt research this just saw the comment on this thread, cheers for that btw..)

                              Anyhow, good on a company for having 'life' in their shop.
                              Malls around the world have been pulling plants, natural light and clocks out of their shopping space for decades.
                              Consumers, when caught up in the shopping world, overshop.
                              People connected to nature, are at peace, and vastly less likely to get caught up in the consumeristic vibe of a mass market shopping environment.

                              Whilst I think natural surrounds are essential (cacti for example absorbing/healing high radio frequency environments), this patent sounds absurd.
                              Whilst I ave never frequented an Apple store; I know I would be happiest in a shop with plants, and would be more likely to 'research' a purchase in such an environment.

                                • k
                                • kunkidou6591
                                • vfD
                                • 24 Jul 2016

                                We can change word lame with Apple right now

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • qKg
                                  • 24 Jul 2016

                                  Since Apple has so many Sheep following them, they should patent grass, not trees.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-79180
                                    • rx7
                                    • 24 Jul 2016

                                    AnonD-231741, 24 Jul 2016I have this in my backyard, it's a matter of time before ap... moreHaha ! Great one !

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-231741
                                      • N0H
                                      • 24 Jul 2016

                                      I have this in my backyard, it's a matter of time before apple sues me.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • uv2
                                        • 24 Jul 2016

                                        Umbilical Noose, 23 Jul 2016Yes they made fun of it because they are Samsung fanboys. F... moreUS army were stupid ignorant, they compared note 2 with 6s in 2016.